64- firefly

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Shinsous POV:

I woke up naked on the same bed as the last time, a blanket barely covering me, I think this time my brain just shut down cause I remember small bits, but not the complete story. There wasn't anyone else on the room, my clothes were all thrown of on the floor, and some of my chest and back wounds hurted, not to mention the hickeys I could think I had.

I felt disgusted with my self, I couldn't move away, or stop her. If I couldn't defend myself, how am I supposed to help others? how am I supposed to become a hero? I hugged my knees close to my chest, I wanted to hug denki again, I missed him already, his touch always comforted me. I sighed as I stayed a bit more on the bed, the rusty chains being thrown carelessly on the bed.

A small sob came from me as the cold air caressed my skin. i don't want to move, I don't want to speak, I don't want to breath. Everything is so messed up, and all because I couldn't refuse. But eventually I had to get up, and try and get out of here, at least I could try and save denki, so I did what my mind said.

Slowly I stood up, grabbed my underwear and putted it on, grabbed my pants and carefully placed them on, and lastly grabbed my shirt and putted it on, Im now just following orders I give myself. I do remember having a pair of socks so I decided to look for them. Slowly walking around the room and looking behind a couple of boxes, or between the sheets and under the bed. And that's when I saw it.

"I hope I get to fuck again soon <3" a hand written note under the bed, and as I finished reading it I got the horrible feeling of wanting to puke, so I reached over to the closest box and puked, feeling the gross aftertaste of it as I stumbled against the wall. I sat on the floor and cried, this is so fucked up, so horrible. I needed to get out of here, I needed to leave and work on getting Kami back. So I stood up and walked to the door.

As I reached for the handle I felt dizzy again, so I just rested my head against the door for a moment, the cold coming from it almost feeling refreshing. It was a nice reminder that this was reality, and that it really happened. It was enough to make me see that I wasn't dreaming. I sighed as I left myself there for a moment, just a few moments of peace and quiet, a few moments of just feeling myself sleep away from reality and resting from it.

Time to go back

"Yeah" I whispered to myself as I opened my eyes, looking at the dark color in front of me. Slowly I pulled away from the door and opened it, expecting to find an empty hallway, or someone waiting for me, but no, I was received with a purple portal. I guess they thought I was going to try and save Kami, and they weren't wrong, but right now I just want to take a shower and try and slip away from reality for a little while more.

I didn't know where the portal was going to, or how would it feel, but I knew that if I wanted to get out of here I needed to go through it. So one step at a time I entered and closed the door behind me. It took me a moment to realize where I was at. It was dark, which meant it was already night, I waited for my eyes to adjust. From what I could see it looked like a forest, all I could make out from the shadows were trees and bushes, a few small flowers.

Slowly I stood up, my legs were killing me at this point, and something on my ribs was really bothering me. I leaned into one of the trees feeling it's cold texture, letting out a shaky gasp at the pain. Something about this didn't feel right, why would they sent me into the middle of the woods. I looked through the trees for a moment, some parts were darker and some had more light. And without a warning my feet started to walk on their own, towards the dim light.

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