Chapter 69 Ash Steals

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Suns POV at the community Center.

"I'm sure he won't be coming for any of you." Sun reassures everyone. "Thank you Mr sun, we'll never forget that." A person calls out. As sun as walking to the docs, candy stopped him. "Sun, wait up!" Candy calls out. "Yeah?" Sun asks, candy hands sun some money. "Here sun, for trying to protect us." Candy says, but sun rejects it. "Candy, it's fine. I was just being a good person." Sun explains. Candy still handed sun the money. "Please, it's the least we can do." Candy says. "Come see me soon." Candy says, then stands on her toes to kiss him nose.

At the League

Sun finally gets off the boats and enters the League. "Hey sun, welcome back." Red says, smiling at him. "Thanks red, any word from lillie?" Sun asks, as brenden tosses sun a can of soda. "Sorry sun, nothing yet. She's just been busy." Red says, as sun catches the soda mid air. "Hey sun, can i see your ring?" Calem asks, the voice came from the League and goes inside.

Inside the League

Sun hands calem his ring for a moment.

Calem looks closely at the ring, then at his ring

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Calem looks closely at the ring, then at his ring. "Sun, your ring is more strong then any of ours. This ring has chosen you as it's carrier." Calem says, sun sips his soda. "Ready? I wasn't sure if this ring had an owner that was trustworthy." Sun says, then gulps down the rest of his soda. "Yeah sun, you wear this ring better then anyone else can, so the ring has picked you." Calem explains. He then takes suns soda can, and gives him back his ring. "Calem, is the antidote ready yet?" Sun asks, since it's been 2 years. "I think so, come with me." Calem says, then blows a kiss to Serena. Serena blushes and plays with her hair.

In the lab

Calem and sun check on what calem made. "It's done, somewhat. To be honest, I don't know if this will work. It might not be strong enough." Calem says, then throws the can in the trash. "Does it work? How long?" Sun asks. "It's a temporary fix, but I need to make it stronger. The milk seems to make the antidote more creamy. Something is missing though." Calem says, that gave sun and idea. "Maybe you need certain type of Barry that cures paralyzed people." Sun says, then pulls out a Cheri berry. "A Cheri berry? Can't hurt to try." Calem says, then takes the berry.

Calem then blends the berry into a juice, adding it to the liquid

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Calem then blends the berry into a juice, adding it to the liquid. Calem then pulls out a shot, the shot contained the poison. "Sun, I'm going to inject myself with poison now. If this doesn't work, I'm going to the ER again." Calem says, then puts the shot in his neck. Sun quickly hands calem the antidote, calem quickly drinks the antidote before the poison could immobilize him. Sun was about to call the ER, but claem was back to normal. "Sun, it worked." Calem says, feeling back to normal again. "Wow, that works fast." Sun says, calem smiles. "We did sun, we actually did it!" Calem says, then adds Cheri berry to the list of ingredients. Soon the day turns to night. Sun was getting ready for bed, and Susan gave him some tea. "Hey susan, where have you been all day?" Sun asks. "I've been around, helping whatever I could. Sorry the fire happened, but don't worry a bunch of workers and pokemon are working on rebuilding the houses for those people." Susan reassures sun. "Thanks for the tea darling." Sun say, then drinks the tea in one jug.

In suns room

Sun then lays with Susan in bed. "Thanks for keeping me warm." Susan says, sun yawns. "Anytime." Sun says, then shuts his eyes.

Now in Ashs POV

Ash peeks through the window

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Ash peeks through the window. "Ok joof, hes asleep. I'm going in." Ash whispers over the walkie talkie. Ash goes through the trash shoot, and climbs up with the sticky gloves. He then goes to suns room, ash tip toes before entering suns room, which the door happens to be wide open. Ash walks over to the night stand, but the ring wasn't on the night stand. *where the hell is it?!* ash thinks in a panic, but then he saw it on suns finger still. *What the f*ck I thought he would take it off before bed?* ash thought and tried to grab the ring from his finger. Sun moved when ash tried to grab his ring, but was unaware of his presents. Ash forgot about his lycanroc, and lycanroc started to growl, ash slowly backed up. *better find a better way. Maybe his friends have a ring just like him?* ash thought, he then checks everyone's room, but they either kept their rings with them or hid them very well. Ash then stumbles upon dusks office. The ring seemed to glow a bit in the dark. The gem was beautiful, along with the ring edges being made of pure gold. "Wow, and the ring is all by its lonesome." Ash whispers, then gently opens the glass case containing the ring. Ash takes the ring and stuffs it in his pocket.

He then goes in his walkie talkie

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He then goes in his walkie talkie. "Joof, I got the ring. I'm on my way back to you." Ash whispers. "Good job ash, I'll see you back at the studio." Joof says over the phone. He then signs off, ash then makes his escape through the front door and locks it before running into the night. Everyone was sound asleep, nobody even knew ash was there, all expect having the ring missing and a few finger prints left behind. "Who the hell was that? I didn't recognize him. I'm gonna see for myself." Lycanroc says, then check the moonlight. "Still got plenty of time before dawn." Lycanroc says, then chases after ash.

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