Chapter 35 The New Threat?

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"Why do we need to see this gypsy lady? Can't we just go home?" Lycanroc asks with a pout. "She said something about a threat coming to alola." Sun answers and grabs his pokemon. Sun looks at the address and looks up to see an old fashion Japanese house. "You think she lives here?" Sun asks "I don't know, what that guy wad bullsh*tting us!" Lycanroc snaps back. "I just know we have to try." Sun says and goes up to the house. Sun knocks on the door, he waits for a good 2 minutes. "Hello? Oh it's you from the fair, what are you doing here?" The gypsy woman says and then asks. "I need your help, I need to know about the new threat coming to alola." Sun answers, he then gives her 200 poke dollars. "Ok then, come inside, my grand daughter should be making some tea. "Hey grandmother, whose at the door.....?" A short 5'7 girl looks at sun and her eyes lid up. "Sun?! Is that you?!" The girl goes "Candy!?" Sun calls out with a smile. Candy rushes to sun and jumps on him, her slippers falling off her feet. "Oh my Arceus, I can't believe it's yoy! It's been 2 years." Candy says and kisses his cheek. "You two know each other?" The gypsy asks. "Me and sun met back in hoenn when he got attack by my ursiring." Candy answers "wow candy, you look different." Sun points out.

"You shouldn't be surprised sun, I came back from hoenn

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"You shouldn't be surprised sun, I came back from hoenn. Being a pokemon ranger was my part time job." Candy explains and puts her slippers back on. "You go to school here?" Sun asks "yeah, that goth girl, is that your sister?" Candy asks. "Yeah, her name is moon, how did you know?" Sun asks. "I saw a picture on her note book." Candy answers as the ursuring comes with the tea. "You finally got that ursuring under control." Sun chuckles and pets it's chest. "Come sun, have a seat." The gypsy offers and sun sits on the pillow. Candy sits on the pillow too and gives out the tea. "Ok sun, what do you want to know?" The gypsy asks. "What's the new threat coming to alola?" Sun asks, he then sips some of his tea. "You've met this person before, and long while ago, two years ago." The gypsy starts, while sun and candy sip their tea.

"It's a boy you saw, but only barely

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"It's a boy you saw, but only barely." The gypsy says. "You have a rare lycanroc, he'll put you to the test, to see if you're worthy to fight this kid." The gypsy continues. "Your demon, Charlie it goes by. He knows what you have been looking for." The gypsy says as the night sky shows the darkness of her brown eyes. "This kids worked with some bad men before, will he do it again? You have to protect alola sun. You're the only one that can stop him. Train your lycanroc....." The gypsy finishes and goes to the next room. As the door slides closed, sun looks at candy. "You known this new threat?" Candy asks and finishes her tea. "I don't know, did I meet him?...." Sun thinks. Sun couldn't remember, since it's been 2 years, since Rick and dennis have terrorised alola. "I don't know darling, it's been 2 years." Sun answers and plays with candies hair. "I enjoyed that foot massage you gave me 2 years ago. It seems like a long time since that happened." Candy points out, slightly blushing. "It's ok candy, we can do it again soon. You and moon should catch up, it's been 2 years since you've seen her." Sun suggests. "That's a good idea!" Candy answers "how's her Flareon?" Candy asks. "She's fine, just needs more training." Sun answers as ursaring starts cleaning up. "So, are you planning on visiting?" Sun asks "oh no, I'm actually gonna stay and be a pokemon ranger here." Candy answers, then gets up to do more homework. "I hope you come and visit us often sun." Candy says, then stands on her toes to give sun a kiss on his nose. The lazy ursaring waves goodbye to sun.

The north sky seemed to glow more with the stars

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The north sky seemed to glow more with the stars. "Am I really that rare?" Lycanroc asks "i have my days when I lose." Lycanroc says, since over the 2 years, sun did some wins and some losses. "She seems to be right about most things, could it be....? Is that weird guy back to try to kidnap lillie again?" Sun asks his lycanroc. "Could be ash?" Lycanroc assumes, that got sun off guard. "Ash?! Could it be him?" Sun asks. "I don't know, since you felt like you've known him before." Lycanroc answers and looks up at the moon. "What do you think ash is doing now?" Sun asks "how should I know?! How about sleep and see what Charlie has to say." Lycanroc suggests. "Sure, I'll do that." Sun says and runs off to the docks. Seems weird to sun, since it almost feels like he can feel Charlies presents. "Charlie....are you there in the sky?" Sun asks and looks up at the alolan moon.

Sun looks closely at the clouds, he thinks he can make the out line of the dragon

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Sun looks closely at the clouds, he thinks he can make the out line of the dragon. *isn't lunala and Charlie night beings? How are they able to move around so fast without being noticed? Isn't Charlie my dream dragon or something?* sun thinks in his head. "Sun, can you please try and relax for once?" Lycanroc growls, since he can feel when sun is disturbed by something. "Nothing lycanroc, I wasn't thinking on anything, i was just trying to think about how to make sure Charlie tells me the right thing." Sun answers to his pokemon.
"We need to focus on ash." Lycanroc says "what about hau?" Sun asks "what about him?" Lycanroc asks. "His words kinda scare me." Sun answers with a slight shudder.

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