57- claws

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Denki's pov:

Kany leaned into shigarakis shoulder as she took another swing of her drink. Shinsou didn't even bother looking at them, I decided to put a big more attention to the a outside than to them, hearing Aizawas name must not be a good sign. God I want to get out of here

"We both have special qualities, why don't we just talk while we play around~" Kany said as she tilted shigarakis head to look at her. He smirked and liked his lips before looking back at us, slowly he took of his weird glove. I was scared. I was scared as fuck, not only because of his quirk but because Kany was here, and Kany would hurt shinsou if she didn't get what she wanted, that's what I've learned these past few days. She threw away her drink and looked over to shin

"Shin, baby, you want to know something" Kany said as she activated her original quirk, fox, sharp nails were formed on her hands, ones that could pierce your skin and rip it open, leaving you to deal with the unbearable pain that comes with it. Shin didn't respond, he just continued to look away, Kany chuckled under her breath before responding.

"You are so handsome, and your body is hot as fuck, too bad it will be filled with scars when I'm done with you" she said as she slowly passed her nails up his thigh, the one without togas damage. As Kany saw he didn't react she clawed his thigh, and with a horrific ripping sound as she dragged them up. Blood drenching whatever was left off his clothes, and a bone chilling scream coming from him. I saw how Kany bit her lip at it as she kissed his neck, I was so focused on them I didn't notice when shigaraki moved, standing behind me. Soon enough I felt a hand on my throat, the pinky being only millimeters from my skin.

"Stay still omega, or you will have no throat skin for a while" he whispered in my ear as we both saw how Kany took out her claws and whipped the blood off on her shirt. Shigaraki laughed a bit besides me before slowly tracing along my neck down to my collarbone, then my chest and finally my ribs. His featherlight touch making me shiver a bit, I didn't move cause I knew it could literally be my doom. As he traced my ribs I finally felt his pinky touch my skin.

The feeling was almost surreal, it felt like bits of my skin were being ripped millimeter by millimeter, a great pain coming from it, I groaned loudly at the feeling, a small shout coming from me. I caught a glimpse of shinsous eyes, they looked mad, they looked mad and feral, but also in pain. Shigaraki took his hand away, leaving a spot of red on my side.

"Kany, look what happens when I touch his omega" shigaraki whispered to her as he stroke a piece of my hair, without a single finger touching it, then he slid his hand down my face and down to my chin, pulling me up to look at him. Down in my abdomen I felt his hand slither and touch me again, a finger off. He pulled me close to him until our lips were only centimeters away, a deep growl was heard from the other side of the room, I looked sideways and so did he. Toshi had his pupils so small they were barely visible, and he was shaking, pulling on the ropes as much as he could.

"Oh don't worry toshi, tomura won't hurt him if you give me what I want" Kany cooed in his ear, he didn't take his eyes from me, barely putting attention to her. She slid her nails down his face and grabbed his face, tilting it backwards, forcing him to look at her. She smiled and he kept the low growl going. Shigaraki slowly let my face go, the hand he had on my stomach stayed still tho, I felt as he moved it down to my thigh, the one with less damage.

"What Kany, what the hell do you want" he said in between greeted teeth, the slow rumble continued from within his chest. Kany smiled, she then realized I was his weakness, and that wasn't good. Kany sighed as she let his face go and made her way over to me, that's when I felt it again, that crumbling of skin on my leg, tomura had put his last finger down, and now my leg was decaying. Then on my collar bone I felt the cold yet wet claws of my sister, and them the feeling of my skin being ripped apart by them, blood dripping down my side as three long marks were placed on my collarbone.

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