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shinsous pov:

"you did what!?"

"dad please calm down"

"I am not going to calm down Hitoshi Shinsou, what you did is- I don't even know what we should do in this situation," My father said as he pinched the bridge of his nose. After I cried for a while and had actually processed what had been done, I realized I should get help, which meant getting my parents, I didn't explain much over the phone and now we were all huddled up in Kami's room. Sadly he was still unconscious, lying on his bed.

"How did it even happen- did you lose grip of your quirk or was it intentional...?" My other dad asked as he sat at the foot of the bed, staring at Kami with a look of guilt on his face. I sat on the chair he had in his desk as I held my face on my hands, not daring to look up once

"We were fighting- god it was such a stupid fight and I accidentally activated my quirk, and I still don't know since when or how much did it affect him"

"And a fight about what Hitoshi" Papa zashi asked as he placed his hand on my knee, giving me some reassurance and comfort, even if I could smell his scent of distress. I sighed as I felt a knot tie on my throat, I wanted to cry again but couldn't let myself do so.

"He... um, he wanted to take a break because he felt that I was like tired of him or something, so we fought over that for a while and then Kai and Isaac came up somehow, which just fueled the fight and at one point I just-" I stopped so I could recollect myself, I didn't think it would get to this point. I was such an idiot in thinking he wanted to be with that other alpha, I just wish I could turn back time.

"I just told him that the maybe he should just replace me with him, and like to erase myself from his memories or something in between the lines- I can't remember exactly right now"

"So he may or may not remember that you and him were in a relationship, or he may think it's Kai whom he was with" mic said as he tried to make sense of the whole situation, I nodded as I tried to stop the stupid tears from falling. He hummed in understanding before remaining silent. In fact the whole room just became noiseless as they both processed what had happened.

"There is only one way to find out, and for that Kaminari has to be awake. In the meantime I think we should inform anybody that has had a part in your relationship" Zawa tried to explain, as he walked over to the bed, looming over Kami before pushing some loose strands of hair out of his face. Mic stood up before grabbing my hand from my face and standing me up again.

This meant not only our class but some other students, kamis foster mother and siblings, and most important of all Kai and Isaac would have to be informed of what had happened. I had to explain over and over again why I did what I did, unless we can kill all the damn birds with one stone.

We went downstairs where we found some of our friends, minding their own business. I could feel and smell the anger coming from my father, and the deep growl he produced wasn't better. They obviously noticed where the uncomfortable scent was coming from and all their eyes laid on us, they knew something was wrong.

"Iida, I'm going to need you to get everyone as quick as possible please"

"Uhh yes Aizawa sensei, immediately" he answered before heading up the stairs. In the living room there were just a few people, ojiro and sato and a few more. I sat down on one of the chairs as mic stood behind me, placing his hands on my shoulders. The rest of the people in the room remained silent, trying to figure out what the hell was happening.

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