Chapter 38 The Meeting

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On ula ula island at the motel

"Did you bring him?" Looker asks. "Yes I did." Susan says and let's sun go in. "You didn't introduce me to susan." Sun points out. "I though she told you." Carl says and looker at her. Susan gives and looker to Carl, then to looker. "Have a seat." Looker offers, then anabel gives him some coffee. *MORE COFFEE?!!!* sun thinks in his head. *at this point, im gonna be staying up all night.* sun thinks, but sips his coffee. "So sun, what have you gotten on the ultra beasts lately?" Anabel asks, but then drops some papers. "Oh dear." Anabel bends down to pick them up "let me help you." Looker offers. Their eyes meet.

*somebody's get a little too close for comfort

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*somebody's get a little too close for comfort.* sun thinks with a chuckle. Susan looks over with carl. Carl coughs to break the silence. "Oh yeah, um sorry looker." Anabel says and gets up. "Don't worry about it." Looker says and grabs some coffee. "Sun, do you know who this is?" Anabel asks, sun looks at the picture. "I've seen him, that pink hair bastard from the arcade." Sun points out. "Good thing you found him. He's a danger to alola." Anabel says. *was Charlie wrong? Is this guy the new threat to alola and not ash?* sun thought "what's his name?" Sun asks. "His name is joof." Carl says and crosses his arms. (Yes i fucking hate that pink hair bitch named joof.🤢😡 anyone whose down with him fuck u too.)  "He don't look so tough." Lycanroc growls. "Who is he? What is he doing here?" Sun asks. "He's working with a kid named ash. "He's a anime simp!" Carl says and pulls out his pistol and lays it on the bed with a few bullets.

"Carl, isn't this anime? and the writer is making us based on his own anime?" Sun asks "at least he ain't no simp and ******* off to it at 4 in the morning!" Carl says with a bit of rage

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"Carl, isn't this anime? and the writer is making us based on his own anime?" Sun asks "at least he ain't no simp and ******* off to it at 4 in the morning!" Carl says with a bit of rage. "So, what do you want me to do about it?" Sun asks "kill him." Carl suggests and loads the pistol. "Here, take my gun and kill this joof motherf*cker!" Carl says. "Calm down carl, we need information 1st. Sun has to get some information on what joof is up to." Looker says. "Why?" Sun asks "joof works with yuji." Anabel adds, which got sun a flashback of lillie being kidnapped. "We can't kill him, YET. we need the information on, why yuji is trying to pay teachers to teach kids on the ultra beasts." Carl says, but still hands sun the gun. "Thank Arceus this isn't real life, because this is illegal on all levels." Sun jokes. "So, when do you need me to do the mission?" Sun asks "the sooner the better, but right now we need to learn more about the history on Rick and dennis." Looker says and gives Carl some money. "Sun, you and Carl are gonna go to the library." Looker instructs. "Come on sun, let's see what we can find out." Carl offers. "Instead of walking, why don't we take the car?" Carl offers. "You have a car? Since when did you buy one?" Sun asks. "Not to long ago, we just haven't used it yet, so why not with my homie sun?" Carl answers and gets in the car. "Wow carl, this is a cool spy car. But how can we not give away our position?" Sun asks. "Easy, we just make it less obvious for anyone to find us." Carl answers and puts in some tunes.

Carl puts in some good rap on the radio. "Hell yay, they don't make good rap like this anymore!" Carl shouts, adding volume. "FUCK JOOF!" sun shouts as they drive off. While driving, people didn't assume anything, since the radio was playing so loud with the windows down. Carl was driving really fast, a little too fast for suns liking. "You sure you know what you're doing?!" Sun shouts, but Carl couldn't hear him due to the music playing loud. *Carl must really hate this joof guy. Just as much as the writer, writing this* sun thinks.

On the boat

Sun and Carl sit in the car as the boat helps the car go to ula ula island. Carl turned off tbe radio, so their not too noisy oh the boat ride. "So carl, why do you hate this joof guy?" Sun asks. "Same reason as the writers." Carl answers, breaking the 4th wall. "I know, but what's your reason?" Sun asks and pockets the gun in his crotch area. "Bastard thinks he's so cute, but the truth is. He's just a stupid high school drop out who makes bad music, but now does criminal sh*t." Carl answers and drink some water. "I'm gonna kill him." Lycanroc says to sun. "No lycanroc, we need him alive." Sun tells his pokemon. "You can talk to pokemon?" Carl asks. "Yes, how did you know?" Sun answers, then asks. "1st of all, you're talking with it, in my carl. And 2nd I've seen this before with pokemon whispers." Carl answers. As the boat docks, the drove their way over to the library. "You know sun, not many old heads like thr writer anymore." Carl points out and looks ahead. "I think we're just lucky the writer isn't an anime simp like joof is." Sun says. "Oh my Arceus, we're about to turn to Book readers 14+" sun points out, because of the swears and violence that's going on in these books. (Since I'm suppose to be making it PG-13)

Carl and sun were about to park the car, but then they see joof rapping in a public place, which is not illegal, but they're after him. "What should we do?" Sun asks Carl "do what I was meant to do!" Carl answers and shifts the car into 3rd gear.

Joof notices and gets back into his car

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Joof notices and gets back into his car. The chase is on.

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