100-now what

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The next few days were hell for Shinsou, he wouldn't eat, or shower, or even try to go to class. It's gotten to the point in which his parents and friends had to start to literally drag him out of his room. He knows he shouldn't be making such a big deal of it, he knows it's not that deep. I mean the love of his life was just ripped away from him and now he had nothing because most of his friends were kamis friends first.

It was terrifying to him how much he depended both emotionally and physically on kami. He was what made him happy, he was who he spent the afternoons with and then at night they would cuddle and just talk sweet nothings into each other's ears. Their relationship was so big for him and he's lost it.

He thought about his now ex boyfriend for the thousand time that day. It was the weekend and about a week has passed since the accident. Somehow they had removed all of his belongings out of Denki's room, and the other way around. He may or may not have kept one of kamis hoodies, he was sure they wouldn't notice, he didn't wear it much anyways.

He heard a far away knock on the door, so he took off one of his earbuds and looked at the door from his spot on his bed. He quickly tucked the sweater under the blanket before whoever was at the door could see. He watched as the door opened to find Zawa, he had a cup of something in his hand.

"Hey, thought you would still be asleep"

"I can't sleep much these days"

"Right" he whispered as he left the mug of what looked like tea on my night table, picking up the half eaten plate of food from some time during the day. He patted his head and scented him a bit before heading back out the door.

"Need anything"

"No it's fine, I'll text you if anything"

"Alright toshi, drink your tea please" he said before silently closing the door behind him. Hitoshi appreciated the thought, and he was also happy he could go home on the weekends so he wouldn't have to bump into anyone sending death glares his way. Seems like he was still seen as the bad guy.

What he dreaded the most when coming back to the dorms was seeing denki, his alpha begging him to kiss the omegas soft lips, or to scent him so he would smell like hitoshi instead of the other alpha. He wanted to play with his hair and cuddle him in their nest, it was hell. He knew he had to move on and that the alpha never crossed the omegas mind.

He didn't know Denki missed him so much. Much like shinsou; denki also kept one of their little connections. He kept the stuffed bear shin had given him once upon a time, which surprisingly still smelled like him. The omega was destroyed, he felt empty, and the only way he sought to be out of a heartbreak is to move onto someone else.

He knew he had dependency and abandonment issues, so that didn't help. Besides that he couldn't stop thinking about all the things he regretted during their relationship. He knew he could've done better, because sometimes it felt unbalanced in a way. There were times where hitoshi loved kami more, and there were times where it was the opposite.

They both regret not loving the other fully

Kami laid on his bed with his headphones on, an arm draped over his eyes. He felt the warm tears stain his face as his sad playlist played on repeat, a routine at this point. He didn't mind the pain that came from his chest, heartbreak physically hurts after all.

He squeezed his hand as he felt a new wave of sadness come, he couldn't seem to have the energy to do much. After a week full of school and activities with his friends, it drained the fuck out of him. So he just laid there, letting the feeling consume his being. At this point he's given up on taking a shower

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