36- uncomfortable times

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Denki's pov

The rest of the Sunday it was just cuddling all the day, we watched Netflix, he helped me
re-dye my black hair and then toshi cooked for me. I really do not deserve him, because I'm so unreasonable and petty to him, yet he still treats me so nice and he always tells me that he loves me. What would I have done without him?  He's so gentle, but he's also intimidating and strong.

"Are you ready to go?" He asked me as he placed a black hat on my head. We were going to buy the things for my heat. Which reminded me of what Aizawa said , I mean yeah we both want kids, but not right now. We are still young and have our careers in front of us. Besides the time for that will come.

I nodded at him and grabbed my phone, putting it on my pocket, today was hot and since I was more pale than toshi he was worried I would get a sunburn. He smiled at me and we were on our way, even tho it was hot he almost always wore jackets outside.

Through the walk he just grabbed my hand and we walked, talking here and there. We saw that there were many kids outside playing with their friends, the thing is that most people would think we were going to the park or a date. But no, we are going to a sex shop, and I couldn't be anymore embarrassed. In our way there we saw a pastry shop and decided to do a quick stop, the smell of fresh baked goods making me drool.

"Want to try mine?" Toshi asked as he ate a small slice of cake, strawberry cake. I nodded opening my mouth for him to feed me. He smiled at me before cutting a piece of his own and giving it to me. I gratefully are the cake tasting the nice sweet strawberry flavor, it was really good.

"Yours is delicious too" he said as he grabbed a piece of my cake, I nodded at him while n agreement. Silently watching how he enjoyed the small piece so much. I just stared at him for a while, paying attention to his little movement, and looking closely at his relaxed features.

I decided to tease him a bit, its just to pass the time while he finishes. When he gets embarrassed it is so funny, but it's also very adorable. So with that mind in thought I grabbed a bit of the white frosting on his cake, bringing it to my mouth. He looked at me a bit confused, I just had this spoon full of frosting in front of my mouth and I won't eat it

"What are you-" he said before cutting himself up, watching as I licked the frosting of the spoon, slowly letting it paint my tongue white. I looked at him right in the eyes, never loosing eye contact. He dropped his spoon and stared at me, blush now covering his face. He shyly looked away.

"You are going to kill me" he whispered to me as he ate the another piece of his cake, silently cursing at me. I just laughed at him  and finished my cake too, slowly his blush faded and he went back to his usual self, we both finished up and got out, resuming our way to the destination.

"I want a collar" I told him causally as we were going back to the shop, now just thinking out loud for both of us. We were taking our time since it still was early in the morning, he looked at me for a moment before looking back upfront.

"Ok, but only if you can wear ears too" he said as he squeezed my hand, I laughed and smiled at him. Maybe it was something he wanted to, because after I mentioned that he seemed like he was in a better mood.

"Dog or cat?" I asked him as we turned another corner, noticing we were almost there. We passed a few other stores, most of them clothes ones, and then we passed a shelter. I wanted to get toshi a cat for his birthday, or just someday.

"You choose" he said as he brought me closer to him, hugging my shoulders. If we were puzzle pieces I fitted right into his frame, hugging his waist close to me. We went inside, and it looked empty, only the cashier was there, happily standing waiting for costumers. so I guess it was our lucky day.

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