Chapter 34 Pokemon Festival

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Sun's dream

"Why am I back here?" Sun asks, looking around. "We toke care of hau, now we must make sure ash meets the same fate." Charlie snarls. "Charlie? Why are you telling me this? Why is ash the problem here?" Sun asks and crosses his arms. "Ash is gonna try and take away what is yours. We need to make sure he gets out of your hair." Charlie growls, he then turns to the book self. "Wait, why is there a book shelf in my dream?" Sun asks "anything's possible in your dreams sun, also the writer has to do his best to make sure this makes sense." Charlie explains and gives sun a book. "Why do I need it?" Sun asks "read it, stupid human......" Charlie answers, then insults. "The king will fall to a new king, unless the king has his weakness?" Sun goes and closes the book. "What's the supposed to mean?" Sun asks. Charlie points at suns ring finger. Sun looks at his ultra ring.

"So what about my ring?" Sun asks "the reason you're so powerful, is due to that ring

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"So what about my ring?" Sun asks "the reason you're so powerful, is due to that ring. Remember season 1? You've earned it back when you showed trust your loyalty, but little did you know....." Charlie goes, till his alarm clock went*beep beep beep beep* sun slowly wakes up and rubs his eyes. "What the hell? What was Charlie trying to tell me?" Sun says to himself. Sun looks at his ring and takes it off for a bit. *if What he says is true, would ash take me down at my weakest?* sun thinks. "Sun! Someone is here to see you!" Mom cheerfully calls out. Sun goes into the living room, and he sees moon and lillie enjoying some coffee on the couch. "Morning sun!" Moon chirps as mom hands sun some coffee. Sun sips his coffee as the morning sun starts to rise. "Hey sun, what brings lillie here?" Moon asks sun, because lillie seems to give a blush every time she's shy. "Lillie and I are going to the pokemon fair." Sun answers and places down his coffee mug. "How nice, will you and gladion be going too moon?" Mom asks her daughter. "No thanks mom, i need to work on some school stuff with gladion before we could do anything fun." Moon answers and drinks the rest of her coffee. "What about you mom?" Moon asks, mom blushes. "I have to do some over time at work....." Mom blushes and quickly leaves.

At the fair

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At the fair

"Thank you so much for taking me out sun, this is so romantic." Lillie says and kisses suns cheek. "I'm sure he is...." Lycanroc says and sun kicks him. "Now that sun and lillie are dating, does that mean we can date too?" Vulpix asks and licks lycanroc. "Don't you dare." Lycanroc lowly growls. "Come on, it'll be fun. Our trainers deserve each other." Vulpix says. "Can you two shut up?! I'm trying to enjoy my day with lillie." Sun strictly says. "Still talking to pokemon sun? I thought we've gone over this. You can't talk to pokemon, only professionals can do that." Lillie explains, sun takes her word, but still hears the pokemon chatting. *thank arcus I can choose to hear what poekmon talk about or I'm gonna go mad* sun thinks. "Want a candy apple?" Lillie asks and gives some poke dollars asking for two. Lillie hands sun a candy apple. "Wow, thanks lillie." Sun says and takes a bite out of his apple. After eating, sun and lillie played some of the games the pokemon festival had in store. "I remember when moon use to like going into bounce houses." Sun chuckles "you wanna you in?" Lillie asking as a joke. "No way, we're too old for that." Sun answers "we're only 13 babe." Lillie giggles and kisses suns cheek. "How about this game?" Lillie points out "that's not a game, that a fortune teller tent." Sun answers. "What's a fortune teller tent?" Lillie asks "you mean you've never been in one before?" Sun asks "mother says magic isn't real." Lillie answers. "Magic can be real, of we believe hard enough. Come on, I'll come with you." Sun says and takes lillies hand.

 "Greetings yo two love birds, oh my Arceus, you're sun the alolan champion

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"Greetings yo two love birds, oh my Arceus, you're sun the alolan champion. I am not worthy to be in your presents." The woman says. "Shall we have our Fortune?" Sun asks and sits with lillie in the chair. "You seem to be the serious type, your girl seems to be the sweet shy type." The woman says and looks into the ball. "Sun, you're the reason alola is safe, you must make sure this region is safe in your hands, before the world goes into total darkness." The woman explains looking deeper into the ball.

"As for lillie, someone from your past is coming back to you

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"As for lillie, someone from your past is coming back to you. Are you ready to meet this man?" The woman asks. "Thanks, and here's your tip." Sun says and hands the woman some money. "Aw sun, that was actually getting pretty fun." Lillie says with a smile. "Is it me or was that lady crazy?" Lycanroc asks and sun rolls his eyes with a chuckle. "You worry to much lycanroc." Sun says and pets his head. *What was that woman talking about? Is alola in danger? How can I prevent that?* sun asks in his head. "Sun, are you okay?" Lillie asks and holds his hand. "I'm fine, say lillie, why don't you wait for moon back home? I got unfinished business to deal with." Sun says and rushes off. "Excuse me, did you know the tent that was here?" Sun asks a random guy. "She left a few hours ago." The man says. "Here's her address. If you need her to talk to, she has answers to every question you need for the small price of 100 poke dollars." The man says and explains. "Thank you sir." Sun says.

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