Sun wakes up, lillie still spooning him. "Morning babe." Lillie mumbles and yawns. "Its fine babe, you should sleep for a bit." Sun says, kissing her cheek. Sun changes into his clothes, then here's a knocking on the door. Sun opens the door. "Hello?" Sun calls out, once he opened the door. "Hello champ, your lycanroc is all healed and ready to see you again." Nurse joy says to Sun.
In the PER
Lycanroc was sitting on the pokemon center bed, eating some poke beans. "Hi lycanroc, are you feeling ok?" Sun asks. "I'm fine, I felt like my heart stopped for a moment." Lycanroc answers. Lillie then shows up a few minutes later. "Hey sun, so how is your lycanroc?" Lillie says. "Hes fine, just needs to rest, can't fight for a week." Sun explains to lillie. "That's too bad, sorry sun. Kukui needs me again, then I have to check up on my mother. See you later." Lillie says, and kisses sun on the cheek before going. "Bye." Sun waves, lycanroc joining him.
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"Wheres lillie going?" Lycanroc asks, licking his pawed fingers. "She has to go back to work. We should go home." Sun answers, then suggests. "You sure? We can train some more." Lycanroc asks, making sure sun is making the right call. "Lycanroc, I was advised by nurse joy not to train you for a week." Sun informs his lycanroc. "Damn....Fine, let's go home." Lycanroc says, without putting up a fight.
At home
Sun and lycanroc go inside and moon jumps on lycanroc. "Oh my goodness, lycanroc. Are you ok? Lillie told me so much on what happened." Moon says and pets lycanroc like there's no tomorrow. Lycanroc was told to never bite or hit moon, even if she does annoy him sometimes.
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*now I know how gladion feels* Lycanroc thinks. "Come on moon, let the pokemon breath." Sun says, but moon snuggles with him. "Whats with moon?" Rowlet asks. "Lycanroc almost died today, luckily it wasn't too serious." Sun explains to rowlet. "Why is my trainer nuzzling with lycanroc on the floor?" Flareon asks. Sun looks over at the 12 year old cuddling with lycanroc and nuzzling into his chest. "She's just very happy that lycanroc alive. We both are tired after all that." Sun says. "Its still morning sun, you two should train." Flareon suggests. "I can't, lycanroc is too weak after getting shocked and burned." Sun explains to Flareon. "What he means is, Lycanroc is in a lot of pain. If they were to train now, lycanroc could be walking out with a broken arm." Meowth adda, sharpening his claws. *is she ever gonna stop snuggling like hes a teddy bear?* sun think. Lycanroc feels like he's getting choked the life out of him. "Hey moon, mom is at work again right?" Sun asks. "Yeah, why you ask?" Moon asks, still snuggling lycanroc. "I plan to just rest today and was wondering if we could talk." Sun answers. "Why don't me and you talk?" Moon asks. "I would, but you're too busy choking lycanroc to death there." Sun says. Moon looks to see lycanrocs head stuck in her arms. Lycanroc is just mad as he gets snuggled. Moon lets go of lycanroc, making him breath a big breath of air. Moon then lays on the couch, sun does too. Moon places her feet on suns lap. Sun kneads her soft, smooth soles. Moon smiles, and shuts her eyes. Sun then turns on some tv. But for some reason the signals are out.
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"Maybe the shock caused the power to be cut out for 24 hours?" Moon assumes in a relaxing tone. "I think that too. I think we should have signal by tommorow." Sun answers. Sun kneads moons feet, causing her to sigh with relief. "Where have you been all this time? You haven't been home for a while." Moon says in a relaxing tone. "Sorry moon, I've just been busy." Sun answers, still kneading. "Mmmm sure, um you do realize the monorail is still under fire right?" Moon asks. "How did you know?" Sun asks. "Gladion told me, he said he checked at the docks, but no one knew where you were, so work days were just slow. mmmmmm" moon answers, then a long moan escapes her mouth. "Sorry I haven't been to work in a while." Sun apologizes. "Mmmm you don't need to." Moon says, as sun kneads deeper into her feet. "Wow sun, you haven't lost your touch." Moon mumbles. "Even if your goth/E girl, I still love as my little baby sister." Sun points out. "Shut up." Moon giggles, then kicks sun in the gut. "You wanna fight dirty?" Sun asks and tickles moons feet, which caused her to scream with laughter. Lycanroc and rowlet stare at sun and moon. "What are they doing?" Rowlet asks. "Doing What they always go." Lycanroc answers.
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(Got to use what I got) all 4 pokemon stare at the 2 trainers. "At it again are they?" Flareon asks. "Can it Flareon." Lycanroc says. "Sun gives giving moon playful tickles, a way to show a boys fun side or being playful." Meowth explains. "Like we needed to know." Lycanroc growls. "Don't get mad at me, I'm just born very smart." Meowth explains.
An hour later
Moon lays on the couch, exhausted from the tickles sun did to her feet. Sun does it again, but moon kicks him in the face. "Sorry moon." Sun apologizes and massages her feet again, Moon moans and lays into the couch. "Moon, i have to work soon, so gladion will have to take care of you." Sun explains. "Whatever." Moon answers. "For a goth/E girl you sure are ticklish." Sun jokingly teases. Moon got a bit mad, but didn't want to kick him, since she was too relaxed. After a little bit, moon fell asleep and sun stopped. "Hey lycanroc, how about me and you go-" sun was then cut of by his walkie talkie beeping. *Carl?.....*