Chapter 31 Moon Challanges The League

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"Moon? Moon? What are you doing here?!" Sun asks with wide eyes. "Sun, I want to prove I can do it. Come on, this is my chance." Moon insists. "What about school?! What about your degree?" Sun asks on. "Sun, please....let me show you what I can do." Moon begs with him. Sun sighs and and places his hand on his temples. "Fine, but one shot. If you win, you get the League and you quit school early. Of you lose, go back to school, and finish your year ok?" Sun asks and gets to her level. "Agreed." Moon answers.

In the ring

Sun sends out lycanroc and moon sends out Flareon. "Alright moon, let's see what you got." Sun says and lycanroc balls up its fist. "We got this brother......No need to worry." Moon says back, Flareon charges up its fire. "Battle begin!" Calem announces and raises the 2 flags.

Flareon was commanded to use flamethrower?! "Lycanroc, get out of the way!" Sun quickly says, but got hit anyways

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Flareon was commanded to use flamethrower?! "Lycanroc, get out of the way!" Sun quickly says, but got hit anyways. "Flareron, use quick attack!" Moon commands, Flareon charges at lycanroc and hits him. Lycanroc gets back up with minor injuries. "Lycanroc use stone edge!" Sun commands and lycanroc charges at Flareon as sharp rocks emerge from the ground. "Flareon! Get out of the way!" Moon counters and Flareon gets out of the way. "Brick break!" Sun adds, and lycanroc turns to his left and hits Flareon. "Quick attack!" Moon commands and Flareon attacks lycanroc fast. "Lycanroc use rock slide!" Sun commands, lycanroc howls as rocks fall from the sky. Flareon tries to dodge the rocks, but gets hit by one. "Fire blast!" Moon commands and Flareon counters with a star of fire. Lycanroc jumps out of the way "crunch!" Sun commands and lycanroc charges at Flareon. "Quick attack!" Moon tries to counter. Flareon charges at lycanroc and so did lycanroc. Lycanroc bites down on Flareons neck and jumps into the air. Lycanroc slams Flareon to the ground. "Flamethrower!" Moon commands and the fire hits lycanroc. "Quick attack!" Moon adds, Flareon charging at lycanroc. "Brick break!" Sun counters and they both hit each other. "Bite!" Moon commands, Flareon bites on lycanrocs nose. "Crunch!" Sun counters and lycanroc gets Flareon off it's nose. Lycanroc bites down on Flareon and slams it to the ground. "Now lycanroc use your power!" Sun commands as the watch glows. Lycanroc glows and summons splintered storm shards.

Lycanroc howls as sharp rocks erupt from the ground as Flareon stands weakly

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Lycanroc howls as sharp rocks erupt from the ground as Flareon stands weakly. Sun then clashes his hand "fire blast!" Moon tries to counter, but the rocks were just too much. "Flareon is unable to battle, lycanroc wins!" Calem announces and raises his flag to sun. Moon falls to her knees in defeat. Sun walks over and extends his hand towards her. Moon looks up at him anf takes his hand. "I have to say moon, you gave me a run for my money." Sun chuckles and kisses her hand. "I tried, did I do well?" Moon asks with some sadness in her eyes. "You did well moon, but you still have more to learn." Sun answers and kisses her.


Sun and moon go inside and sum wipes some sweat from his forehead. "Wow moon, you got me working up a sweat." Sun chuckles "that was good, but we still in to train more." Lycanroc snarls and goes to the chip cabinet. Moon slips off her goth boots and rests on the couch. "Hey moon, I can heal Flareon while you rest." Lucas suggests. Moons smiles and gives lucas her pokeball. "Extra rest for her." Moon smiles and closes her eyes and takes a nap. "So, how did it go?" Dusk asks. "I won, so I'm still the champ." Sun answers and pats suns shoulder. "We should be able to get back on the map soon." Dusk says and sips the last soda. "More trainers? Dusk, are you out of your mind?!" Sun asks with a stressed look on his face. "You should try and spend more time with lillie." Brenden suggests and makes some curry. "Want some curry before you leave?" Brenden asks "no brenden, I gotta get back home. Try and feed moon." Sun says and walks out.

At home

Sun and mom sit on the couch sit together. "Hey sun, where's moon? As if I need to ask." Mom says with a chuckle. "We had a battle today at the pokemon League." Sun answers with a smile. "You won right?" Mom asks and places her hand on his shoulder. "You should train more, lycanroc seems to be a bit impatient by just sitting around." Mom suggests ans pats his head. "How was work?" Sun asks, mom get dreamy eyes "she's so beautiful......" Mom sighs and lays her head on suns lap. "You're talking about amy?" Sun asks with a chuckle. Mom blushes and looks away from sun.

"Remember when you were young and you use to come to work with me?" Mom giggles and pets his chin

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"Remember when you were young and you use to come to work with me?" Mom giggles and pets his chin. "I remember...." Sun smiles and rolls his eyes. "What did you do today?" Sun asks. "We had lunch together....shes so beautiful. I can't help myself. I can just watch her smile all day." Mom says with hearts in her eyes. "Mom? Are you crushing on this woman?" Sun asks with a smile. "Shut up!" Mom blushes and hides her face. "It's ok if you do, you deserve it." Sun smiles and brushes moms hair. Mom smiles and purrs a bit as sun brushes and runs his fingers through her hair.

"Your favorite brush

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"Your favorite brush." Sun brings up and brushes her hair some more. "Hey sun, do you think I should get remarried.....?" Mom suggests "i don't know, why you ask?" Sun answers then asks. "Just a thought, i still love my husband, but I don't want to be alone." Mom answers and closes her eyes, feeling relaxed as sun brushes her hair slowly. *I'll see lillie tommorow.... Please wait for me babe.* sun thinks to himself, still brushing moms hair.

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