Sun wakes up and rubs lillies back. Lillie smiles and hums as sun did. Sun gets out of bed and goes to the kitchen to get some breakfast. Dawn smiles as sun scarfs down some waffles and berries. Sun sits in the living room, he then turns on the TV. What sun saw made him mad. *f*ck I thought we actually killed the kid. Should've died quicker.* Charlie grows, but sun didn't want it to be a big deal. Ash did mention something about having one last chance at the pokemon league championship. Sun got mad and threw the remote once he turned off the TV.
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"What's wrong sun? You seem more angry then usual." Lillie points out. "Nothing lillie, I'm just tired from all the training I've been doing." Sun lies and lays on the couch. Lillie goes to the kitchen for some waffles and calem comes out with some moo moo milk. "Hey guys, i found out a way to make moo moo milk even fresher." Calem says and hands everyone a milk sample. Everyone drank it, and calem was right. "This is the same milk I used for the antidote." Calem says, which wasn't strawberry due to the use for the antidote only. Lillie then sits with sun "thanks sun. You made me really happy yesterday." Lillie says, then kisses sun again. "You're the reason I get up in the morning. Without you i feel like nothing." Sun says, then places and hand on lillies leg. Lillie lightly blushes and smiles at him. "You want to have babies with me someday?" Sun asks. "Yeah sun, i would love to start a family with you." Lillie smiles, she was about to turn in the tv, but suns hand on her knee made her feel safe for some reason. "Hey babe, you can watch tv later, right now I just want you to spend some time with me." Sun says and kisses her cheek. "Hey sun, you should do some work, i need to go back to work with kukui anyways." Lillie mumbles. "Sorry lillie, I should work too." Sun says, then gets up. *What should I do today?* sun thinks as lillie gets up to leave. "Maybe I should work on the monorail.....maybe work on the League or something." Sun says aloud. "Do me a favor sun, why don't you go check with Mr nanu, he tells me he got some news for you." Lucas says, then goes off to do some monorail work.
At the police station
"Hey nanu, you said you wanted to see me?" Sun calls out. Nanu grumbles and looks at sun.
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"Just give me a reason why I shouldn't arrest you." Nanu says, which kinda scared sun. "Why do you say that?" Sun asks. "Ash told us you were the ones that abused him. Sun, you shouldn't be doing that. I know hes been bad, but without proper evidence there was no need to hurt him like you did." Officer Jenny says, feeling a bit disappointed. "Sorry, we just couldn't take the risk." Sun says and sits down. "Sun, I got some news for you." Nanu says, and pulls out a piece of paper. "What is this?" Sun asks. "Hau and all the men that are with him are gonna be in jail for a very long time. One problem, right and Dennis have their where abouts in kalos some say. Although I wouldn't count on it. Even so, you should leave this to the police." Nanu says and drinks some coffee. "Sun, at this point in time we should charge you for abuse and assault, but ash said he had something better in mind." Jenny says, then turns on the TV.
On the TV
"Hi, I'm ash and I plan to be your next pokemon League champion. I plan to take down sun before the end of this month." Ash says on the Mic
"So you don't want to press charges against him?" The news reporter asks.
"No, I should though, but I want to have a way to raise the steaks a little more. Me and Pikachu got this in the bag. I'm sure you'll be bowing down to the new champ." Ash says, then sighs off.
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Jenny turns off the TV
"So sun, looks like you got some completion on your hands. He also told me that if he wins you have to retire and leave alola forever." Nanu says, that made suns heart stop. "They can't do that! We worked too hard to get here now!" Lycanroc howls and growls. "Sun, can you keep lycanroc under control?" Jenny asks, since nanu isn't done with the deal yet. "Lycanroc calm down, we need to hear them out." Sun says to lycanroc. "If you win, ash leaves alola forever. You'll never see him again." Nanu says, then drinks to last bit of coffee. "Sun, you got till the end of this month to make sure that you won over ash. I would really hate to see you lose and leave alola. You did so much for this region." Nanu says, then let's sun go. "Why the hell would ash want a rematch?! We already beat him once!" Lycanroc protests with a much of angry howls. "Lycanroc, wr got this in the bag. I trust you and your ability to fight. You got the power, remember you're my most powerful friend." Sun says to his scar faced pokemon.
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(I know it's a shiny, but try to remember that suns lycanroc is the regular lycanroc. But this lycanroc is special.)
Lycanroc nods "you got it sun, i promise I won't let you down." Lycanroc says, then licks his face. "Ok lycanroc, we should probably get home. Our family is already missing us as it is." Sun says, remembering he's still got a family. "I wish we could do some training." Lycanroc says. "We can do that later, we got to get to our family, that's more important." Sun says.