98-one side

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Shinsous pov:

I didn't want to let go, I wanted to have him with me for the rest of our lives. But I knew I couldn't have that, so slowly I took his hand off of my face and sniffed. He looked a little concerned but said nothing about it. I grabbed his hand and slowly took him with me to the main area, where most people were. He did hesitated a bit but still proceeded to walk next to me

As soon as they saw me and kami they all went silent. Kami looked at me confused before walking away from me, I tried to grab his hand until the last moment. He stood between everyone and looked around, as if he was trying to find something... or more like someone. They all looked at him very carefully, trying to figure out what was going on in that fascinating brain of his.

"Uhh guys, where's Kai? He was with me just a few moments ago... but I think I fell asleep?" he said as he smiled like an idiot, my wonderful idiot. My heart dropped, I started to feel dizzy, and sick, and I couldn't believe this was actually happening. I tried to hide my scent as much as possible, hoping and praying that he wouldn't notice, because if he did, things could go very wrong

Some of them turned to look at me, and their faces just expressed concern. I sat down on the same chair and just tried to keep my look and my face neutral, even though I wanted to whimper and cry. I wanted him to hold me and tell me it was okay and he loved me, I wanted him to tell me that we will always be together. But now I can't have that, I will never have that because I am a big fucking idiot.

"Oh yeah, he uh, he left because it was getting kind of late and he needed to get home,'' Sero answered as he looked at kami. Kami smiled and thanked him before leaving. He said his brief goodbye and disappeared. My classmates all looked at me, with a look between hatred and pity, I hated that look.

"Hitoshi I'm so sorry-"

"It's okay dad, I brought this on myself, you uhh should probably inform Kai before kami tells him something"

"Shin- we will be here if you need anything" izuku said as he looked at me with those big green eyes. I wanted to run away from them, from here. I needed something else, I needed a distraction from the aching pain in my heart. I hated this feeling, I felt numb and raw, I hated the world and myself for believing love is real. And I know it was my fault, for being such a selfish prick.

"I'll be going, good night guys" I said as I swiftly stood up from my seat and headed straight for the door. I could hear some of them protesting for me to come back but I didn't want to, I didn't want to see any of their faces. I was at the gate of UA and before I realized I took a cab, heading to the first direction I could think of.

I thanked and paid the cab driver once we finally arrived, before getting off and heading to the door. I didn't bother to knock, I sent him a text so he could go outside. I didn't need anyone else knowing I was here. After a few minutes the door opened slightly, and there he was, wearing my hoodie.

"What's wrong shin, why are you here so late, is everything okay?" Kai asked from the comfort of his home, even if it was kind of late I could hear all the other kids inside. His face of tiredness quickly switched to one of concern, as he saw the tears that marked my face. Without saying anything else he took my hand and guided me inside, bringing me to his room.

"You don't have to say anything if you don't want to, but if you need to you can stay with me tonight. Maybe some company will do you good?" He said as he guided me towards his bed, softly talking to me as I could feel his hand on my arm, slowly passing his thumb on it. I sat beside him, sighing as I tried not to cry before speaking.

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