Chapter 40 Simp

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(You can probably guess whose the simp.)

Lillie POV

Lillie wakes up, she yawns and rubs her eyes. *What a strange day yesterday. I'm glad it's over.* lillie thinks in her head. Lillie takes a shower, then gets dressed. After eating some breakfast, lillie tries to text sun, but forgot to charge her phone. *how could I be so forgetful?!* lillie thinks, then face palms. *I'd better put it in charge before I do anything* lillie thinks, then puts the plug on the phone. *thanks to all this work, i tend to forget such little things.* lillie thinks and rubs her temples. *a temple massage would be great right about now.* lillie thinks and lays on the couch. "Hello ash, sure lillie would love to see you." Kukui says and lets ash in. "Hey lillie wazzup?" Ash greets with his weird ass smile. *I guess, since he has an ass face.* lillie thinks with a giggle. "What's so funny?" Ash asks with a shrug. "Sorry ash, I was just thinking about something funny." Lillie answers. Ash then gets a call from someone "wait right here love." Ash says and quickly goes outside. "Ash, I almost didn't make it!" Joof says and hugs him. "Get off me, I need some help to win lillie over." Ash says and scoots him off. "Just hide in the bushes." Ash says and goes back inside. "How about me and you go on a date?" Ash offers. "But, I'm phone." Lillie points out, but ash wasn't having it.

In town

Ash talks in on the wakie talkie "ok, what do i do?" Ash asks im the walkie talkie. "Doing something funny, make her laugh." Joof says, being the simp that he is.

Ash does a weird pose, and Pikachu look at ash, like 'for real?' Lillie did not laugh

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Ash does a weird pose, and Pikachu look at ash, like 'for real?' Lillie did not laugh. "Uh ash, what was that for?" Lillie asks, and Vulpix looks at ash, with a blank expression. "Snowy, why don't we grab a bite to eat?" Lillie asks and kneels to her level. "Hey lillie, what do you plan to do in life?" Ash asks "I plan to work, then I'll finish kukuis research." Lillie answers and sips her drink. "Why are you asking me? This isn't a date." Lillie says with an eyeroll. "I'm losing her!" Ash whispers ver angrily in the walkie talkie. "Tell her about your future and what you feel about her." Joof instructs, but quietly to make sure lillie doesn't hear them. "Because lillie, I would love to have a family. Maybe I would like it with you." Ash says "I'll love you forever, you're so beautiful." Ash adds, which made lillie slightly blush, but a bit annoyed. Lillie thinks about it, but then tries her best not to barf.

"Um ash, that's nice, but I don't think I'll be having kids, with you at least

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"Um ash, that's nice, but I don't think I'll be having kids, with you at least." Lillie answers with a cocked eyebrow. *sassy* ash thinks "I like them spicy girl." Ash says, being a bit of a creep. That made lillie feel uncomfortable.
"Lillie, your eyes are lovely and so is your hair." Ash goes on. *who does this fool think he is? He's not even lile how sun treats me. Doesn't complement me every 5 seconds.* lillie thinks in her head. Lillie soon finished her soda, then ash gives a very immature burp. "Ash, use your manners." Lillie says and gets up from the table. At thr front, lillie pays the waiter and walks out.


"Lillie!" Ash calls out, but lillie wasn't having it. "What do you want?" Lillie asks, then folds her arms. "Lillie, please. Give me a chance, I can prove to you I can do it." Ash says and holds her hand. "Ash, that's sweet, but i have a boyfriend, and that is sun." Lillie says and tries to pull her hand away from him. "Lillie, I missed you since the time we were away. But I'm willing to make this work." Ash says, looking into Lillies eyes, with his eyes. Ash then forced lillie into a kiss.

(I know it's the other way around, but this is an image I can find with a Z power lillie)

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(I know it's the other way around, but this is an image I can find with a Z power lillie)

Ash places his hands on lillies hip and gently starts to cress her hip. Lillie tries to push away, but ash was too strong. Pikachu was not in the mood for this. Ash looks over to the bushes and gives ash a big thumps up. Lillie pushes away from ash. "A-ash, why did you do that?!" Lillie asks in shock. "Come on baby, forget about sun. I'm the only one that can take care of you." Ash trying to convince lillie to leave him. "Ash, I'm in love with him! Nothing will make me cheat on him!" Lillie says and rushes off to suns house. "What the hell was that?!" Ash calls, looking towards the bushes. "I did what you asked b*tch, don't get mad at me!" Joof yells, standing from the bushes. "But she wasn't in to it!" Ash complains. "Look ash, I'm gonna make some more awesome (shitty) rap, ill have some more ideas (simp ideas)" joof says and gets on his motorcycle. Ash is left alone as the Sun goes down. *stupid bastard.* ash thinks and makes his way home.

At home

Sun finishes and gets out of the shower. "I need to work on getting more muscle weight." Sun says to his lycanroc after changing. Lillie cries and jumps into suns arms. "I'm so sorry sun, I'm sorry." Lillie says and starts crying. "Lillie, what's wrong?!" Sun asks, being shocked.

"Lillie, clam down! What happened?!" Sun asks, holding back his tears

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"Lillie, clam down! What happened?!" Sun asks, holding back his tears. Vulpix, runs to lycanroc, but he didn't fight her this time. "What's wrong with lillie?" Lycanroc asks, but Vulpix whispers into lycanrocs ear. Lillie falls to the floor and so does sun.

At the league

"Dusk, what have you found out?" Lucas asks. "The mountain, I think sun has all the keys to open the door and save alola." Dusk answers, looking at the ula ula island mountain.

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