Chapter 85 The Last promo 🎤

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Sun spoons lillie and he slowly wakes up to the shining light. "Morning sun." Lillie muttered and kissed his cheek. "Morning babe." Sun says and kisses her lips. "How did you sleep?" Sun asks. "I had a great night sleep thanks to you." Lillie giggles and kisses him again. "So, what do you want to do today?" Lillie asks. "I need to go to the League and make that last promo before tommorow." Sun answers. "You're doing a promo at the League today?" Lillie asks. "Yeah, I don't usually do one, but this is battle is for all the marbles." Sun says. "I know, your crown is on the line." Lillie says and nuzzles with him. "What if you lose? I won't ever see you again." Lillie points out. "Lillie, im sure me and lycanroc can handle ashes Pikachu." Sun reassures her.

Sun only drinks a cup of milk and leaves the house

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Sun only drinks a cup of milk and leaves the house. Lillie rushes after sun. "Wait sun!" Lillie calls out, sun stops and lets lillie catch up. "What's wrong lillie?" Sun asks. "I want to come with you. I want to see the promo before the match. It'll be a great experience for me." Lillie answers, which sun allows.

At the League

Sun shows up with lillie. "Hey sun, ash is here. The camera is gonna roll." Calem says and grabs suns hand. Sun tries to resist, but lillie let's go of his hand to hang with the girls for a bit. Calem takes sun to the battle field. Sun meets up with ash. Sun and ash glare at each other. "Okay you two, save it for the battle field tomorrow." Red says and hands sun the mic. "Okay you two, the camera is gonna roll okay? Now I want a good promo. So try to be a bit civil." Red instructs. They both nod and glare still.

Sun's promo

"2 years ago I was champion and I always have been. No one is strong enough to beat me." Sun says.

Ashs promo

"So you say you're thr strongest, but in all honesty an oldhead like you isn't fit to run a pokemon league." Ash says.

Suns promo

"I know im old, but at least I grow up and not stay 10. I have more experience amd I'm gonna beat you like I did last time." Sun states.

Ashs promo

"And I'm a fresh new talent. The league needs a new king, and that new king us me!" Ash states.

The girls watch from the side, lillie was amazed to see suns promo.

Suns promo

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Suns promo

"You're not a good leader, I am. Nobody is better then me. I have proved time and time again. Your Pikachu, is not strong enough." Sun states.

Ashs promo

"I plan to win against you tommorow. I have trained for this moment my entire life." Ash states.

Sun's promo

"You say that, but that loss in kalos was the death of you. And I'm gonna recreate what me and lycanroc did. And that was beat you!" Sun states, and ash was lost for words.

After promo

Ash tackles sun and they start fighting.  The fists start to fly and beat each other. "Whoa whoa I said you should be civil till the battle tommorow! Turn off the camera!" Red shouts and pulls them apart. "What the hell is wrong with you two?! I said no fighting!" Red shouts. The 2 trainers started to yell and their 2 pokemon got mad too and were about to attack, but Charizard let out a roar. Everyone stopped for a moment. "Now, ash you get out before this turns to an all out war. Sun, go to your room!" Red says like a parent. The 2 trainers storm off and sun sits in his bed. Lillie knocks on the door. "Sun? Can I come in?" Lillie asks. "Whatever." Sun answers and lillie slowly opens the door. Lillie places her hands together with a slight blush on her face. "Sun, are you gonna be ok? I'm sorry you and ash had to fight." Lillie apologized. "Lillie, you don't need to be sorry. It's ashes fault this happened." Sun states, then scoots over to let lillie sit on the bed.

Sun plays with his ring

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Sun plays with his ring. "You know, I'm glad to have you as my boyfriend. You're perfect for me." Lillie says and kisses sun. "Want to snuggle?" Lillie asks slipping off her shoes. "Not now, I have some other things." Sun answers, lillie still lies down anyways and pulls out a book from her backpack. She then unbundled her ponytail as her hair slowly falls. Lillie smiles at her darling sun. "I forgot you still read books, you're still reading that one?" Sun asks, since the book looks advanced. "Yeah sun, but it's worth it." Lillie answers, she then lays on the bed and reads the book. Sun smiles and kisses lillie on the cheek. "I love you lillie." Sun says and lillie nuzzles him. "I have to get a drink. I'll be back. You just stay in bed for a bit." Sun says and touched lillies socked feet before he left, lillie giggled since it tickled her. "I'll see you later sunny bunny." Lillie says with a huge smile on her face.

In the kitchen

Dawn makes some lunch. "Hey dawn, sorry you had to see that." Sun says, scratching the back of his head. "Its okay sun, you did your best. Now you just eat and rest, you'll need your strength." Dawn says.

"Yum, I can't wait for these cookies

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"Yum, I can't wait for these cookies." Sun says and Dawn smiles.


"You sure you're up for this?" Brenden asks. "Im sure me and lycanroc got what it takes. Ash is a weak fool." Sun answers. "You are strong sun. You got what it takes yo be our king." Brenden says and hugs him.

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