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Denki's pov:

Everything fucking hurts, it's so freaking annoying. The only good thing about being in this dammed hospital is that toshi comes by everyday just to make me company and try to cheer me up.

It's been about three days since I've been here, but to be honest I just want to go back home, at least with Angie I will eat non-gross food. The worst fucking part is that neither of the league was caught, not Kany or shigaraki, they teleported before the heroes could get them, so that sucks.

I placed a hand on my stomach since it was hurting a bit. I was supposed to be in my heat this week but they gave me suppressants since I can't go into heat in the hospital. The bad thing is that sometimes my stomach does hurt so I just have to wait for the pain to pass. As I sat up against the back of the bed I heard a knock on the door, and when I looked up I saw a handsome alpha.

"Hi love" I said to him as a small smile sneaked onto my face, I just couldn't help it when he was around. He smiled as he got closer to me and softly pecked my lips, it was nice to finally talk to him with no thread of death around. He slowly pulled away as he softly caressed my cheek.

"Hey denks" he said as he sat down on a chair next to me. He was still getting treated for some minor wounds, but he did told me it looked like he was attacked by a bear since Kany clawed him so much. I looked at him for a moment before grabbing his hand and softly brushing my fingers against it, his soft warm skin.

"How are you feeling today?"he asked as with his other hand he placed some of my hair behind my ear. I leaned into his touch before he started to softly stroke my cheek with his fingers, a small laugh coming from him.

"Better now that you're here" I said softly as I looked at him. His cheeks flustered a bit before he looked away and groaned, he has been a bit shy lately and i can't figure out why. I smiled at this as i took his hand away from my face and played with it on my hand. Today it was especially peacefully, it felt nice and calm, and I feel like we both just needed this.

"What do you want to do today?" He asked me as he laid back on the chair, I tried to reach for his hands again but they were too far away. I pouted a bit and he looked at me weirdly, I just pointed at his hands and signaled him to give them back. He realized what he did and sat a bit foward a so we could still hold hands.

"Nothing really... you could cuddle with me and we could just talk tho?" I asked softly, he smiled a bit before he got closer to my face, just looking at me for a moment before softly kissing me. I kissed him back gladly, and it wasn't heated or desperate, it was just a sweet loving kiss. He pulled away for a moment before reconnecting our lips together in another soft kiss.

He continued to do this a couple of times, just a few small kisses shared between him and I, each time I felt even better, it made me happy. But the he started to snake his hand down my body, and I knew if we didn't stop then it would lead to other things, and neither him or I were in conditions of doing so... even if I wanted to.

I grabbed his hand and intertwined my fingers with his, bringing it back up, and I felt him smile into the kiss. I pulled away and smiled at him, he looked at me with his tired eyes as he squeezed my hand, I squeezed right back. I leaned forward and connected our foreheads, closing my eyes for a moment.

"I think I really adore you mister" i said softly as I pulled away, he smiled and kissed my hand, his eyes never leaving mine. He slightly squeezed my cheeks with his other hand before he talked

"I really adore you too"

I don't really know what it is, but either of us is able to say I love you. If I try to say it, it just gets stuck on my throat and he hasn't said it on the days that he's been with me. I started to pull him over the bed, and he kind of understood, so he helped me move a bit and he laid next to me.

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