10- alphas

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Denki's pov:

'Kami we need to talk, please'

I let out a sight, as we continued walking with shin, we were almost to the dorms, just knowing this made my stomach turn a bit. I didn't want to talk to sero, I feel I would be way to uncomfortable, and I decided I won't really give him another chance. I had an alpha that actually valued me besides me

"What's wrong Kami" i heard shin ask as he wrapped his arm on my shoulders, bringing me closer to him. I could smell his scent and hear his heartbeat as I leaned on his chest. I hummed as I snuggled impossible closer to him.

"Mmmm... it's nothing, just that sero wants to talk, that's all" I explained, but then I was suddenly jolted to a stop. I looked up with a questioning look only to see Shin who's eyes were with a bit of worry. "...What?" I said as I looked back at him.

"Are you sure you want to talk to him, don't you want to wait some time?" he said as he reached me to slightly caressed my cheek with his other hand. I knew by the way he was looking at me he didn't want me to get hurt, at least not more than what he believed I was.

He was so gentle despise alphas being known for being rough and dominant. He was so soft with me, and so caring. If you told anyone an alpha could be like this, they most probably won't believe you. Maybe it was because he sensed he needed to protect me, but I don't need his protection. What hero in training would.

"No really it's ok Toshi, I want to talk to him so I can get this over with" I said as I nuzzled into his warm touch. I then placed my hand on his wrist and started to slowly stroke it with my finger. He looked at me a bit more relieved, but I could still feel his worry. "Ok denki what ever you say" an idea the popped onto my head

"How about this" I said as I started walking us again, "stay in my room while I go and talk with him and by the time I get to my room I can find a cute alpha waiting for me" I felt as he kissed the top of my head and held me a bit tighter.

"That's sounds good kitten" we continued the rest of our walk silently, just enjoying each other's company, although as we were getting closer to the building the knot on my stomach started getting tighter, making me cold sweat a bit. I did not know what to expect.

Toshi made his way to my room, and I went across form it, he gave me a small 'you've got it' smile as he disappeared onto my room. I then turned around and gave a slight knock on the door. Some shuffling from inside and then a shirtless Hanta made his way to the door.

"Oh for fuck sakes, every time I see you, you're half naked" I said a bit frustrated, this goddam trick is getting old, if Mina was going to appear I'll turn around and leave. I'm not doing this if it is going to go that way

"Sorry I was napping and it was too hot so I took it off " he said in a low voice, he started to stretch as he invited me inside with his hand. Mina wasn't there so that relaxed me a bit. "Come sit on the bed" he said as he scooted himself against the wall, I sat on the end of the bed.

"Well ...should I start or you?" He said as he putted on the shirt that was next to him. I only came here to see if he at least was mature enough to understand his mistake and say at least sorry, a proper sorry. "Be my guest" I said a bit hoarsely. Looking at him, he just looked back and then turned his gaze to his lap.

"Shit- look kami I know I messed up, I really fucked up this time. And I know I did some unrepairable damage to our relationship" he started hesitating a bit between words, he looked up at me to see if I was still listening, and then continued.

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