83-silence in the lie

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Narrator's POV

Devastated was the only way to put it as they all watched Kany dance around Kaminari's corpse. She had been doing so for minutes, everyone's eyes fixed on the lifeless body before them. Everyone, Bakugo all the way to Aizawa, had all been silent, watching warm blood slowly dribble down Kaminaris' head.

"It's done! It's finally done, I'm the one who survived!" Kany chanted as she looked at the bleachers with literal stars in her eyes. They looked at her with anger as they recognized the woman, the person, the alpha who had killed their little ray of sunshine. Sero cried, falling to his knees watching her take out her phone and call someone, he cried as he hit the floor in anger, unable to do anything else. He bowed his head in respect towards his friend and his former lover, his first real love and his best friend, even if he hated to admit it.

And everyone else followed his lead, Todoroki hiding his face in Kirishima's neck, a small sign of weakness as he cried silently at the loss they all had today. Jirou clung to Momo as she looked at his bright hair and his pale skin, tinted with the sinful red colour of his blood. They all paid their respects to the person that at one point or another had changed their lives. The one that had made them smile through their time together, never failing to brighten their days once. They all bowed their heads as more and more tears fell down their faces.

Bakugo was crying hard as he hid his face in Izuku's neck, clinging so desperately to him as he ignored the rest of the world. He had been emotionally attached to Kaminari and he didn't know why, he had this strong feeling to protect him since the beginning and right now he didn't know how to feel. He could only look up to see the tranquillity on his face one last time before he had to turn away, determined to find the rest of the bastards who took him away. Find them and hurt them, make them pay honour to his friend's name.

But when he raised his head he saw him move, he swore his heart stopped. He swore he saw him move his finger, he really did see it. But then when Izuku started to pull him away, not wanting him to look anymore he thought he was crazy, after all, grief does horrible things.

Shinsou was destroyed. He couldn't possibly have been any other way. He was sobbing, hiding his face in his hands. He couldn't look at the body, he couldn't move, he didn't want to be there, he wanted everything to stop just for a moment, he wanted his boyfriend back. But since he couldn't do any of those he only cried, and he didn't stop. Aizawa on the other side had to use all the strength he had left and call for backup, he was told that they were close already but 'close' couldn't save Kaminari.

Bakugo was about to leave with Izuku to sit down and drink something, they were both pale and disoriented, a pit forming in their stomachs, but when he turned to have one last glance he saw it again. A small twitch in his finger. He stopped dead on his tracks, sprinting back to the barrier that kept him from destroying Kany where she stood. He saw how slowly Kaminari moved his hand to his face, showing his friends to shut the fuck up or he was screwed. Bakugo just watched as everyone on the bleachers were confused, he wasn't dead, he had just pretended to get her off of his back.

Bakugo was going to kill him for making him cry in front of everyone, especially Izuku.

He shushed them as he struggled to sit up, he looked at what he could use as a weapon before spotting a gun and Kany's sword. No one had seen the gun before. No one knew it was there, figuring Kany had dropped it, but thank god it was. Kaminari grabbed the gun and looked at it, his vision swaying. He was disoriented and he had lost a lot of blood, not to mention he had an ongoing headache and he felt like puking. He had used a gun before. Nobody knew when or why but he had. He has faint memories of doing so. He clicked the safety off and pointed it at his sister's back, aiming slightly down as he was about to pull the trigger.

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