45- flowers

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Denki's pov:

After we came back I went back to sleep, toshi said I should rest because I was exhausted, so I did because if I didn't he would probably make me. I slept like until 9 am, I definitely felt better, but toshi wasn't with me.

I wanted to tell him about my family because I didn't want to keep anything from him, he's the man I want to marry and there shouldn't be anything like that between us. It was hard but not because that I had to re live it but because it reminded me that I was nothing more than an omega. And being an omega may have killed my family.

I got off my bed and headed downstairs, toshi hasn't slept since we came back, he said he would stay down and help them figure it out. I was heading down as I heard the chatter get louder, wondering if I should force sleep into him cause I don't think there's any other way.

I reached the living area looking for my alpha. Once I spotted him I hugged him from behind, burring my face in his back and letting myself relax into his scent, I felt him tense up a bit but soon after relax. He turned around and lifted my head, I had my eyes closed so I couldn't see him.

"How you sleep kitten?" I heard him ask, his voice sounded tired. I opened my eyes and looked at him. Spotting him looking down at me, coffee on one of his hands. They all looked exhausted to be honest and it made me kinda sad, they had to rest too.

"I slept ok, you should sleep too toshi" I told him as he placed a small kiss on my forehead. He took a sip from his coffee and looked around, his eyes landing on a specific corner. I made him look back at me and he started talking again.

"Mina came back like 10 minutes ago, she was a mess" he whispered to me as he took another sip off his coffee, I didn't understand what he meant with a mess so I looked at him confused. He offered me a bit of his coffee and i declined it, he shrugged and drank a bit more

"What do you mean" I asked

"She was very hurt, especially on her legs. She didn't explain why either, right now she's in recovery girls office, she's refusing on talking" he explained to me as he took my hand and started pulling me towards the sofa. That was weird, why was no one else questioning the strange behavior of her.

"Oh and by the way, Eri is staying with us today, my parents want to have a date" toshi suddenly told me as he sat down on the sofa, placed his mug on the table and curled up on my lap, just like a cat. I petted his hair watching him slip in and out of sleep, until he finally started dreaming. I let him sleep, he must have been tired.

"Hey dunce face, where the fuck is mind fuck?" I heard from behind me, I turned to see Bakugou angrily walking towards me, I waited for him to reach me so he could se for it himself. He looked over and then looked at me, he ruffled my hair and walked away, going up to kiri and kissing him happily.

"What the fuck" I whispered under my breath, he was extremely happy this morning and I can't find anything that may have him like that. Unless Mina returning hurt and kind of drugged then maybe he may be happy, but she's his friend too so I don't think it's that.

"Don't tell him I'm awake, he will keep shouting at me" toshi mumbled from his place on my lap, I laughed a bit at him and started talking with momo, she was telling me that she would love to go and get some new jewelry cause hers is back at her home. She's such a nice person, I love her.

After some time shin woke up and we got ready, after all eri was coming over and I thought we should take her to a park or something and shin said it was ok. I was excited to see eri again, she always managed to make me happy.

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