Chapter 84 8-8 Looker Missions

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At the akala island motel

Sun meets Susan and Carl for one final mission. "So, what's the plan?" Sun asks, before Carl could speak, looker enters the room. "We're gonna stick up gonna do a stick up at this low run down area. The place where the fire started. Turns out joofs plan was to make the place seem abandon for a while, the construction was meant to start in the morning, but it was delayed due to the budget. The neighborhood will be reconstructed very soon though. Turns out they're selling illegal books about Ultra beasts oh, so it's our job to stop them." Looker says. "Once we're under the cover of night, then that's when we strike." Anabel says and shows the blue print of the place they're gonna raid.

"Hey sun, your lycanroc has night vision

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"Hey sun, your lycanroc has night vision. We can use him." Anabel says. Lycanroc seemed up to the challenge. "Okay people, we have only 2 hours before the raid end, so its best if we pack up now." Susan says. Carl loads his gun, Susan and looker look over the plans. Sun sits with anabel. "Thanks for doing this for us, it feels like such a while since I stalked you." Anabel nervously says. Anabel then puts her shoes on. "Expect I've been having dreams with you, but I didn't even know your name at the time." Sun says. "Its ok, I should've said something. But I was under orders, so I couldn't say anything till we know you were the chosen one." Anabel says. "It took you 2 years to realize that?" Sun asks with his arms folded. "Well yeah, it took a long process. And we just knew the stone belonged to you, but we had to make sure you were responsible enough for such a claim." Anabel answers, then packs up. "Lets just get this over with." Sun says and gets up.

The burned down neighbourhood and are just out of site from the guards by the old stone building.

Behind the bushes, sun and his group hide and think of a plan. "Lycanroc, what do you see?" Carl asks. "2 guards, we need to take them out. Then, we should go in with stealth." Lycanroc qutiely barks. Remember, only sun can understand him. Sun explains the same thing lycanroc says "that's not a bad idea, ok, Carl and looker, you two take out the guards. Then we go on the stealth." Anabel says.

Looker and Carl's POV

Carl and looker go on the sides and use the butt of their pistols to knock them out and to eliminate them.

Sun's POV

Sun, lycanroc, susan, and anabel slowly make their way into the building.

Sun spreads out from the girls so he isn't seen

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Sun spreads out from the girls so he isn't seen. He uses the cover of the shadows and then takes out 2 people. They then dress up as the work members and enters the raid. "Ok, wr have 1 hour till these books arr ships." A worker says. "You must be the new worker." A shady character says. "Yep, that's me. I uh need to tell you that these books are gonna need a little more time." Sun sas, lycanroc nods in agreement. "Why would we need to do that? This is what joof wanted. He told us these books needed to be sold tonight." A shady worker says. "Maybe he changed his mind and told me to tell you that." Sun tries to convince, but no one was buying what sun says. "Hold on a minute, you look familiar." A shady worker says and reaches out towards sun. Sun knew the jig was up, but then he show looker and Carl aiming their guns. So was Susan and anabel. Lycanroc bares it's teeth at the shady worker. "Stick them up! This is a raid!" Looker shouts and points his pistol at them.

The books soon dropped from thr shelf and every single person sticks up their hands

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The books soon dropped from thr shelf and every single person sticks up their hands. The cops soon arrive and that was the end of it. "Hey looker, that was great. I think I actually like doing this with you guys. When's the next mission?" Sun asks with excitement. "That's the thing, I don't want this to became a habit. So I'm afraid our work here is done." Looker says with a frown. "You did a great thing for us sun. You showed how brave you were, even in signs if danger. You truly are real champion." Carl says. "Wait! Shouldn't we see sun fight before we go?" Anabel mentions. "She's right, why not one last show before we go?" Susan says. Carl smiles with looker. "Okay then, we'll buy r tickets for the fight. We'll see you later." Looker says. Him and his group walk into the night sky. "I had fun with them to be honest." Lycanroc says. "That was fun, but this is good night." Sun says and picks up his somewhat heavy pokemon home.

At home

Lillie smiles at her darling sun. She quickly rushes to sun and jumps on him. "Hey lillie, sorry im late i was-" sun was cut off by lillie lips kissing him. "Thank you sun, you're such a sweet boyfriend." Lillie says and kisses sun again and again.

After dinner

Sun reads his book as lillie rests in his chest. Lillie purrs from that massage sun gave her and she was fully relaxed. Sun reads the next page and sees an image of the kalos cave. Where the stones were said to have been the origin place.

"This changes everything

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"This changes everything. We have a chance. I hope they were right." Sun whispers and closes the book. He then sleeps with lillie.

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