Chapter 12 Under Attack

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"Sun......Sun...... Come in" anabel calls sun in the walkie talkie. "Sun picks it up, but as he did, it turns off. Lillie slowly opens her eyes "who was that?" Lillie yawns and rubs her eyes. "That was anabel, we work together." Sun answers and clicks the button. "Anabel, come in, what's wrong?" Sun asks into the walkie. "Come to akala island, we need help. The ranch is under attack by a pheromosa." Anabel answers and signs off. "Sorry darling, I have to go. I'll be back once the job is done." Sun says, lillie looks upset. "I know...." Lillie answered and rolls back to sleep. Sun rushes with lycanroc to akala island and shes a random trainer getting beaten by the pheromosa. "Hey! Leave him alone!" Sun calls out, lycanroc swiftly runs towards the ultra beast. The pheromosa was about to do a high kick, till lycanroc crunched her leg and slammed it to the ground. The slam was really strong and sun was surprised to she how strong lycanroc became. Not only that, lycanroc uses brick break and starts chopping up the pheromosa in the face. "Lycanroc stop!" Sun calls out "what's he doing?!" Anabel shouts, sun rushes to lycanroc. "Stop please!" Anabel pulls lycanroc off the ultra beast, then the pheromosa tries to go back to the hole. Sun throws the beast ball and catches the pheromosa.

The trainer gets up and runs off, but not before anabel kicks him in the balls

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The trainer gets up and runs off, but not before anabel kicks him in the balls. "Hey anabel, what the hell was that for?" Sun calls out "he was trying to sexually harass the ultra beast. "F*ck you...." The random trainer says "I'll get you for this." He adds and crawls away with his mudbray. "What hell were you doing?!" Sun scolds and lycanroc growls at him. "Don't talk to me like that!" Sun scolds and to anabel it's just growls and barking. "You need to get that pokemon under control. We can't just do that. This may be an ultra beast, but it's still a pokemon." Anabel tells sun. "I know, lycanroc, please try to be more calm." Sun says to lycanroc. "I'm not weak sun. I can do it!" Lycanroc barks at him. "Please just try to stay calm." Sun reassures lycanroc. Lycanroc growls and snaps at sun. "Bad boy!" Sun scolds and lycanroc realizes what he's doing.

Sun looks at his scar faced pokemon and hugs it

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Sun looks at his scar faced pokemon and hugs it. "I know you're not weak, but you cant waste your anger like that." Sun tells him. "Sorry." Lycanroc says. Anabel and sun go back to the motel. "Anabel, you ok?" Looker asks "don't worry about me, I can take care of myself." Anabel answers. "Where the hell were you?!" Sun asks "I did some more research. Turns out worm holes are opening up. Check out these readings." Looker says and hands sun the readings. "What do these mean? Does this mean the ultra worm holes are opening up?!" Sun asks in a panic. "Afraid so...." Looker answers, anabel scans the beast ball into the computer. "Do me a favor and-" looker was cut off by Carl busting in. "Hey guys! I found something!" Carl takes it out of his pocket. "What's this?" Looker asks. "It's a lycanroc fang. Found it at the ranch anabel was at." Carl answers and looks at suns lycanroc. "That's no normal lycanroc." Carl adds. "What's that suppose to mean?" Sun asks.  "I mean, you're lycanroc is special." Carl answers and tosses lycanroc a treat. "He needs to watch his temper though. More like that and lycanroc could not listen to me anymore." Sun says taking the tooth from looker. "It did say in the pokedex it only listens to trainers that can unlock its full power." Carl says and chuckles. Sun rolls his eyes, but then he leaves. Sun then gets a call from dusk. "Hey sun, we need you here now!" He shouts over the phone. Sun knows dusk isn't like this only when he's excited. Later, sun goes to the league. "What is it? What's wrong? Is ash back?" Sun asks. "Dusk is in his office, he wants to see you." Calem answers. Sun walks over to see brenden, Susan, and lucas having tea together on the couch. In the office, sun meets up with dusk. "What did you call me over here for?" Sun asks and folds his arms as lycanroc does the same. Dusk points at the screen on his computer.

"Whose it from?" Sun asks "read it

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"Whose it from?" Sun asks "read it." Dusk says and opens it. "Dear dusk, this is the voice of your past. Me and the girls are coming over to alola for a nice vacation. We hope you and the boys are excited to meet us. From yours truly- May." The email ends and sun closes it. "You know this may person?" Sun asks "I did, but we were never and now that I have mallow." Dusk answers. "Do me a favor and clean out some rooms for the girls." Dusk says and sun leaves. *best keep it a surprise for lucas. He might like what he sees* sun thinks and goes to the rooms and cleans it. After a while, sun cleans the bed and floor. And made sure the bathrooms were scented well and the rooms smelled fresh.

"Sun, what have you ben doing in those rooms?" Red asks "I'm sure you'll like what you see tommorow

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"Sun, what have you ben doing in those rooms?" Red asks "I'm sure you'll like what you see tommorow." Sun answers and heads off. Before sun could leave, the dinner bell rings. "Dinner time, sun why don't you stay for dinner and rest here?" Calem asks and brings the fried chicken and fried rice to the table. "Ok, just a bite to eat." Sun says. After dinner, sun goes to his room. "Mind if I snuggle with the champ?" Susan asks with a blush. "Cute pajamas." Sun comments and scotts over. Susan crawls under the covers, the way moon use to do it. "Sun, what have you been doing most day?" Susan asks "my job susan, my godd*am job." Sun answers as he slowly drifts off to sleep.

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