Chapter 43 Did Dusk Really Fall?!

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Red and brendens POV

"Charaizard! Do you see anything?!" Red calls out, as his pokemon falls to the bottom of the mountain. "Why there?" Brenden asks. "I saw a water fall going out of the Mountain, maybe dusks body fell out." Red assumes, then lifts up the lantern. "Can sceptile find us a way in?" Red asks, brenden looks over at sceptile, trying to leaf blade his way in. "Sceptile! Hows the work coming along?!" Brenden calls out. "Sceptile......" Sceptile responds and tries to break its way in. "If only I could talk to pokemon like sun." Brenden wishes. "You still think he can?" Red asks, even though it's been 2 years. "You doubt him?" Brenden asks "I don't know, he may or may not." Red answers, but the winds pick up. "Man, we're gonna f*cking freeze to death!" Red calls out, trying to keep warm. "Sceptile!" Sceptile shows out and breaks their way in. "Good job boy!" Brenden praises. Red looks up at the starless night sky "Charaizard! Come down!" Red calls out.

*did you have any doubts?* sceptile asks, but to brenden and red, sceptile just says "sceptile

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*did you have any doubts?* sceptile asks, but to brenden and red, sceptile just says "sceptile...." Brenden chuckles, and pets his pokemons head. "What the hell? How does this cave looked untouched?" Red asks, as charaziard lights up the dark. "The cave in must've only been a rumble on the inside." Brenden assumes. "We gotta get back to that temple." Red says "growl" charazard goes. Brenden and red go to the temple. "The inside of the temple ia covered up, be careful, the floor broke." Brenden says, red nods. "Charaizard, go down, see what you can find." Red commands "growl" charazard goes in understanding. Charaziard flies down into the dark hole. It was so dark, charazards fire from his tail disappears. "Charaizard?! Are you ok buddy?!" Red calls out, hearing his voice echo. "Charaizard?!" Red calls out again. A fee seconds of silence later, red heres "growl" from his pokemon, that was almost covered in ice. "Holy sh*t! Charaizard, what happened to you?" Red asks. "Growl!" Charaizard growls and shivers a bit. "How cold is it down there?" Red asks. "Growl!" Charaizard growls in an answer. "Red? Can you talk to pokemon?" Brenden asks. "Trying to?" Red answers, focusing on the lips movements on his pokemon. Red warms up his pokemon with a blanket. Brenden checks the the area and how cold it is. "Wow red, it's so cold down there, its below 0. It could freeze anything, even fire pokemon can't stand this kind of cold." Brenden explains.

"Dusk?!" Brenden calls out into the dark embiss

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"Dusk?!" Brenden calls out into the dark embiss. "We shout get back to the League, it's getting cold." Red says and takes brendens hand. "I don't know, what if his body is down there. Frozen...." Brenden says, then remembers what he said earlier. "Not if we get sick from the flu." Red says, then pulls him up. "What do you suppose that door does?" Brenden asks. "I don't know, but what ever it is, sun needs a star stone to open to door." Red answers, then they both left the cave. "Charaizard! Take us back to the league!" Red commands. "Tommorow morning, we should get a search and rescue team to search the dark place." Brenden says, red nods and charazard flies faster to the league.

At candies house

"Thank you lillie, I'll see you at home soon." Sun says and kisses lillie. "I'll see you later sun." Lillie smiles, then kisses his cheek. "You have a nice girl friend." Candy says, after lillie put her shoes on and left. "She's the best girl I've ever met." Sun says. Susan looks up at the night sky. "Hey sun, do you think dusk is gonna be ok? That was a nasty fall he took." Susan says, thinking about the alternate. "I brother survived worst then this?" Sun answers and sits up. "What do you think? Do you think they found him?" Susan asks. "I think they did." Sun assumes. "Alola gets really cold at night." Susan says, looking at the stars. *lunala, if you can hear me, please make sure my brother is safe.* Sun pleads in his head. "I think dusk is...." Susan started, but get cuts off by sun. "Don't say it." Sun quickly says. Susan apologizes and snuggles with sun by the fire. "You two getting cozy?" Candy asks, then joins in. *What the hell is going on?* sun thinks to himself.

The two girls nuzzle with sun, sun slowly closes his eyes

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The two girls nuzzle with sun, sun slowly closes his eyes. Hearing the crackle of the fire.

At the aether paradise

Lillie was gonna get ready for bed, till gladion shows up. "I got you some tea sister." Gladion says. "Thanks brother." Lillie says and sips it. "How's sun?" Gladion asks, which kinda got lillie by surprise. "How did you know?" Lillie asks "moon told me about. She wasn't sure what to do, but come talk to me." Gladion explains "also, some girl named candy called her to tell her." Gladion adds. "Sun is hurt bad, he should've seen his body all scared and broken." Lillie says with a sad look on her face. "You should stay awake from mele mele island for a while." Gladions suggests. "Why?" Lillie quickly asks. "Ash is there and he's with some pinked haired guy." Gladion says and places lillies tea on her desk. "I'm not gonna let some stupid boy prevent me from seeing my boyfriend!" Lillie protests with a but of annoyance.

"Sorry lillie, but you should invite sun over here instead

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"Sorry lillie, but you should invite sun over here instead." Gladion suggests. "As long as I can see my boyfriend." Lillie says, agreeing with him. "Now, if you excuse me. I'm gonna take a shower. Please leave." Lillie says and pushes gladion out of her room. *that brother of mines, always being too over protective.* lillie thought, then steps into the shower. Typhosion sits outside of candies house, it lets out a whale of sadness, feeling lost without it's trainer.

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