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Denki's pov:

It's been about two weeks since we've started our second year. After the Kany incident, the heroes started an investigation on their whereabouts because they couldn't afford them running around the roads thanks to how high the danger level is. So, to get away from that horrible night, Toshi and I have been doing something every morning.

He gets coffee and I get a monster, we both go out of the dorms before anyone notices and we walk around the school grounds for a while before heading to class. So, here I was, brushing through my hair and listening to music, watching Shin sit on my desk and pack a few of the things he had left in my room.

"I hate mornings." He whined as he stood up and hugged me from behind. I chuckled at his behaviour as he hid his face in my neck.

"I know lover-boy," I told him, softly brushing my hands through his hair. He smiled as he placed his chin on my shoulder and kissed my cheek. He let me go and grabbed his bag, signalling me it was time to go.

"Wanna go through a different route today?" I asked him as I took his hand and we started to walk. I swung my bag on my shoulder and looked at him, this time, taking the stairs. He turned to look at me and nodded, his tired eyes resting on me. We went by the kitchen quickly to get our drinks before heading out into the cool air of the day.

"We should get breakfast someday, it's not healthy to survive on just drinks," Shin said, looking at me, I just took a sip from my drink as I kept walking. He chuckled beside me as he placed my hand in the pocket of his jacket.

"These days are getting colder don't you think?" He said as he looked at me, I moved closer to his side, his body producing enough warmth for the both of us.

"Yeah... but I can think of a few ways to keep us warm," I told him, leaning my head against his shoulder. He chuckled slightly before we kept walking, the silent morning taking over. I couldn't believe this boy next to me had gotten up in the morning, doing the thing he dreaded almost every day just so we could walk to school together.

"Hey, do you think you could help me with math?" I asked him as we kept walking, this time taking a small detour towards the garden that's on the path. He looked at me for a moment before nodding,

"Yeah, of course, what about we make it a little study date?" He asked as a small smile settled on his face. I smiled back at him like a dumbass because I really loved his smile. It was beautiful and I'm lucky I get to see it, especially after what happened.

"Yeah that sounds like fun," I told him as I stood on my tiptoes and kissed his cheek. He blushed slightly as he drank from his coffee, before turning to look at me. Sometimes, I do wonder if he's only with me because of pity. If he thinks I need him with me or I'll fall apart. But if it's true I don't care. After all, he's the only thing keeping me together.

"Do you think Zawa regrets being our teacher after last year?"

"Well... for what's happened in the last week including Bakugo burning a desk and, um, Mina disintegrating one, not to mention you fused the lightbulbs twice, I'm going to have to say yes," he said as he pulled his hand out of his pocket and placed it around my shoulders. I chuckled, he wasn't wrong, but in my defence, he was being too cute and I just couldn't help it. He gave me a small kiss on the nose before looking away.

I saw how he took out his phone and started texting. From what he told me he hasn't been able to contact Mika, which was surprising on its own given how close they were. He had been trying to text her every day but she still hasn't answered.

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