Sun quickly rushes to the league, he slams the door open to make lucas jump. "Sun!? Thank god you're here." Lucas says "sun! We need you here now!" Brenden shouts over to sun. Sun rushes to dusk meeting room. The figure turns around and it was Ash. "Hi there, my names ash. I want to be the greatest pokemon master." Ash introduces. "Yeah yeah yeah, we heard this bullsh*t!" Sun snaps which ashes pikachu didn't take to kindly. "Ay yo, you better watch yourself little rat." Lycanroc growls at pikachu. "What do you want ash?" Sun asks "I want to challenge you for the crown." Ash answers pointing at the glass case. "Ok, I knew it, so wheres my girl at?" Sun asks, arms folded. "What do you mean?" Ash asks "I just want to battle you." Ash answers. Sun looks down at his ultra league ring and looks up at ash. "Ok, let's do this." Sun says and takes lycanroc with him. "Gentlemen, this will be a winner takes all match. Ash vs sun!" Red announces and raises his flags. "Go!" Sun commands.
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"Pikachu use thunder bolt!" Ash commands, and sun counters "lycanroc, use rockslide!" Sun commands and Lycanroc howls. Both attacks collide. "Get up! Use brick break!" Sun commands and lycanroc charges at pikachu. "Pikachu, volt tackle!" Sun commands and pikachu charges at lycanroc with a electric volt around him. Pikachu hits lycanroc, but suffered from recoil. "Lycanroc, use stone edge!" Sun commands, and lycanroc hits the floor and sharp rock emerge from the ground. "Pikachu, dodge it!" Sun commands. Pikachu jumps up in the air. "Now use thunderbolt!" Ash commands, Pikachu let's out a bolt of thunder. Lycanroc is hit, but shakes it off. "Lycanroc, use crunch!" Sun commands, Lycanroc jumps into the air and bites down on Pikachu. Lycanroc slams pikachu to the ground. "Pikachu, dodge it!" Ash tries to command "brick break!" Sun quickly commands, Lycanroc charges up his paw and glides to Pikachu. Lycanroc hits pikachu, but Pikachu gets out of the way once it received damage. "Pikachu, use thunder!" Ash commands and Pikachu lets out a louder ray of thunder. It hits lycanroc, but shakes it off. "Lycanroc, use rock slide!" Sun commands, Lycanroc howls and rocks fall from the sky. "Rocks come towards Pikachu and Pikachu uses volt tackle. "He's getting killed out there!" Dusk shouts "get out of there!" Red shouts with hot tears and sweat. "Iron tail!" Ash commands and pikchua hits lycanroc with a steel hard tail. Lycanroc falls and hits the hard ground. "Get up! Get up! Come on, get up!" Sun commands and lycanroc gets up as Pikachu was coming at lycanroc with a volt tackle. *Lycanroc, come on, we got this.* sun tells lycanroc in his mind. The ring glows as lycanrocs eyes glow bright bloody red. "Hurry, use crunch!" Sun commands and chomps down on pikachus head. Lycanroc jumps in the air. "Thunder bolt!" Ash commands and Pikachu shocks lycanroc as Pikachu is in his mouth. Lycanroc slams pikachu to the ground, before Pikachu use paralyze lycanroc. "Pikachu, use my hat. The power of friendship!" Sun says and tosses his hat to Pikachu. Ashs hat gets tossed to Pikachu head "Iron tail!" Sun commands "brick break!" Sun counters.
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The iron tail and hard fist collide with eachother. Once they did, both pokemon fall back to the ground. "Get up!" Both shout and both pokemon get up all bruised and battered. "Use rockslide!" Sun commands and ash counter "volt tackle!" Ash commands and Pikachu just misses the rocks. *dodge it, be faster!* sun tells lycanroc in his mind. Lycanroc moves to the side as Pikachu hits the solid dirt. "Crunch!" Sun commands and lycanroc bites down on pikachus tail. Starts throwing Pikachu down like a ragdoll. "Pikachu, use iron tail!" Pikachu lifts up lycanroc with his tail and slams him to tye ground. "Get out of the way!" Sun commands before Pikachu can finish him off. Ash does the Pikachu Z dance. Sun does the lycanroc Z dance. Both pokemon are charged and ready to attack. Pikachu charges at lycanroc and lycanroc charges at Pikachu with sharp rocks. Both pokemon are coming at each other at high velocity speed. Both hit! Both hit! There's dust everywhere as the wind picks up sending in a big whoosh! The dust clears to see a fainted Pikachu, and I still standing lycanroc.
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"We have a winner and still champion! Sun!" Red announces and everyone in the stadium cheers. Later, sun receives his crown once again. Suns crown goes on his head again and everyone cheers. Ash covers his eyes in defeat. Ash does that when he loses, and tries to seem like a big man by not crying. "Ladies and gentlemen, the champ is here!" Red announces and the whole stadium shakes. Ash walks away, with his head down. *we did lycanroc, you're the best* sun tells lycanroc says in his mind. The crowd chants sun. Back at home, lillie and moon watch the TV. "Thats my brother." Moon says while rolling her eyes. Moon lays her head on lillies lap. "Come on moon, your brother is a tough champ." Lillie reassures. "I know, but soon everyone is gonna get bored of him." Moon says, and lillie smiles a bit. "Are you jealous moon?" Lillie asks. "Maybe a little." Moo. Answers and hides her face in lillies belly. "It's ok to be jealous, everyone wants to be champion most days." Lillie reassures. The crown rests on suns head all shining and glowing, just like it did 2 years ago.
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Afterwards, sun rests in his room, and checks out the TV. "Thanks, thanks for having faith in me sun." Lycanroc barks to sun. "I'm sure we did well, but we got more work to do." Sun says as he removes his ring from his finger. Back on akala island, anabel shows what sun did on TV. "Yep, that's the champ." Carl says "he better step up though, he has work to do." The looker says.
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