Chapter 29 Hard Work And Training

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The sun rises as sun gets back to his house amd gets into his dirty work clothes. *did not sleep one night, not one bit.* sun thinks as he ties his boots.

At the docks

"Sun, you're back, ready for more work?" A worker asks and hands sun a shovel. "What's This for?" Sun asks and places the shovel somewhere else. "Sun, will be scuba diving with me." Lucas says and takes suns hand. "Thank for saving my ass lucas." Sun whispers and Lucas takes sun to change. Soon, sun and his lycanroc came in with lucas and his empoleon.


Sun and lucas take the two by fours and plant them in the dirt underwater. Empoleon helps his lycanroc swim in the deep blue.

Lucas and sun hammer away at the nails underwater

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Lucas and sun hammer away at the nails underwater. After 2 hours, it was still mid morning. "Hey, you two! The head of the board wants to head yoy." A worker says to sun. Sun gets out of the water and changes into his clothes.

In the office

Sun meets up with the fat business guy in a suit waiting for him. Sun looks around for the skinny one, but he was not there at the moment. "You are Mr sun?" The fat guy asks. "Yeah, that's me. You wanted to see me?" Sun answers. "You're manager of this project, but you need to show you're no push over. Passing out is embarrassing." The fat guy explains. *who does this loser think he is?* sun thinks and pretends to give a sh*t. "I was a bit overwhelmed by the heat." Sun says calmly and rolls his eyes. "I don't care, all you need to do is learn some respect." The business guy says and sun walks out. "Hey sun, what did the boss guy wants?" Lucas asks after drying his hair. "Some random bullsh*t." Sun answers and gives lucas some chicken tenders from the lunch place. "Thanks sun." Lucas says quickly eats the chicken tenders. "Come on sun, lets go to the League. The girls will just love to have you." Lucas says and pulls sun. "Wait lucas! I have a girlfriend!" Sun calls out as sun thinks his arm might pop out of his socket.

Leaving the empty chicken tender box behind to be looked at by wild rattatas and wild rockruffs

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Leaving the empty chicken tender box behind to be looked at by wild rattatas and wild rockruffs.

At the league

Lucas takes sun and opens the door. "Ladies, prince charming is here!" Lucas announces as the girls look at sun. "Hello, you must be sun?" Serena assumes as calem places his arm around her. "Hi, you're serena, I think we've met before?" Sun thinks and pets her head. "Where's Susan?" Sun asks "oh no, I'm right here." Susan says and playfully smacks suns rear. "Geez ladies, I have a woman at home." Sun says as he goes into the kitchen. "Hey sun, thanks for the chicken tenders." Lucas says as he chops some vegetables. "But next time, I should eat a bit more healthy." Lucas adds and adds it to a stew. In the living room, sun and Susan sit on the couch. "How many girls did you massage?" Susan asks, sun blushes. "Why you ask that?" Sun asks "I don't know, it's just a thought." Susan giggles and pets suns head. Sun looks over to see red and green coming a little too close to each other. *heh, it's cute when red blushes around her* sun thinks as green lays her head on reds shoulder.

Green cutely snores on red shoulder

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Green cutely snores on red shoulder. *wow, she sure was tired.* red thought as he brushed greens hair. "Sun, come and check on the stew." May calls out and sun does so. "Hey sun, im really glad dawn is here, otherwise, I wouldn't be over Kelly or shelly." Lucas says and pets suns head. "What do you think about Susan?" Sun whispers. "She's, okay I guess, I'm really glad we get girls here." Lucas chuckles and gives sun a spoonful. "Spicy, with a bit of sweetness." Sun says and Lucas smiles. "Dig in everybody." Dawn announces and everyone takes a seat. Dawn pecks lucas on the cheek, for making this fine meal he made. Everyone tastes and smiles. "Wow lucas, since when did you learn to cook?" Brenden asks and spoons up some more. "It's good." Sun mutters and enjoys it. After eating a good lunch, sun looks around for dusk. "Hey Calem! Where's dusk?" Sun asks "hes off somewhere with his girlfriend." Calem answers and shows Serena more of the League. "Sun, where's that training you promised me?" Lycanroc asks with growl. "I didn't forget, sun says and chuckles. "Here, have a rainbow pokebean." Sun offers and gives his pokemon a bean to eat. That seemed to get his strength back up. "Ok, let's do this!" Sun calls out and lycanroc charges at the nearest rock and smashes it. *this is the same place I saw anabel at. *seems like forever since I thought she was an angel* sun thinks and goes back to training his lycanroc.

After training

Sun gives lycanroc a Poke bean as a reward for a great days work out. Once sun got back into the League and lycanroc starts to eat almost all the food in the fridge.

"Oh lycanroc, what am I gonna do with you?" Sun asks with a chuckle

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"Oh lycanroc, what am I gonna do with you?" Sun asks with a chuckle. "Love me, feed me, never leave me." Lycanroc answers, then let's out a burp.


"Oh dear, this is bad. Looker! We need sun to do another mission for us." Anabel says and shows more ultra beast ratings. "You're right, in the morning, I'll call sun and see if he's able to do us a little favor." Looker says and drinks some more coffee with Carl. The moon soon rises and sun lays in his bed with lycanroc, after not sleeping all night yesterday, he'd say he deserved it. Even lycanroc thinks so by sleeping next to him. *lillie.......* sun thinks and mutters in his sleep.

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