Chapter 14 Dusk's secret

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The morning came, sun eats some cereal while moon just drinks some milk. "Hey moon, since it's Friday, why don't me and you try and catch up at the akala island hotel?" Sun asks. Moon smiles and puts her cup down. "Sure, it's been a while I guess." Moon says and kisses sun on the cheek. "I'll tell gladion about it, maybe he should do so weekend bonding too." Moon giggles and goes to school. "Hey sun, best we do our work 1st." Lycanroc snarls. "Geez lycanroc, ok we'll go to work." Sun says and makes sure to dress in his work gear. At work, sun and some workers checked on the blue prints for the monorail. "Ok, so we need these materials for the monorail." A worker says and instructs sun and sun understood.

After a few long hours, sun finished his work

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After a few long hours, sun finished his work. "Hey red, where's dusk?" Sun asks. "He was moving in with someone in akala island, he said he wanted to give you this." Red hands sun $7,000 pokedollars. "Dusk also told me, he needs to see you at mallows restaurant. Has a surprise there or something." Red adds and works with his Charaizard. At akala island, sun does to the restaurant like red says. "Hey sun, over here!" Dusk calls out and sun sits with dusk as mallow brings them both the speciality of the house. "Well dusk, what's the thing you wanted to tell me?" Sun asks as he eats some of the chili. Mallow giggles and hides her as dusk holds her hand. "Me and mallow are dating." Dusk announces. Sun was surprised and happy as well as lycanroc. "What?! My sister is dating a boy?!" Mallow brother rushes out and gets a shocked expression on his face, seeing the two kids holding hands. "Well, this is a big surprise." Mallows brother says.

"Yes ulu, dusk is my boyfriend and has every right to be here with me

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"Yes ulu, dusk is my boyfriend and has every right to be here with me." Mallow says and kisses dusk on the cheek. "Great job brother, you finally found a girl friend." Sun says clapping his hands. "Thank you sun, make sure you tell everyone about it." Dusk says and sun understood. "What, you thought kawie and mallow would be together in this story, no way. This is the writers story, and they have every right to make it how ever they want." Dusk tells you, breaking the 4th wall. At the league, everyone was shocked to here the news "how come he didn't tell us?!" Calem demands "yeah, was he ever gonna tell us?" Brenden asks with his arm folded. "He was shy about it dude, he wanted to make sure the time was right. He'll be staying with mallow for the night." Sun explains. Everyone seemed pleased with suns explanation. "So, dusk is gonna be gone for the night?" May asks "that's right baby, we could party if we want." Brenden says. Everyone cheers and sun chuckles. "Oh sun, would you stay for the party?" Serena asks "nah, you guys enjoy yourselves." Sun answers. "Aw, just for one drink?" Dawn asks. And Susan hands sun a cup of punch. "Sure." Sun had a few cups of punch, but after his 6th, he had to pee. After a bathroom break, everyone seemed to watch the pokemon battle marathon. "Well, I'm off everyone. I'll see you monday." Sun calls out and makes his way out. While walking home, lycanroc felt a little pissed. "Sun, all day we did nothing! Why can't we just train? I need to get stronger!" Lycanroc growls and rubs his paw. "Lycanroc, we'll do more training with moon." Sun answers. At home, sun packs up some stuff for his little vacation with moon. "Hey sun, I'm really glad you're willing to do this for the both of us." Moon says and pokes her fingers together. "It's fine sis, I know you're looking out for me." Sun chuckles and packs up some sun screen. "Hey sun, I'm sorry about some of the stuff I say. I just don't want to be belittled anymore. I want to be seen as tough." Moon explains. "Oh, so you're so tough?" Sun chuckles and begins to tickle moon on the sides, causing her to scream and laugh. Moon fell to the floor and sun tickles moons fishnet stocking. Moon shrieks and taps like shes being in a submission hold. "Whose ms softly now?" Sun chuckles as moon lays there catching her breath. Sun finishes packing up his stuff.

Outside, mom holds suns hands "mom, it's not a big deal

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Outside, mom holds suns hands "mom, it's not a big deal. Me and moon are just gonna be an island over." Sun reassures his mother. "I know, I just don't want my kids to be away from so long." Mom answers. "Relax mom, we're only gonna be gone for 2 days, sadly that's how long weekends are." Moon says then mutters. "Ok babies, have fun you two." Mom says and kisses them both on their cheeks. "Bye mom!" Moon says and skips while sun walks to the docks. Lillie and gladion are enjoying their own bonding at the aether paradise with their mother. "Are you sure sun is with moon?" Lillie asks. "Relax sis, sun is a loyal person. He'll never cheat on you." Gladion reassures lillie with a chuckle. "Come on kids, tome for some old family board games." Lusamine calls out. "Coming mother!" Lillie calls out and races gladion downstairs. On akala island, sun and moon go the the hotel by the beach. Sun doesn't like swimming much, but surely they'll visit. Moon and sun go to their room and moon sits on the bed. "Time to get out these goth clothes." Moon says and goes to the bathroom. "Privacy please." Moon says and locks the door. Sun chuckles while setting the stuff on the bed. *maybe this vacation will give me and moon and chance to bond. We hard talked or had brother sister time when she turned 12* sun thought as he looks at the still shining sun. *I'll be back at work soon, but for now, it's fun time* sun thinks with a smile on his face.

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