Chapter 21 Do I Know You?

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In Sun's dream

"Now hold on, you'd better check your tone with me. You in no position to be making demands. If you want to walk, that's cool, but if you ever want to see your girl again, you gonna do what I say. Got it?" The figure asks.

Sun wakes up

Sun looks around the room in a cold sweat. Lillie rolls on the side and snores. Sun checks the internet and sees ash beating the 1st trail. *it's always easy.* sun thought as shuts his laptop. He goes back to bed and goes back to sleep.

In the morning

Sun gets up before lillie could. Sun then eats some breakfast. "Hey sun, since its weekend, can I go to the skate park?" Moon asks like she needed his permission. "Ok baby, but be careful." Sun answers and puts on his work clothes. "Still working on the monorail?" Moon asks. "Yeah, they're paying me extra for weekend shifts." Sun answers while tieing his work boots. "I'll see you later for dinner." Sun says and rushes off.

At the docks

"Hi there, I'm ash and I plan to be the best pokemon master." Ash greets lucas. Lucas, didn't care and just went back to work.

"The hell you doing here boy?" Sun asks with anger

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"The hell you doing here boy?" Sun asks with anger. "I beat my 1st trial and now I'm gonna-" sun cuts ash up. "Shut up kid, I don't care." Sun answers and covers his mouth. Sun goes to his work station and carries the two by fours back and forward. After work, sun sees a figure on the hill near the waterfall where he tickled moon at. Sun walks over and sees a tall 6'2 man m, age 25 or something. He had a serious look on his face, he gazes over at alola. "Hello sun." The man greets.

"Do I know you?" Sun asks "no, but I know you

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"Do I know you?" Sun asks "no, but I know you." The man says. "How do you know me?" Sun asks crossing his arms. "Well I know you from every where in alola." The man says. "I need you to check on a worker. Something tells me, he isn't gonna be loyal to his wife." The man says and walks off. Sun didn't know what that meant. But then he saw mrs burnet at the docks. She looked bored as she crossed her arms as a worker was talking to her. "Hey buddy, please, you have a wife at home who love you." Sun rationally says. The worker was about to object "you're right kid. Smart son you got there." The worker assumes and heads home. "Burnet, what are you doing here?" Sun asks "checking on the monorail process under the order of lusamine." Burnet answers and kisses sun on the forehead. "Thanks for vouching for me." Burnet says and checks her clipboard. Sun looks up to see that the man he saw was gone. *who was he just know? How does he know me? Is he important?* sun thinks and walks home. After taking a shower and eating a snack, sun begins to rest. Till the door bell ring and he check the peep hole. *Susan?* sun thinks and opens the door. "Susan? What are you doing here?" Sun asks. "I came to visit you. I would like to check up on the champs training and livestyle." She lies and asks to be let in. "Sure, just take your shoes off." Sun says and Susan takes off her autographed sneakers. "Nice place you got here." Susan says and sits on the couch. "These must be the house Pokemon." Susan assumes as she sees Meowth and Rowlet. "So sun, what do you plan to keep ypur championship?" Susan asks and sun answers, but Charlie had other ideas. *sun, the man you saw, you must know what he is. Ash is gonna take lillie, you must stop him!" Charile growls in suns mind. *not now, I'll talk later, right now I'm answering questions.* sun tells his dragon.

Sun ignores Charlie and answers susans questions and stuff like that

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Sun ignores Charlie and answers susans questions and stuff like that.

At kukuis home

Lillie finishes placing the bags of food into the fridge. "Ok lillie, ash is using the loft, but I still need you to keep it clean." Kukui says and lillie nods. "Sure." As she removes her shoes and climbs up the ladder.  After making the bed, ash shows up. "Hey there." He says being a flirt. "H-hi ash." Lillie says and snowy waves at him with her paw. "What's with sun? Why he such a jerk?" Ash asks "he's just protective of me." Lillie answers as sun places his hat on the night stand. "Come on lillie, don't you want to know what it's like to be with someone else for a bit?" Ash tries to convince. "That sounds inviting, but I can't. I love sun too much." Lillie answers and tries to leave. "Wait lillie, don't you want to stay for dinner?" Ash asks. "Sure ash, I'd love to." Lillie answers with a smile. "Good......" Ash mutters under his breath.

Suns home

Sun rubs susans feet as she asks more questions *mmmmm, wow, anabel was right. This is the best* Susan said in her mind. "How long have you and lycanroc know eachother?" Susan asks while sun kneads. "As long as I can remember." Sun answers. This went on for a while, but so Susan had to leave, but felt relaxed. *what a strange strange fan* sun says to himself. Later when it was bedtime, lillie didn't come back. Sun didn't think anything, since he thought she must be sleeping at the aether paradise. Sun reads for a bit, then goes to sleep.

*acerola really knows her books

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*acerola really knows her books.* sun thought as he drifted off the sleep. "Don't worry about sun. He'll be ok." Mom says to moon as she brushes her hair. "Is he? I mean sure he can take care of himself, but what about that demon from 2 years ago?" Moon asks. "Don't worry about it, sun can control it." Mom assumes as she brushes moons hair till she sleeps.

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