Chapter 54 Answers With Anabel

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"So susan, what's the deal with the looker? He seems stress." Sun asks, thinking about the way looker seems to be now a days. "He's just stressed, I don't know what he's going through right now." Susan answers. Just then, sun gets a phone call from anabel. "Hello?" Sun asks through the phone. "Hey sun, can you come to the motel? I have some things to clear up with you?" Anabel asks over the phone. "Sure anabel, I'll be there soon." Sun says, then signs off. "Hey Susan, i gotta go, take care of mallow for me." Sun says. "Sure sun, see ya later." Susan says, waving goodbye.

On akala island at the motel

Sun goes in and looks into the paper filled room. *wow, they really let themselves go with the research.* sun thinks. "Hey sun, care for some coffee?" Anabel asks. Sun looks at the setting sun. "Sure, i guess I can have a cup or two." Sun says as anabel hands him a mug. "So what did you wanted to clear up with me?" Sun asks, then sips his coffee. "Well, im sorry for not telling you before. 2 years ago, know what I mean?" Anabel starts, then sits on the bed.

Anabel looks ashamed a bit

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Anabel looks ashamed a bit. "It's ok anabel, you were just doing your job." Sun reassures her. "Yeah, but I felt like I was leading you on a wild goose chase sometimes." Anabel says, a blush grows on her face. "Sorry, I've been tired lately. Running everywhere doing Aaron's." Anabel apologizes. "It's fine." Sun says, then takes off anabeks shoes. Then massages her black socked feet. "Where is the looker and carl?" Sun asks, since it's usually Carl that would greet him 1st. "They're out doing things." Anabel assumes as she signs with relief. "Anabel, when and why was I the chosen one?" Sun asks, kneading her arches. "I uh, I was told by the looker to keep an eye on you. To see how you're doing. Mmmmm I was kinda shocked you were a kid, since I thought the chosen one would be some hefty man." Anabel assumes and explains to sun. Anabel feels relaxed due to suns foot massage. "I Mmmm didn't want to tell you, thought you might be mad or something." Anabel explains, leaning backwards. "Anyways I'm really sorry about your brother. Mmmm" anabel says in regard. "I'm sure dusk is still out there somewhere." Sun assumes as he cracks her socked toes. Anabel smiles at him, but didn't want to annoy him, but that's what she called him over for. "Hey sun, oooohhhh did you ever get paid for massaging? This feel so great." Anabel sighs, getting off topic. "Uh no, it's free, anyways did you know about the star stone?" Sun asks, still kneading. Anabel bites one glove off and starts to unbundle her hair.

"I feel like I can just relax

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"I feel like I can just relax." Anabel says in a relaxing tone. "How long have you known looker for?" Sun asks, still kneading her soles. "I Mmmm known him for 4 years why?" Anabel replys. "He seems stressed out most of time doesn't he?" Sun asks and presses his fist into her arches. "Mmmm I don't know, he's like that sometimes. Probably cause we're this close to unlocking the secrets of alola." Anabel answers, still being relaxed. "How about the Necrozma poison?" Sun asks "the what?" Anabel asks, opening one eye. "The poison, the one Necrozma shoots out when it tries to get out of danger. It's in a test tube at the pokemon league, says it can kill anyone and anything and there is no cure yet." Sun explains.

Anabel thinks, while still relaxing

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Anabel thinks, while still relaxing. "How did you survive it?" Annabel asks. "How did you know?" Sun replys. "Had a hunch." Anabel answers, closing her eyes. Sun kneads her heel area of her socks. "I managed to survive, because I didn't get poisoned too bad, and either did my team." Sun explains as anabel closes her eyes in relaxation. "Mmmm, were you scared?" Anabel asks. "No, I was just passed out for I don't know how long. But here I am." Sun answers, still kneading. "Thanks sun, you sure know how to relax someone." Anabel says, thinking the massaging is over. But sun is massaged her feet. "Anabel? Did you and looker have a crush kn eachother?" Sun asks. "Hmmmm mmmmm what?" Anabel asks, feeling ger face burn up a bit. "You and looker, do you two like each other?" Sun asks as he made little circles with his thumbs. "I kinda do, but he mmmmm likes his work more. I tend to just be there doing Aaron's and coffee runs." Anabel answers, stretching. Anabel lays in bed, not caring about anything. "Sun, do you believe you can save alola? And do what you love most?" Anabel asks, sun looks over at his lycanroc. Lycanroc nods. "Yeah, but for now I got a job to do. But I cant be at 2 places at the same time." Sun explains, moving his thumbs up and down her socked feet. "Mmmm you're a busy busy guy." Anabel giggles. "I have to work with looker, then the monorail, and then the pokemon League. I feel like im becoming an adult everyday." Sun says, with some sadness in his voice. "Sun, we should..." Lycanroc begins.

But sun was too busy talking, so lycanroc just sat there like a good boy

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But sun was too busy talking, so lycanroc just sat there like a good boy. Anabel couldn't talk anymore, she was just moaning and enjoying the foot rub. *anabel needs to relax a little more, without resting, she could be stressed all the time.* sun thinks while kneading the very sore areas. *I think we'll stay like thks for a good while* sun thinks, still rubbing her feet.

Soon the sun set and the night began the settle in

Anabel, still getting massaging was fast asleep. But then the door opens, carl. Anabel pulls her socked feet away from suns lap. "Hey carl, what's up?" Sun asks, anabel turns over. She pulls the covers over her. "Sun, we need your help. Ultra beasts have been attacking all over mele mele island, quickly now!" Carl ushers sun out of the motel room. Leaving anabel to sleep calmly. A smile grows on her face. *Thanks sun for that foot massage, i really needed it.* anabel thinks in her head, slowly drifting off the sleep.

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