27- competition.

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Denki's pov:

We soon came back to shins dorm, both of us kind of exhausted, it was about 1:23 am. Aizawa and mic had gone home but they left eri with us. She said she wanted to stay but she was half asleep so they said they will pick her up later in the day. Now the three of us were cuddled up on shins bed, eri had fallen asleep against my chest in between my arms.

"She's adorable" I whispered to shinsou, he was just staring at her, slowly drifting into sleep. I have noticed that he's been sleeping more, which makes me really happy. He hummed in response to me.

"Both of you are" he said as he slightly sat up, bringing me in for a kiss, I happily kissed back. We felt eri slightly stir beneath me so we both slowly went to our previous positions, not trying to wake the pup up. I stared at her for a while, how peaceful she looked in my arms. I felt a warmth in my heart.

"Kami?"  He asked softly, still looking at eri between my arms, taking away pieces of hair from her face, I turned my head to look at him. He had a small blush on his face, and a dumb smile on his lips, looking at his sister lovingly.

"Do you think we will end up together?" He asked me softly, now looking at me, his eyes were soft and happy. I smiled at him, a happy sight leaving me, I looked at him a bit confused.

"But we already are half-together" I told him softly, reaching one of my hands to pass my fingers through his hair. At this he giggled, reaching for my hand and giving it a small kiss on the palm.

"No you dork" he continued, I liked that name, it felt cute coming from him. "I mean like married together, like having a family together... you know?"

Yes, I did think about it a lot since the night of the rooftop, but I didn't think he'd actually want to stay with me. I felt my heart flutter the mention of marriage and family. Just thinking of carrying his pups makes me happy, he made me really happy.

"...yeah, i do think so... i want so" i quietly told him, my smile never leaving my face. I will marry him, I know I will. He's just so perfect with me and so understanding with the whole Sero situation. He's so sweet even if he doesn't seem like it, he's really soft and loves cuddles.

"Really?" He asked me still holding mi hand close to him, slowly caressing it with his fingers. He was warm, his hands were warm.

"Yeah... I have thought about it for a while" I said softly, not sure that if I mentioned it he would get scared and leave. I didn't want him to leave, we both knew it was too hard. He got a bit more confortable.

"Tell me" he whispered, still looking at my eyes, focused in me and only me. I like being the one he went after. I don't know what I would've done if he wouldn't have been that night there.

I sighed and started talking " well... I though we both would be heroes, and would be together, our agency's would be partners and while we work, our kids would be waiting at home. We'd have a girl..."

"...and a boy, my parents would probably babysit them" he continued my sentence chuckling softly at his own statement. I hummed in response. He looked really happy, he was happy. And it made me the luckiest omega in the world.

"I love you" I said once again, I just felt this need of saying it thanks to everything that has happened. I feel like it just to let him know I really do love him and I'm not planing on leaving him anytime soon.

At this his smile just got bigger, he sighed into my hand and kissed it once more.
"I love you to baby" and with that he turned off the light and we fell asleep all together. Knowing everything will be ok eventually.

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