Chapter 17 1 Of 8 Looker Missions 🤵

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This is taking place during moons story, but now you're gonna see what sun was doing.

Sun wakes up and gets a call from the looker. "Sun, you looking for a way to make some money? Like so much money you'll not know what to do with?" The looker says to sun. "How much?" Sun asks woth a chuckle. "10 G." The looker answers. "Go on." Sun says. "I need you to come to the motel, I'll have a job for you." The looker says. "Sure, I'll see you in a bit." Sun says. Sun quickly leaves the house "gotta go moon! Keep an eye on the house for me!" Sun calls out and leaves with lycanroc.

At the motel

Sun meets up with the looker who was drinking some more coffee. "Sun, it's a good thing you're here. I need you for a few jobs." Looker says and sun sits on a chair. "Coffee?" Looker offers "sure." Sun answers and takes a mug. After the coffee gets poured and sun looks at the gross black liquid. Before sun could drink "looker? Where's Carl and anabel?" Sun asks and places his coffee down. "They're out doing something at the school in mele mele island." Looker answers. "The school where moon goes? Why are they there?" Sun asks "they're learning about the wormholes. They shouldn't need to know more then they already have to." Looker answers.

"What do you need me to do?" Sun asks "some of these teachers are teaching a little too much

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"What do you need me to do?" Sun asks "some of these teachers are teaching a little too much. I need you to teach HIM a lesson." Looker answers and sips his coffee. "Kill him?" Charlie asks through suns voice. "Huh?" Looker asks sounding a bit shocked. "I mean, you want me to kill him?" Sun asks acting like he doesn't know what to do. "No, I just need you to teach him a lesson before he spreads the word like wild fire. No need to cause a world wide panic." Looker explains. "Sure, but for 15 G." Sun answers and looker nods. "Fine fine, whatever, just get the job done." Looker agrees and looks up his bank accounts. "15 G?" Looker mutters under his breath. Sun goes to a route on mele mele island. "What did he say we had to do?" Lycanroc asks and scratches his head. "We need to catch the teacher after moon is finished with school." Sun answers and hides behind a bush. "Don't you think that's a little too much?" Lycanroc then snickers at how sun looks stupid while hiding in the bush. "Lycanroc, we can't be seen, or we'll give away our position." Sun tells his laughing pokemon and drags him in. "Shut up." Sun shushes and lycanroc bites his finger. "This is unfair, I hate doing this!" Lycanroc growls and punches sun. "You dare talk to me like that!?" Sun tells and starts fighting with his pokemon.

2 school girls walk by to see the 2 fighting

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2 school girls walk by to see the 2 fighting. They giggle on how stupid they looked when they noticed. "Sh*t lycanroc!" Sun blames and lycanroc sticks his tongue out at sun. "Stop blaming your lycanroc, not like it can tell back to you." The girl giggles and walks off with her friend. "Yeah sun, not like I can talk back to you." Lycanroc spits at sun again. "And if I told them I can talk to pokemon, they'd call me crazy." Sun answers, but then the school bell rings. "Schools over." Sun says hids by the baseball field. "There he is." Sun whispers and lycanroc locks on the target. Sun saw a middle aged man in his 40's carrying a suit case. *What's he got in there?* sun thinks. *get it* Charlie whispers and sun agrees. "Hey mister!" Sun calls out and he makes a run for it. As sun runs after him, moon meets up with gladion. The teacher runs and tries to lose sun kn the crowd of people, but lycanroc knew how to find things. "Lycanroc find him!" Sun commands and lycanroc jumps towards the man. "Get away from me you crazy trainer!" The teacher demands as he makes his way to route 5. "Lycanroc, use crunch!" Sun commands and Lycanroc lunges and bites down on the mans arm, causing him to fall and drop the suit case. "Lycanroc, enough! We're trying to get info not kill him!" Sun yells and Lycanroc stops. Sun pulls out a pocket knife "where did you get this brief case?" Sun asks "i-i got it from some man." The teacher answers "not good enough!" Sun yells and raises to his throat. "Ok, ok! A man with red hair and another guy dressed in black gave me this and told me to teach the kids of alola about it. Now please let me go!" The man cries out and sun let's him go. "Get out here now! If I ever see you back in alola again I'll blow your f*cking head off!" Charlie warns through suns voice.

Sun growls as his eyes turn from red to brown again

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Sun growls as his eyes turn from red to brown again. "Come on boy, we need to give this to the looker." Sun says picking up the belief case. Back at the motel, sun places the case on the desk. "We got what we needed. Some sick bastards told him to teach him. Payed him a lot of money to do it." Sun explained and looker looks into the belief case. "Good job sun, here's you pay. Carl and anabel should be coming back soon." Looker says "anymore work? You know where to find me." The looker adds. "Thanks, need to get home now or mom will kill me." Sun kinda lied and got home before it got too dark.

At home during dinner

"And that is what lead up to now." Sun says to you a breaks the 4th wall once again. "I need to go to bed. I got much work to do." Sun says and crawls into bed after changing into his pajamas. Sun remembers the text from lillie, but thought *I'll read it in the morning.* sun thought and sun his eyes to sleep.

"Sun has no idea who he's messing with

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"Sun has no idea who he's messing with." Ash said as he stares at his weak Pikachu. "I'll just have to train harder." Ash says in his cocky voice.

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