Chapter 50 Family Therapy 📝

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Sun wakes up, he was spooning moon. *oh yeah, I forgot I got tired and went to sleep too.* sun thinks and pets her. Head. He then puts the hair brush back on her night stand. Sun takes out dusks hat. *damn.....* sun thinks, he goes to his room and places the hat on his hat hanger. *Where ever you are dusk, please be safe.* sun thinks with a sign. Sun then gets a call from mallow. "Sun, please tell me it isn't true." Mallow says, sun can tell mallow had been crying for a while. "Im sorry mallow, he's gone." Sun answers with regret. "Oh Arceus why?!" Mallow sobs. "Im sorry mallow, I'll see you soon. I'll come see  you." Sun says, then signs off.

*poor mallow, she shouldn't have lost her boyfriend like that

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*poor mallow, she shouldn't have lost her boyfriend like that.* sun thinks with a frown. "Sun, breakfast!" Mom calls out.

At the breakfast table

"Sun, we have to go the therapy." Mom brings up during breakfast. "Why?" Sun asks, as he eat his waffles. "Your brother is gone sun, my child is gone. We need this, we will get through this." Mom states. "Mom, I'm sorry dusk had to go like that." Moon apologizes. "Don't need to apologize baby, no ones fault." Mom says, and tries to not cry. "What time will we have to go?" Moon asks "in 30 minutes, it's on akala island. Dress semi nice." Mom says, then goes to her room.

At the therapist office on akala island

"Doctor Fred will see you now." The woman calls out. Sun, moon, and their mom go to the office and sit on the couch. "What seems to be the problem?" Doctor fred asks. "We lost 2 loved ones." Mom answers, blowing her nose. "How did he pass?" Fred asks. "He fell through the ice in ula ula island. I tried to save him, but it was too late." Sun answers and explains. Moon rests her head on suns shoulders. "Was the 1st one to die your husband or wife?" Fred asks. (I support other sexualitys, not just straight, even though it doesn't seem that way.)

"My husband, he died due to an accident." Mom says with a bit of a lie in it. Mom knew her husband was murdered, but didn't want to bring it up. "To deal with such a loss, you must find what gets your mind off it. And never forget their at peace now." Fred explains, which kinda worked.

"You're right, I should try

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"You're right, I should try." Mom says.

After an hour

"I hope to see you next time." Fred says with a wave. *What a weird session* sun thinks. "I gotta go now, I'll see you when I get home." Sun says and rushes to the pokemon League.

At the pokemon League

Sun goes into the league. "Hey, have any of you seen Susan anywhere?" Sun asks. "She's in the Sauna." Dawn says, Lucas brushing her hair. "Since when did we get a sauna?" Sun asks, forgetting some parts of the league. "We build many thing that was never used." Calem says with a chuckle. "Me and Serena used the hot tub, you should try it." Calem suggests and kisses Serena. "Whatever, I'll see you later." Sun says and rushes to the tanning bed.

In the sauna room.

"Susan?" Sun calls out. Susan just finished. "Wow, I feel better." Susan says, covering herself with a towel. "Oh, hey sun. What's with the polo shirt?" Susan asks. "I'll explain later, but right now I need to know what you needed to tell me." Sun says. "Oh yeah, i got something to show you." Susan says and changes while sun doesn't look. "I'd like you to have this." Susan says and shows sun a scroll. A map of the star stones location. "Carl told me to give this to you. You have the book, so it'll be easy to read." Susan adds. "This is it, thank you Susan." Sun says and hugs susan. "Your welcome champ." Susan giggles, nuzzling into suns chest. "Where are you going now?" May asks sun. "I'll be heading home, why?" Sun asks. "Well, you did bring is here, you should please give us the honor of showing us around more." May suggests.

Brenden places his arm around her

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Brenden places his arm around her. "Yeah sun, why don't we show the ladies around?" Brenden winks at him. "I would love to really, but I have family issues." Sun says, but may gave him the puppy dog eyes. "Fine." Sun says, and shows the ladies the rest of the league. "How did you build all this?" Green asks. "Took us all awhile, so many lives lost. Even a bomb was place here." Sun says and shows more. "We hardly get any show, but it somewhat shows up." Sun explains and shows them the battle field. "Wow, you've fought many battles?" Serena asks. "Yes I have, for 2 years straight." Sun answers. "Sun seems amazing doesn't he?" Serena asks calem. "He's the greatest guy I've ever met." Calem chuckles. After showing them around, they come back to the lobby. "It's a big place, took us half a year to make." Red says. "Which reminds me, how the monorail coming along?" Sun asks, since he hasn't been to work in a while. "The monorail is almost done." Lucas answers. "The workers will soon get new jobs, once the monorail is finished." Brenden adds. *even if the fat one isn't too cheerful on that.* sun thinks in his head.

Sun checks the time

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Sun checks the time. "Oh dear, well it seems I have to be going now." Sun says, with a bit of regret, since he kinda enjoyed showing them around. Lucas walks sun to the docks.

At the docks

"Remember when you 1st met kelly? Man, that woman can really kiss." Lucas says with a bit of love in his eyes. "Sorry that she's gone. I'm sorry she had to forget you." Sun says and places and hand om his shoulder. "You don't need to apologize sun, you've done more then enough for me." Lucas says.

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