Chapter 97 Pokemon's Point In View

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Lycanrocs POV

Lycanroc and Charmeleon sit outside as the sunsets. "Hey lycanroc, what makes sun the best?" Charmeleon asks. "He saved me when my parents left me." Lycanroc says. "What's the story with you?" Lycanroc asks, but charmeleon stays silent. "I rather not say." Charmeleon answers, then looks up at the orange sky. "Don't worry, but you should tell sun. It'll be a far cry when it comes from you." Lycanroc says. "You two still have sun, I don't even have my trainer." Typhlosion says. "Someones in a sour mood." Charmeleon says with a bit of cockyness. "Now now, charmeleon." Lycanroc says and Typhlosion goes back to sleep.

"How long has he been sleeping?" Charmeleon asks

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"How long has he been sleeping?" Charmeleon asks. "He's been asleep longer than sun was in his coma." Lycanroc answers. "What happened to Typhlosions trainer?" Charmeleon asks. "His trainer disappeared after falling into the ice temple in the mountains." Lycanroc explains. "Sun wanted this! He never liked dusk!" Typhlosion assumes, which kinda got lycanroc mad. "It wasn't suns fault! He did his best!" Lycanroc growls. "Look, I don't know what happened, but we can't be at each others throats." Charmeleon says and makes sure the two don't start a non trainer fight. "I'm sorry, I just miss dusk. He was very kind to me." Typhlosion apologizes and goes back to sleep. "That's okay Typhlosion, but you should really learn how to control your temper though." Lycanroc says and pats the pokemon on the head. "What's the thing in him? I feel like something is up with sun." Charmeleon asks. "That's his inner demon. He had it since he finished the island challenge 2 years ago." Lycanroc answers. "Sun is too nice, why would he have something like that?" Charmeleon asks. "The demon must've choose him, but he learned to control it." Lycanroc answers. "What should we do now?" Charmeleon asks. "I know we should trust hala, but what if this another trap sun is gonna walk into?" Lycanroc answers, but then fears for suns life. "How you know?" Charmeleon asks. "Hala is the grandfather of the no good asshole hau, and I don't want any surprises." Lycanroc answers. The 2 pokemon hop the fence and make their way to halas house.

At halas house

The two pokemon stare and look into the window of halas house. He seemed to be doing normal things. "You sure about this?" Charmeleon asks. "I just want to be sure sun isn't walking into some death trap." Lycanroc answers.

Hala was just drinking his coffee and reading the news

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Hala was just drinking his coffee and reading the news. Halas phone rang and he picks up. "Hello? Hau?" Hala asks. "Hi grandpa, I hear you're having a festival." Hau says over the phone. "Yes, but I'm not bailing you out of jail." Hala states. "Oh no, I'm just making sure you'll take care of my old friend sun." Hau says, which angered hala. "No hau, I will do no such thing! This festival is for the ones that worked on the monorail! I will not have anyone trash it!" Haha says. "Come on old man, don't be like that." Hau says, which angered hala more. "Your father was right about you! You're nothing, but a sick, twisted, F*ck!" Haka shouts and hangs up the phone. "Is that more than enough to prove to you hala isn't a monster?" Charmeleon asks. "Just wanted to be sure." Lycanroc states and the 2 rush off home before anyone has any chance to catch them. "I know we belong to sun, and that trainers can't catch other people's pokemon, but there are thieves out there." Lycanroc explains to you. "Who are you talking to?" Charmeleon asks. "This person reading this." Lycanroc answers and points at you through the phone/computer. "Can we go home now?" Charmeleon asks. "Yeah, yeah, we're going home now." Lycanroc says and grabs charmeleon.

The 2 make it back home

"Okay, we're back and no one even knew we were gone." Charmeleon says and they hope the fence. The sun just set as the night soon took over the last bit of light.

"Where have you two been?! I was worried sick calling for you!" Sun scolds

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"Where have you two been?! I was worried sick calling for you!" Sun scolds. They both look over at typhosion, but he was Way passed out. "Sorry guys, sun made me." Meowth said with sadness. *I'm sure he had his reasonings.* lycanroc thought. "You both know how bad I'll feel if I lost you." Sun says and hugs them both. "Where were you?" Sun asks. "We were just taking a nice walk. Lycanroc says it would be great if we stretched and worked on our cardio." Charmeleon answers, vouching for him. "Yeah, we were just going out for a walk." Lycanroc adds. "Please you two, don't do that again. Alola is beautiful yes, but there are dangerous people here too." Sun says and doesn't let them go.

Later the night soon to took over and the stars showed up again Suns POV

Lillie wakes up and sun sits on then bed with her. "Hi." Sun says and kisses her nose. "Hi sun, sorry for passing out. I've just been tired." Lillie says. Sun gently tickles lillies stocking foot, which made her shriek and kick him in the gut. "Ow, sorry." Sun apologizes and just rubs her foot gently. Lillie smiles and kisses sun on the cheek. "How long did i pass out for?" Lillie asks. "You've been asleep for a good while actually." Sun answers. "Is your mom home yet?" Lillie asks. "No, and neither is moon. I guess they're busy doing there own thing." Sun assumes, then lays with lillie in bed. "These days have been getting longer haven't they?" Lillie asks, as sun spooned her. "Yeah, I just don't want our time to be cut short." Sun says, running his hand up and down her body." Lillie smiles and slowly drifts off as the night slowly drifts away.


Lycanroc is fast asleep as Charmeleons tail lights up the dark with its small ember on its tail.

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