Sun walks though the hotel and asks around. "Have you seen a poke school dropout anywhere?" Sun asks. "I guy named joof." Sun adds before anything wrong comes out. "Oh him, he's upstairs on the top floor. Why? If I may ask?" The woman over the counter asks. "I need to talk with for a business proposition for him." Sun answers, the woman looks closely at sun. "You don't really look like a business man." The woman points out. "Oh right, I'm the Junior assistant of poke dolls inc." Sun lies to make sure she doesn't get suspicious. "You're the champ? Why would need a job?" The woman asks. "It's a thing called life, now may I please?" Sun replys. The woman allows sun to go upstairs.
"We end this now joof." Sun says, joof stops in the middle of the hallway. "Charmeleon go! Quickly use flamethrower!" Joof commands, but charmeleon didn't want to. "You useless piece of shit! Work for once your worthless life!" Joof yells and the charmeleon had enough.
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"Kill......" Charmeleon growls and lunges at joof, pushing him out the window. "Aaarrrrhhhhh!!!" Joof screams as he falls from the 4 story window. "Holy sh*t! Is he?" Sum starts. "Dead...." Charmeleon answers as it's fire grows. Lycanroc stares at charmeleon, they now as police sirens can be heard from a far.
Officer Jenny takes a statement. "Hey sun, I didn't expect to see you here. Did you hear? Joof fell out of the window from tripping." Jenny says. "I guess I did, his Charmeleon is the reason why I came back." Sun answered. Jenny gets down to charmeleons level. "Hi little guy, I'm here to find you someone better, would you like that?" Jenny asks, Charmeleon was just saying "char char....." Jenny tired to understand. Sun was going to translate, but the police wanted sun to help them recover the body.
In the dumpster area
Joofs body was gone, all that was left was a pool of blood. "Where is the body?" An officer asks. "I don't know." Another one answers, holding his gun by. "Look, there's a blood trail." Sun points out. "Okay sun, you did all you can, go home and rest. We got this from here." A police officer says. Sun walks back, Charmeleon seems to be happy that he returned. "Figure out what to do with him, I'll see you around." Sun says to jenny. "Wait!" The Charmeleon says, which sun stopped. "What?" Sun asks the Charmeleon. "Take me!" Chameleon demands and rushes towards sun and jumps into his arms. "I guess Charmeleon picked who he wanted to be with." Jenny says with a smile.
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"See you around, thanks jenny." Dun says and walks on home.
While walking home
"So Charmeleon, what are you gonna do now?" Sun asks. "I'm gonna start my new life with you. I hated joof since the day I was born." Charmeleon answers, feeling a bit mad. "You'll love sun, hes been the best trainer I know. He loves and cares for me all the time." Lycanroc says. "Wish I had the chance to experience that before I evolved." Charmeleon says, but then stares at lycanrocs scar. "How did you get that?" Chameleon asks. "Some crazy physio b*tch cut my eye when she was trying to kill sun girlfriend." Lycanroc answers. "Still here fellas, never left." Sun says from behind. "Sorry sun, just had to make sure." Charmeleon apologizes. "Its okay, anyone can assume anything can happen." Sun says and picks up the charmeleon. "You're safe with me, no need to worry." Sun reassures the pokemon.
At home
Sun goes inside with his two new pokemon. "Hey moon, lillie, I'm home!" Sun calls out. Moon and lillie were surprised to see joofs charmeleon with him. "Sun? How did you get that charmeleon?" Moon asks. "It's joofs." Lillie says. "Let me tell you what happened. "Charemelon had enough of joof abusing him, so he made the right call and turned his back on him." Sun explains. "I hear joof is dead." Lillie says crossing her arms. "Oh no, i didn't kill him, his charmeleon did." Sun answers and points to him. Charmeleon nods and does the slit your throat movement with his claw. "Here sun, something for the charmeleon." Lillie says and holds out a charcoal.
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"Thanks lillie, I'll make use of this." Sun says ans gives it to charmeleon to hold. "Thanks." Charmeleon says and holds it on a piece of string like a necklace. "What's with the pokemon outside?" Charmeleon asks. "It was my brothers pokemon." Sun whispers. "What happened to him?" Charmeleon asks. "He was uh, he fell and never came back up. I lost him in the temple of ice. I was fast enough, I was so close." Sun says with regret. "You tried right? Didn't leave him to die?" Charmeleon asks. "No, he was my dear brother, and I miss him so much." Sun answers and drinks some lemonade. "Thanks for taking me in, not sure anyone would do the same. I'll do whatever I can to make it up to you." Charmeleon says. "Whose this." Rowlet asks. "That my friend is a charmeleon, the evolved form of charamader at level 18." Meowth says. "Who are you?" Charmeleon asks. "We're the pokemon that live here." Flareon answers. "You'll love it here charmeleon, these are some nice people." Snowy says. "Thanks everyone. I'll never forget This." Charmeleon says gracefully. "Hey sun, why dont me and you get a little romance in? I've been craving your lips for a while." Lillie says. Sun blushes and bit "sure lillie, whatever you want." Sun answers
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Lycanrocs POV
"Hey buddy, welcome to the family. I hope you'll find to love it here." Lycanroc says to charmeleon. "Thanks Lycanroc,you're my best and only friend." Charmeleon says and hugs him. "No need for that buddy, let's just get some good night rest." Lycanroc says. They sleep next to each other on the couch.