Chapter 76 7-8 Looker Missions

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On akala island at the motel

Sun rushes to the motel, Carl opens the door for him. "Hey sun, did Susan call you?" Carl asks, making sure he got the call. "Yeah, I did." Sun answers. "We need to make sure you see this 1st before we make any moves. Sun goes inside, he sees looker giving anabel a foot massage in her tights. Anabel moans. Sun chuckles *best I leave them alone.* sun thinks as Carl ushers sun to the small lab. "What do you got?" Sun asks and checks the blood of the nihilego. We got a blood sample from lillie too." Carl says holding up the tube.

"How did you?

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"How did you?...." Sun then get cut off. "I toke a bit of blood from her while you two were sleeping." Susan answers, which kinda pissed off sun. "We had to get the blood sample to compare it to the blood type lillie had." Susan adds before sun does anything he might regret. "Well, what now?" Sun asks. "We need to take all the ultra beasts we got and send them back to where they came from." Carl says. "You mean, after all this were just gonna let them go?!" Sun shouts. "Sadly, but you can keep the nihilego." Carl answers then takes the ultra beast balls and gives them to sun. "But if the police know about this, you can get into some serious trouble." Carl warns. "Then what should I do?! You're gonna let me take the fall?!?" Sun shouts. "Oh sun, you're gonna be fine, Carl here is gonna give you a ride to the ula ula island temple and you can free thr ultra beast back in." Susan giggles. "Ok, Carl come on. Let's go." Sun says, then stuffs the ultra beasts balls into his backpack.

Outside, sun and Carl get into the car

"This time Carl, try not to crash the car this time." Sun says. "Haha, you worry too much kid." Carl says, then speeds up the car. Sun puts in his seatbelt before Carl gets him killed.

On ula ula island

Sun and Carl go to the temple of sun and moon. "Ok sun, you know what to do." Carl says. While walking up the stairs. "Hey carl, why did you need these ultra beasts for?" Sun asks, and pulls out one of the ultra beasts balls. "We needed to conduct a way to find the blood sample on the nihilego, and how was lusamine able to make such a ultra beast. The other uktra beasts were used for study. It's Necrozma, he's doing this." Carl points out. *that's impossible, Necrozma has been gone for 2 years.* sun thought in disbelief. The moon soon rises at its highest peak.

*I forgot the time was turning into the night

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*I forgot the time was turning into the night.* sun thought. Carl opens up the worm hole and waits for sun to let the ultra beasts go. Sun opens all the ultra beast balls at once, and all the ultra beast are gone and back into the world where they came from. "You did the right thing sun." Carl says and places and hand on his shoulder. Just then, like a ghost out of nowwhere, they hear joofs sound he calls music. "Hide!" Carl whispers. Both Carl and sun along with lycanroc hide in the bushes. Joof walks up and opens the portal. "Remember Charmeleon, if ash can't beat sun, we're gonna be in some serious trouble with the boss." Joof scolds his charmeleon. "And it'll be all your fault!" Joof shouts and scolds and the sacred Charmeleon. Carl couldn't take it and jumps out the bushes and pulls out his desert eagle. "Oh sh*t it's the old heads!" Joof shouts and commands his charmeleon to use flamethrower, but the charmeleon was to tired to do anything. "You useless sack of sh*t!" Joof then kicks the charmeleon in the gut and it falls to the floor. He then puts in back in its pokeball and makes a run for it." Carl starts firing bullets at the stupid kid.

Joof quickly gets back in his car and drives away

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Joof quickly gets back in his car and drives away. Carl starts shooting at the car, but it soon got out of it's reach. "F*ck!" Carl shouts. "Lets go after him!" Sun shouts. "Sun, there's no point, we're low om gas as it is." Carl says in defeat. *why am I oddly sad we didn't kill this kid?* sun asks himself. "We should head home. You can stay at the motel with us if you want." Carl says.

Back at the motel

Looker pays sun what he's owned. "Here you go sun, you did your best out there." Looker praises and heads out. "Where's he going?" Sun asks. "He likes to clear his head near that grass trail." Carl answers, then sits on his computer. Anabel was fast asleep and with a huge relaxed smile on her face. *I should sleep with her?* sun thinks blushing a bit.

"Sun, can you sleep in bed with me?" A voice calls from behind him

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"Sun, can you sleep in bed with me?" A voice calls from behind him. It was Susan blushing a deep red. "You two should sue the room next door, I'll cover for it." Carl says and starts to type on his computer.

Next door

Sun and Susan slip off their shoes and lay in bed together. "Sun...." Susan calls out. "Yeah?" Sun asks with his eyes shut. "Sorry I had to do that to lillie, but it was the only way." Susan apologizes. "Its ok susan, you were just doing your job." Sun says and yawns before sleeping. Susan then grabs sun and spoons him. "Promise me I can see you often after all this." Susan says. "Sure susan, you're welcome to stay in alola as long as you want." Sun mumbles and then slowly drifts off to sleep. Lycanroc then pulls a blanket over the 2 friends and sleeps on the floor. "Goodnight sun, we sure have a lot of training to do ahead of us tommorow." Lycanroc says, and soon drifts off to sleep too.

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