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Shinsou's pov:

I took kamis hand and guided him upstairs. I'm not letting him make the call alone, this relationship consists of two people and we need to talk before either decides to do something stupid.

We reached his floor and I went straight to his room, I could hear him whine from a distance but couldn't really figure out the words. I opened the door and locked us both inside, he looked at me with a mixture of anger, hurt, and a confused little pup. I waited for him to sit down on his bed and I sat down on the chair he had for his desk.

"What was that all about?" I asked him as I leaned back on the chair, he scooted over to the furthest corner he could find, gathering up his knees and hugging them close to his chest. He stayed silent for a moment, just breathing and, I'm guessing thinking. I was willing to give him the time he needed to express his feelings because I wasn't about to just throw away those  magnificent past 6 months of my life in five minutes.

"It's just- it shouldn't be this hard staying in a relationship, it shouldn't have me questioning whether you still love me or you got bored of me, it's about feeling comfortable and loved with and by someone else"

"Kam, a relationship is much more than just that. It's about communication a-and support and love, of course love. Baby I get why you can feel scared when we drift away from each other sometimes, but that's just part of it, it's going through thin and thick." I tried to reason with him, he looked at me through eyes full of tears, a small sob breaking through him, and breaking my heart. He wiped them softly as he hugged himself tighter.

"It shouldn't hurt, it shouldn't make me cry every night thinking about how you could leave at any moment, or realize you don't want me anymore"

"Denki, baby, kitten why didn't you say anything, I hate to be the reason you cry, even more alone"

"Because I thought that if I told you that the you would realize that it was true, and you could easily leave me, leave me for him" he cried once more, a stronger tone to his own voice. He was angrily crying, frustrated for not being able to express himself better. I could never replace denks, he's irreplaceable, I scanned his face for answers before finding my own words.

"...I would never-"

"Yes, yes you would! That's the thing you don't get, I know you would because you always want the best and I'm not that, I'm not the best- I'm barely getting by"

"That's not true! You're the best thing that could've happen to me, you taught me how to love and how to loose, how to be strong for each other, all that and so much more"

"Stop fucking lying, just stop it, it's not making any of this better. You're way better off without me, so much better without me"

"I don't think so, we are not doing this. I've told you a hundred times before and I will do it a hundred times more..." I started, getting up from the chair and making my way to the bed, where he kept softly crying as tears stained his beautiful face. This was clearly hurting him, and I hated that. I grabbed his face and tried to soothe him a bit, letting my pheromones out.

"... I love you, no matter when, where or what, I will always do. You completely me, y-you make me feel full and happy, you don't understand how much. Kam this is just something we have to work out, I'm not letting you go that easily" He started to shake his head no, crying more and more by the second. He grabbed my hands and tried to push me away from him.

"No no no... that's exactly what sero said and now he's with Mina, that's the exact same thing that is going to happen with us, you will find someone better and leave, leave like everyone else does" he kept whimpering, his small body trembling as he kept pushing himself further away from me. I grabbed his wrists to keep him from moving before I hugged him, I hugged him tight.

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