Chapter 41 Moutian Hike

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In suns dream

"Lillie....." Sun goes, as he reaches out to lillie. "Im sorry sun, but I'm leaving for kanto." Lillie says and looks sad. "Why babe, why are you leaving me?!" Sun asks, with tears im his eyes. He then falls to his knees. "With me." Ash says and holds lillies hand. "Im sorry sun, but ash promises a better life." Lillie apologies. Then they leave for the boat. "No! Lillie, come back please! Don't leave me!" Sun begs and sobs.

Sun wakes up

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Sun wakes up

Sun is in a cold sweat, but sees lillie sleeping peacefully. Sun touches lillies hair with his finger. *lillie, I forgive you. Ash was just way in over his head.* sun thought, then gets out of bed. Sun then gets a phone call from dusk. "Sun, i need you at the League, me and our team have a way to stop alola from turning into holy hell fire." Dusk says, through the phone. "Ok dusk, I'll be there soon." Sun says, then signs off. Lillie slowly gets up and rubs her eyes. "Sun, I'm sorry for kissing him." Lillie apologies for the 3000 time. "Lillie, it's ok. I forgive already, ash was a little piss head." Sun says, then places a finger on her face. "I love you babe." Sun says. "I have to go lillie, I'll be back before dinner babe." Sun, then gives lillie a goodbye kiss. "Promise me, you'll be careful." Lillie says, sun nods before leaving. *might as well bring the 4 stone with me.* sun thinks.

At the League

"Sup fellas." Sun goes, then fist bumps red. "So, what are we doing?" Sun asks "do you have the stones?" Calem asks, as Serena plays with his hair. "I have the 4 stones." Sun says and places them on the table. "Good, this should be able to save alola." Calem says, then playfully pushes Serena away. "The sun, dusk, moon, and the rainbow stone. We need theses 4." Calem says, then pulls out some hiking gear. "What do we need the hiking gear for?" Sun asks. "I need you, dusk, red, and brenden to go to the ula ula island Mountain. To find the door and save alola." Calem instructs. "Why can't you come with us?" Brenden asks "cause, we need some people to take care of the ladies." Calem answers, Lucas gave dawn a wink. "What about me? Can't I come?" Susan asks. Sun looks down at susan. "You sure you want to do this? Because it's not gonna be an easy mission." Sun asks, and explains. "Yeah, im more then capable to take care of myself." Susan answers. "Ok, it's settled." Lucas says and hands the hiking gear.

"Ok, let's suit up

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"Ok, let's suit up." Sun says, after changing. "You ready?" Dusk asks "I can take care of myself." Red says and picks up his bag.


"This way, follow me." Dusk says, then holds up the map. "How far is?!" Brenden asks, since they have been hiking for a couple of hours, the sun was now going into the afternoon. "We should be there soon." Dusk reassures, before placing the map away. "Hey sun, what do you think we'll fins in this temple?" Susan asks. "I don't know? Maybe we can find some answers, or stop whatever evil is coming to alola." Sun answers, then looks up at the sun. "Hey dusk, is this temple made out of ice!?" Brenden asks. "No, we should be fine!" Dusk answers back. "Don't worry brenden, my charaizard can keep all of us warm." Red reassures. "So can Typhlosion!" Dusk calls back. "That's besides the point dusk!" Red calls back, then covers himself to keep warm. Sun looks over the stones "You sure we don't need any back up? What if something goes wrong?" Sun asks. "We don't need back up, we need to get to the temple as fast as we can." Dusk says, moving a little bit more faster. Climbing the Mountain wasn't easy, a lot of ice and snow. "You ok susan?" Sun asks "I'm fine, I almost twisted my ankle." Susan answers, then grabs suns hand. "Be careful susan, the ice is too slippery. You might twist you ankle or break your leg if you're not careful." Dusk calls out.

The group sees a cave up ahead

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The group sees a cave up ahead. "The temple should be inside this cave!" Dusk calls out, but then the winds pick up. "Quickly, inside now!" Brenden shouts, then pushes everyone inside.


"That was close, best we move forward. The faster this is over, the faster we can go home." Red says, then uses his charaziard Y gem. "Charizard, lead us some light!" Red calls out.

Charaizard lights up the dark, by using it's tail

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Charaizard lights up the dark, by using it's tail. " Typhlosion,we need some light too." Dusk calls out, and then typhosion lights up the dark too. "Hey dusk, what happened to typhosions mega stone?" Brenden asks. "I lost it since book 2." Dusk answers, remembering the fight."ok, let's go. The temple shouldn't be too far." Susan calls, rushing forward. "Susan wait, you don't know where to go!" Sun shouts and rushes after her. "Wait, both of you!" Red rushes after them too, and do does brenden and dusk. Sun grabs Susan before she falls off the edge. "You have to be careful, its a bottomless pit there!" Sun warns her. "Wow, thanks sun, you saved my butt." Susan says gratefully. "Hey you guys! I found something!" Brenden calls out. "I think I found the temple, it's just beyond these rocks!" Brenden adds. "Sceptile, use leaf blade!" Brenden commands. Sceptile uses the leaf blade, which broke the rocks. In front of them was the temple. "Holy sh*t I can't believe we found it!" Dusk says and rushes forward. "Sun, i have a bad feeling about this." Red says "come on red, its just opening the door to save alola, what can go wrong?" Sun says walking forward. *right?* sun thinks to himself.

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