22-long past dawn

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Shinsous pov:

I felt as denki had slowly drifted to sleep on my arms, we had talked for a bit before he fell asleep. His soft breathing coming in and out of his body, his scent was sweet. I couldn't believe we had all come to this. So much to having him resting in my arms as we both looked at the sunset.

"I love you" I whispered to him as I kissed his forehead. He mumbled something but I couldn't quite hear it. Right now was about 5-6 in the afternoon so if he actually wanted to see the sunset he should be waking up soon.

"Hey baby wake up" I said as I slowly took away strands on his face. he started to stir in my arms. He opened one of his eyes and looked up at me, like a curious kitten. He then looked around and then back at me, then he smiled. "Heyyy handsome, are you single?" He asked as he sat up to be at my eye level.

"Nop, unfortunately for you I am very happy with my little omega" I said as I pecked his lips, he just smiled at me sheepishly. Looking at me almost as if in a trance

"Oh hey wait" he said as he reached for my hoodies pocket, pulling out his phone. He was enthusiastically writing on it.

"What are you doing" I asked as he started to stick his tongue out like when he concentrated. He just reached one of his hands to my lips and shushed me. I stared at him as the sun was slowly starting to decend. I saw how slowly his eyes started glowing more than what they usually did. A bright furious yellow shining from them.

I quickly took out my own phone and opened the camera. "Denks" I said to him as he looked back at me, I quickly snapped a picture with him being distracted, he looked adorable. But then he saw I had taken a picture and he smiled softly. I took another one. The sunset was on the background, his eyes glowing while his little freckles made an entrance in his face. A small blush on his cheeks.

I smiled at him after looking at my own phone. He just smiled back before going to his phone once again. I settled one of them as my background before continuing looking at him type really fast on his phone.

"Seriously what the hell are you doing." I asked him as I grabbed his hips and helped him sit more comfortable on my lap.

"Just texting todo and mido, they told me to text them when I came back." He said as he laid his head on my shoulder, he looked up at me a bit "oh also decided to text mika" he said as he smiled at me once more, his typing slowed down a bit at her name but I understood why.

When we saw her today she was acting weird, I never remembered her acting that way, actually there were a few gaps on my memories of her but I guess that's normal. I can't remember every part of my life. But she was acting mean against kami.

" you sure you want to text her?" I asked him, I just wanted to be cautious with him. I didn't need nobody insulting him. She could be hard to deal with.

"Hey it's ok" he reassured me, grabbing my chin and lifting my head a bit so I could look at him, I had my hands on his thighs so I decided to give them a little squeeze. He jumped a bit before he continued talking.

"I deal with Bakugou, I can deal with anything!" He said as he placed a long sweet kiss on my lips. His scent getting sweeter in the moment. I hummed against him, felling my chest vibrate once again.

"I love it when you croon, it's soothing" he said as he purred in response, falling onto my shoulder, his legs were wrapped around my own waist. He slowly inhaled and exhaled at the crook of my neck. We both watched the beautiful painted sky in front of us.

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