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Shinsous pov:

After Kany left I just stared at kami, how his broken expression didn't sit right on his features, I was tired and I was hurting, but all I could focus on was him. I really don't know what is happening or why is kamis sister is still alive, but I do know one thing, kami won't go back to his normal self after this and that really scared me.

His eyes closed seemed so lifeless, his pale cheeks were not what I was use to seeing, he looked so frail and delicate. The only thing convincing me he was still alive was his chest slowly rising and falling. I felt tears threatening to leave my eyes, his forehead having dry blood on it and his tiny adorable hands being restrained by rope.

"I'm so sorry" i whispered to him, knowing well he couldn't hear me, I kept sobbing. I just wanted to touch him and kiss him, I wanted to have him in between my arms again, I wanted to let him know it was going to be ok and that I was there for him.

How long has it been ever since? An hour? Probably, was everyone else back at the dorms, yes that could be it too. They probably found everything a mess, wondering what the hell had happened, wondering how we got stuck in this situation. I started to look around me, there were stacked up chairs all around the place, cardboard boxes on a far corner, the only light we had was the one attached to the roof and some small windows on the upper part of the wall.

My first guess was that we were on a storage room or unit, it's not a normal one since it's way bigger than the usuals ones and the door was like the one they have, not a metal one. I tried to nudge my hands from their rope, it was tight and well knotted, my feet were too. I looked back at kami, he still had my jacket on, his knees were scraped and his hands looked red. Then I saw him move his head, my heart dropped knowing he would wake up to such situation.

"Ughh" he started to whisper, slowly his golden eyes opened, they looked tired and in pain. He looked around for a moment, adjusting to his new environment. When he finally completely woke up his eyes landing on me, tears already threatening to leave his eyes. His breathing getting faster by the minute, he was just staring at me.

"Hey, how are you feeling" I asked softly, trying not to let my voice break in the process. He looked away for a moment making sure everything that was happening was real, then his eyes landing once again on me. His tears painting his lifeless cheeks in the process.

"What the fuck, are you ok? What happened to my head, how the fuck can you be so fucking calm? I-" he started to spiral, he couldn't break down right now because they would take advantage of that and if they heard us I couldn't talk with him.

"Hey kami, kitten look at me" I whispered to him, he softly turned his head to look at me, the expression on his face made me mad. I felt my eyes threaten with tears again, my own chest starting to speed up. He tried to nudge his hands from the chair, but he also had no success in doing so.

"Hey hey calm down, I need to talk to you, we can try and solve what's happening" I tried to whisper to him, my own tears finally falling down my face. He looked back at me, biting hard on his lip, he closed his eyes and electricity started to flow down his body, but when he was about to expulse it, it didn't work.

"Quirk restraining substance, no cuffs" he whispered to me as he started to look around again, some more unconscious tears falling down his cheeks. He looked back at me and with his hand tied to the chairs arm he pointed to his head, more specifically his neck. I understood and turned my head around to let him look.

"That's not blood, it looks kind of yellow" he whispered once again, my quirk came from my head which is why it made sense why they would apply it there. I tried to tested it out.

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