40- dont touch

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Smutt warning

Kamis pov:

It finally was the end of my heat, the waves were coming in smaller portions and now I wasn't as horny as before. Toshi has been so supportive all this time, of which I really appreciate. He also looked done with this shit, but he knew it would be over soon as well.

I felt him restrain my arms to the sides of my bed, then grabbing the rest of the rope and tying it to my feet, reconnecting it back to the bed. I watched how he intently made the knots, he was awfully good at this and it kind of scared me. I left the collar on, he seemed to like it a lot and it didn't bother me so I left it on.

"You're awfully good at this" I mentioned to him, looking at the roof. I felt him chuckle, as he finished tying the last rope, beautiful knots around my ankles. He went up to me and kissed me, making me look back at him.

"I use a binding rope, I have to be good at this" he whispered to me as he got off the bed again, I was too lazy to look at him so I continued to look upwards. I hummed in response.

"Who taught you" I asked, although I think it is zawa since, well the points are obvious, there could be someone else.


"Well mic must be lucky" I said as a joke, I could literally feel him tense although I couldn't see him. I heard some ruffling before I felt hot and desperate all over again. Then his lilac hair made its way to my vision, he smirked at me before showing me the blindfold and softly brushing his fingers against my cheek.

"Ignoring that painfully embarrassing comment, I'll put this on now ok?" He asked, at which I just simply nodded, he was about to put it on when I decided to ask something first.

"What color did you choose" I asked him as I watched him intensively, I couldn't see if it was purple or black thanks to the fact that everything seemed to be blurry now.

"You look best on purple" he mentioned as he slipped on. I giggled at his comment as I saw nothing but darkness now, sad I couldn't see his sexy face. But at the lost of my sight everything felt even more exciting.

Every little swift against my skin and the sheets under me felt cold but good. Feeling how some of the warm air went down my chest. And when I least expected it I felt a finger start to traice over my thigh slowly. Then another finger start to go down my chest.

I shivered at the touch, this was definitely something new, something exciting, and I couldn't be more horny.

"Do you know what your slick tastes like?" He whispered in my ear, I moaned a bit at the tone of his voice, his hands still touching every inch of my body. I whimpered under him as I felt  one of his fingers go up my shaft, playing with the tip softly.

Something I was not expecting was to feel something wet and cold start to slip down my chest, was it ice? It felt like ice so I assumed it was it. When the hell did he get it and why did it get me more turned on. 

"Well, you taste like marshmallows dripped with honey. I could eat you up all day" he growled into my ear, he started softly pumping my shaft, making me moan at the touch of his hands.

This was all so much, every single touch and every single feeling was too much. And I knew that all I needed to do was say the safe word, but I didn't want to to stop. I felt how the cold ice was mixed with something warm. Shin was licking up my body the leftover water from it.

I moaned in response, I couldn't see but I could feel how excited he was on doing all of this. With each time he would add more pressure to my shaft. I couldn't grip anything else than the ropes, restraining me from touching him and keeping me from moving.

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