51- other side of the wall

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Warning: rape, proceed with caution

Denki's pov:

Shin didn't wake up after what felt hours, I felt drowsy, either from the pain or the fact that it was starting to look brighter and I hadn't slept at all, so I decided to close my eyes for a while, the last thing I saw was toshi tied to that fucking chair.

"Tired already, well it's time for my own fun" I heard Kany say, her voice felt so far away but I couldn't pinpoint from where it was coming from. Slowly I opened my eyes, only to find her standing not so far away from shins chair. When she started to come closer I could see she was wearing a shirt and shorts, nothing more. She reached a hand to her back pocket and took out a pocket knife.

"If you don't mind, I'll borrow your boyfriend for a while, but first he has to wake up doesn't he?" She said as she got the knife closer to his arm, slicing across it in the middle. Blood didn't come out, a white liquid did, that same liquid that toga had injected on him before. Then after some minutes blood oozed out of him, just a small quantity, almost like a paper cut.

I saw how slowly his indigo eyes came back to life, opening and looking around for a moment, his eyes landed on me and tears a started to roll down his face, not being able to say anything. Kany grabbed his chin and made him look at her, immediately he frowned at her, tensing up at the action.

"Hello dear, was your nap good?" She said as she got dangerously close to his face, he started to growl softly. It looked like Kany didn't like that so she frowned, she let his face go and went back to where she had appeared from, grabbing another syringe with a dark blue liquid inside, she smiled at the liquid before returning to shins side.

"Bad alpha, stay still" she demanded as she started to inject the liquid on the other side of his neck, he tried to move away but it looked like he was to weak to beat Kany in strength. She snickered at that before she finished injecting in the liquid and throwing the syringe to the other side of the room, it broke and the left over liquid evaporated in the air.

"Shinsou, until I say so you'll obey to me and only me got it?" She said as she stomped one of her feet to the floor. After she stomped shins eyes turned completely black, a small violet dot in the middle.

"What the fuck did you do to him" I demanded to her, trying so desperately to tug on the rope so it would let me go. She turned her head and looked at me, smiling creepily at me. Shin remained completely still, his blank expression making him look dead, but he was alive, because every time Kany would move he would follow her with his gaze.

"Oh that, it's nothing, just an experiment shiggs wanted me to try on you, a commanding liquid, making anyone under its effect respond to the first voice they heard." She said as she started to untie his rope, he didn't move or tried to run, he just stayed there, waiting for the queens next request.

"Stand" she commanded as she stood in front of him, slowly he stood up, not flinching at the pain of the stab wound in his leg. She wrapped her hands around his neck and stared at him for a moment, she looked sideways at me, that same awful look on her eyes.

"Kiss... me" she said softly, her hand tangling in his hair, with no hesitation he reached down and cupped her face, slowly closing his eyes and going in to kiss her, she happily complied. Then it happened, they were kissing, she was kissing my alpha, my fucking sister had just kissed him without consent cause he can't respond correctly. And it wasn't no fucking simple kiss, it was a heated kiss.

"Kany no, fucking stop it, why the fuck are you doing this" I said with a deep growl, the restrains seem to be getting tighter as I moved even more. The sight was driving me insane, inside it made me feel betrayed by toshi, but only cause i thought he was my alpha, but I knew there was no way he would do this consciously.

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