Chapter 88 Grand Opening

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Morning again Suns POV

Sun wakes up, since yesterday went by so quick. "What happened?" Sun asks, lillie rolls to her side. "I don't know, I guess the writer didn't want to pick up where he left off, so he placed us here." Lillie explains. "I guess that makes sense." Sun assumes, kisses lillies cheek. "Did you sleep well?" Lillie asks. "Yeah, but I just want this to be over with, I'm so tired of doing so much." Sun says and hugs lillie. "You're so cute." Lillie says and kisses suns cheek. "Can we go check that monorail thing Lucas has been talking about?" Sun asks. "Sure, let's just get ready." Lillie says and gets up from the bed.

10 minutes later

"Lycanroc! Are you ready?!" Sun calls out. "In a sec!" Lycanroc calls out, but it sounds like a howl.

After that, everyone leaves for the docks in mele mele island

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After that, everyone leaves for the docks in mele mele island. Since all thw islands are now connected to the monorail, it'll be easy. But not yet, so everyone had to take the boats for now. The grand opening will happen on all 4 islands, including the aether paradise.

On the docks of mele mele island

Sun and his group stand in the crowd. John walks up with a hug smile and his face. Sun looks around, Tony wasn't anywhere.  "Good morning everyone." John starts and everyone goes quiet. "Today is a big day, MS lusamine made all this for all of us. A way to make time and to save time." John explains. "What's he going on about?" Brenden asks. "I don't know, he probably is just making an introduction." Sun whispers back. "Ladies and gentlemen, I introduce to you, a revolution in travel." John says and an ace trainer shows up with a pair of big scissors. "The new alolan monorail." John says as the ace trainer cuts the ribbon. *did they do that for all of the islands?* sun thinks as he sees something in the corner of his eyes. "Hey lucas, cover for me. I need to check something out." Sun whispers. The figure goes off to the side of a large building. Lycanroc uses his night vision to look into the ally way. "Lycanroc, you don't need to, best we be brave now. Okay? Follow my lead." Sun whispers as the 2 go into the ally.

Sun goes up the ladder as the light shines into the high dark place

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Sun goes up the ladder as the light shines into the high dark place. *this image looks fat. Could it be tony?" Sun thinks as he hides by a wall. *Tony? What the hell is he doing?* sun thinks and creeps closer to see what hes up to. "That John thinks he's so nice, but we'll see what gets the last laugh." Tony says and loads a sniper rifle. "We gotta stop him!" Lycanroc barks and lunges at tony. Tony hits lycanroc with the butt of a the rifle. The crowd was somewhat loud, so they couldn't hear what was going on up on the building. "Stay back!" Tony says, sun on his knees. Tony takes aim, but sun wasn't gonna give up. Tony pulls the trigger and sun lunges at the same time. But it was too late. John was shot in the chest. Everyone starts screaming and running away. "No!" Sun shouts and turns his attention to tony. "You see now don't you? John was too  weak to be a leader, and it was only a matter of time before he'd get killed, one way or another." Tony says, clenching his chest. Sun feel rage in himself again "you bastard! I'll kill you!" Charlie growls through sun.

Before tony could lull out another gun, sun tackles him

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Before tony could lull out another gun, sun tackles him. Starts to beat him like a wild pokemon from hell. Tony shoots sun in the gut, sun falls to the side. He was still alive, but he couldn't move. "Tommorow, no one will even know who the champion was shot by." Tony says, then points the gun at suns head. Lycanroc gets up and bites down on tonys arm, Tony yells in pain. Sun gets up and lunges at Tony again. He missed his shot, and sun pushes Tony off the building, but not before he grabbed sun as they both fall to the concrete below.

Sun blacks out lillies POV

The screams were around them as the cops were starting to get called. "What's going on?!" Lillie shouts over the screams as people started running. "Lillie! Get over here now!" Calem calls out. Lillie rushes to see what everyone was starring at. Her eyes gree wide as she saw 2 figures. One was tony, and the other was sun. Lillies eyes began to tear up as she slowly walks over to the body. But there's a thing, Tony's body was on the concrete, and suns body landed on a car.

Sirens can be heard

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Sirens can be heard. Lycanrocs howls can always be heard from the top of the building.

In suns dream Suns POV

"What the hell? Ahhhhh im not dead!" Sun screams and runs around. "Calm down sun, you're still alive. The car managed to break your fall." Charlie says and pats sun on the back. "You did a good thing for alola, even though I destroyed once in a fit of rage, but that was 2 years ago." Charlie growls. "What the hell? It happened so fast, I didn't even get a chance to stop what Tony did to john." Sun says.

Out of suns head lillies POV

Lillie falls to her knees and starts to cry. Lucas comforts her and tries to reassure her it'll be ok. Officer Jenny comes and takes a statement. "How did this happen?!" Lillie cries. Someone checks suns pulse, and it was weak, but still there. "He's still alive, quick, we need to take him to the ER!" Someone says. Lillie cries a bit more, this morning was horrible. Lillie watches sun as he got loaded into the ambulance.

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