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Shinsou's pov:

I stared at my surroundings watching everything just develop in front of my eyes. It was clear that kami and sero weren't exactly in good terms.

Poor me...

In case it hasn't seem rather kind of obvious I like kami, like a lot. And honestly have for some time. I remember the moment I told myself  'I've fallen for a loud blond'. It was the day of the school festival.

Kami was there on the stage, absolutely stunning. He was letting himself get wrapped on the music and was just living in the moment with his smile. God his smile, it made my stomach flutter and my head spin, my heart felt faster and flush covered most of my face. I just couldn't take my eyes of from him. Not short after that I was transferred to class 1-A of the hero course.

I remember him greeting me first in the dorms. He was one of the few people who actually dared to approach me after my 'I'm not here to make friends' crap. And it only make me fall for him more. His way of being caught my eye entirely, it was almost as if he was the kind of emotion missing from my life. He's just so nice and fun that every time I think about it I can't help but smile.

Sadly I was to late, by the time I had actually started talking to kami he was already in a relationship with Sero. I don't hold anything against the dude, he's nice and a good person. But it does hurt seeing him kiss kami, it stings the depths of my heart and I can't stop it. Oh god I had fallen for kami and there isn't anything I could actually do.

Until now.

Since I knew that kami was being bothered by something I had a few theories, being that he was sad some classmates were to leave in the end of today. But then my thoughts drifted towards sero, they haven't been around each other that much lately and I couldn't help the small tug at my lips. What was being presented to me in golden plate only confirmed further my suspicion. Something had happened and by the looks of it kami wanted to talk about it with someone. That someone being me.

I do act differently around kami, I act nicer since I feel the most comfortable around him. There are other people such as Izuku and his friends that I kind of open up to, but no one like him. Kami may not know it but the exception is there. Kami may not notice it but I love him and no matter what happens I will probably do so for a while. I've always imagine what would our scents smell like when being mixed through a marking.

To me, kami smelled like a forest in the middle the day, the forest being tones of red and yellows. The sky beginning to cloud for a storm to come over. It reminded me of a getaway trip. With a tad of scent of marshmallows. It was perfect. I didn't really know what I smelled like to him. But I hoped it was ok enough. I probably smelled like coffee...or depression, who knows?

The class quickly settled into their seats, I didn't really liked being here since it was the last day and I could be doing something else. I put my musics's volume a bit louder,letting my self sink in it. I heard as my dad told them that he actually kind of supported them and that they had been his favorite group for awhile. I could hear aww's and oww's from here and there. Then he went on letting some students say a few words before climing back on his yellow cocoon.

After some time had past he let us do what ever we'd like. I decided to scroll through social media. Going through some pro heroes pictures and some news on the day, I came across an interesting article on cats. I wanted my own cat some day. Maybe I could once I had my own living environment.

I then felt kami turn around and stare at me. I quickly felt my heart race faster, and my hands started getting clammy and sweaty. I could feel his eyes on my persona. I didn't look up at him, it was nice receiving attention but after a while I did say  "Like what you see?"

Kami turned his gaze away a bit and didn't say anything, I decided to finally meet his eyes, his eyes were so fucking beautiful. It reminded me as if golden was set on the world. I swear to god kami was going to be the death of me.

"A-ahh sorry" cute "it's just that I really don't want to move around and wanted to see if you wanted to talk a bit. But you did seem to deep in thought so I didn't disturbe you" he said  as he scratched the back of his head and smiled. Despise everything that was happening around him, he was happy. Right?

" oh well next time just disturb me I wasn't doing anything really" I said with a light smile, I usually didn't smile at all but I couldn't resist when kami was around

" oh yay, anyways I was gonna ask you where could we meet up" he said and he redirect our conversation

"Well usually when I want to be alone I go to the rooftop on the dorms, we could talk there" I responded thinking it was private enough for us both

"OHHhhhhh the rooftop, are we even allowed to be there?" He asked while touching his lips, those perfect looking lips. I wanted to kiss them so badly.

"Well I do have some advantages to the place thanks to dad. Also how the hell does the bolt on your head remains so perfect" I asked. I've always been curious about it. It was really cute and I'd love to pet it while hearing him purr.

"Actually I had the bolt ever since I was born, but I don't know how it maintains it's shape, let's call it magic" he said as his eyes sparkled

"Magic it is then" I said before kami started rambling about some kind of fair that was in town for the summer, I could hear him talk every day and I would never stop him. If he were to be my omega, I'd worship him and praise him in anyway possible.

Soon enough the end of the day came and we were heading to the dorms once again. I could see in the distance kami running of with Todoroki, I knew todo liked Izuku so I don't worry much about him being 'competition'

I headed to my room not really wanting to interact with people at the moment. I decided I had some time before I met Kami since we didn't really stated an hour to meet so I just assumed he would write me then. One of my many secret hobbies is to draw. I love to see the color disperse with the watercolors and the felling of pastels in my hands.  So I decided to work on something in the mean time.

I say on my desk and took out my sketch book, starting to let my mind wander through and let it take full control of my hands. I ended up drawing a person surrounded by flowers and some coming out from their mouth. At the top the tittle on beautiful cursive letter spelled out hanahaki. I don't know what happened but it was beautiful. I started preparing my watercolors when I heard a ping come from my phone.

'Hey shin, I realized we didn't set a time so how about we meet late, just to make sure no one is really around, like maybe 9-10?'

I read the message and looked at the time it was already 5:03 I had plenty of time to finish my drawing so I agreed

'Sure kami that sounds ok' before I got to send it I added a little something ' I you want to come and hang in the mean time it's ok too' and send

After a few minutes I received another message from kami 'sorry I can't right now I'm doing something with Todo. But I'd love to hang out another day!' A slightly disappointed sigh came out of my mouth as I read the message

'No problem it's ok, see you at 9 tho. Come by my dorm so I can take you to the rooftop' I shot finally turning my attention back to my drawing. It helped me clear my mind and express myself better, helping me understand my feelings.

'Ok shin <3' as I read that last message my heart did a backflip and landed on its face. I couldn't help the grin in my face and the blush at the top of my ears.

God I love him so much

welp here, some kind of fluf to soothe in the angst.  in the mean time I actually had fun writing this. And soon you'll find out why Denks and todo had been hanging out :)

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