31- only you

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Y'all... #1? I CANT FUCKING BELIEVE IT. im so happy, this was just to take out an idea from my head and now... I'm going to cry and I never cry. Y'all made me cry. Anyway enjoy this really weird chapter.
Denki's pov:

I woke up to the sound of an alarm going off, I groaned and turned my head to find a bunch of purple hair on my chest, this time I wasn't cuddling his chest, but he was cuddling mine, it was the cutest thing I've seen today. I passed my fingers through his hair after I had turned off the annoying alarm, feeling how he leaned into my touch. I could feel something off happened yesterday but couldn't really pinpoint it. I stoped for a moment before I heard him talk.

"Mm, no continue... mfeels nice" he mumbled to me in his sleep, watching how his breathing went back to being slow. I just chuckled softly at him, he had been very clingy recently but I'm guessing it's thanks to the fact that there are multiple people trying to chase after me even tho, by the way I look at toshi they should know it's him.

"Come on I got to go and get ready" I told him, it was about 12:29 in the afternoon. And I just wanted to be ready before the thing so i didn't had to rush around, plus I want to spend time with toshi before I had to leave. I hate having to go but at least it's before my heat, so I will be able to make it up to toshi during it.

He just grumbled, frowning in his sleep. As I saw he didn't stood up I started to try and move away but he wouldn't let me. I saw how he playfully half looked at me and just nuzzled closer to my chest.

"Move you big baby" I told him as I tried to unlatched his hands from my torso, but man did he have a tight grip, and even if I tried like 100 times he still wouldn't budge.

"I said move you- you big, cute, sexy, makes me really happy, baby" I said as I just told him the first thing that came to my mind. He slowly turned his head and stared at me, blush setting in his features. He stared at me for a while before softly reaching for my face and kissing me.

"...what?" He asked as he laid back down on my chest, once again making me unable to move. I hugged him in defeat as he snuggled in my chest, acknowledging he had won this time, we stayed there for a bout 20 minutes before he stood up and went outside "I'll bring you food, don't go away" and with that he was out the door.

As he went away I sat back up on the bed and realized last night we actually slept on his room. So I had to go to my room to get clothes, because for as much as I'd like to I couldn't wear toshis clothes forever. And I couldn't do that to sero, I'd be terrible for him.

I saw how the door opened once more and there were two plates on shins hands. "Here" he said as he passed me a plate with eggs and bacon on it, I drooled at the sight of food and started to eat. He saw how fast I was eating and warned me

"Slowdown, I'm the only one allowed to choke you" he said sleepily but kind of a sad tone as he ate a bit of his own half breakfast. Which at I actually choked on my food

"Now what did I just tell you baby" he said softly as he patted my back, I calmed down soon after, but he couldn't just say that out loud. I looked at him with a glare as he watched me carefully then he kissed me and licked his lips. "Mm bacon" he said before continuing eating

I went up to get a shower and then to my room to get some clothes, and while I was there changing I got a text from shin.

'Bring some extra clothes'

'They won't fit you' I texted back, see that's the good thing of being smaller than shin.

'It's not for that you dork' I chuckled at his answer and just stuffed a couple of shirts and pants on a bag, along with some underwear and a couple of shins hoodies that I have stolen for over the past week. He doesn't seem to be bothered by it so it's ok.

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