Chapter 44 Search Party 🚁

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Sun wakes up and slowly gets out of bed. Typhosion still sits on the porch. "Why couldn't it have been me?!" Typhosion cries, which sun heard. "He saved you. He would've wanted you to live." Sun says. "What are saying?! He's dead?!?" Typhosion asks and shakes sun. "I'm not assuming anything boy, we just need to find him." Sun reassures dusks Typhlosion. "Susan will take you back to the League. I gotta make sure everything is ok back there." Sun says, and typholsion nods in agreement.

At the League

"Hey red, brenden?! Where are you?" Sun calls out. "Hey sun." Green greets. "Where is red or brenden?" Sun asks. "They're training, they should be back soon." Green answers. "Hey sun, I didn't know you were coming to visit." Serena says, as she reads her poke fashion magazine.

"Is calem working I assume

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"Is calem working I assume." Sun assumes and places a hand on his hip. "Him and dawn are working on some cure for some necrozma poison." Green says "may is with the boys, helping them train." Serena adds. Sun looks down at Serenas black stocking feet. *damn calem is lucky to have a girl like that, but he should really take of her* sun thinks. *moon wears the same pair Serena wears, I hope calem and the other boys do what I do to lillie.* sun thinks, then refocuses when green snaps him out. "Sun? Are you okay?" Green ask, and checks suns face. Suns face was bright red and hot as the sun. "You should check on the 2." Green says "oh no, we're here." Red calls out. "Sun, thank Arceus you're here." Brenden says. "Did you find dusk?" Sun asks. "No, we sadly couldn't, charazard got so cold he couldn't get down there." Red answers. "Now what?" Sun asks. "We have a search party going there right now." Red says. Brenden kisses may, before joining in on serena on the couch. "We have a copper with officer Jenny taking charge of things." Brenden says, then sits with green. "Turn on the news people. They're that dusk is missing, they can't find his body." Lucas says, Red quickly turns on the TV.

What showed on the TV was a news copper circling the mountain

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What showed on the TV was a news copper circling the mountain. "Still no sign of the champions brother dusk, but there has been signs of life. The rescue team is going into this temple and are tring to recover the body. This is PNP (pokemon news prodcast) signing off." The news reporter says. "They haven't found his body?" Sun asks, with some tears in his eyes. Sun falls on his knees and starts to ball. Serena gets on her knees to comfort sun. "Shhhh, shhhh, oh honey, I'm so sorry." Serena comforts sun, running her hand up and down his back. Serena hugs sun and shushes him. "My brothers......Dead?" Sun says in between sobs. "I'm sure they'll find him." Red says, with a bit of hope. "We should, give sun some space." Calem suggests, Dawn feeling sorry for him. Lillie calls up sun "hey sun, can you come see me? I know what you're feeling is pain. I want to be there to comfort you." Lillie says over the phone. "Ok, I'll be there soon babe." Sun says and rushes out the door. Sun rushes past Susan and typhosion. "What's wrong with sun?" Susan asks calem. "You have no idea." Calem answers, with a sad tone im his voice.

At the aether paradise

Sun meets up with lillie. "Sun, I'm so sorry.  Lillie apologies. "I brought him here and now he's gone." Sun says with tears flowing down his cheeks. Lycanroc looks sad too. "At least he's with your dad now." Lillie says and kisses sun. "Im gonna go see moon." Gladion says and walks to the nearest boat.

In lillies room

Sun and lillie lay in bed. Sun lays his head on her chest. "Sun, I know dusk was your best friend and brother, but you can't let this break you." Lillie coos and strokes suns head. "Here, rest you head on my chest." Lillie offers. "I don't want to be a prev." Sun says and whimpers. "Don't worry, it's not being perverted, I don't want you to think that." Lillie purrs, and let's Sun rest his head on her breasts. Sun slowly drifts off to sleep.

Flash back

"For the last time girly, hand over the back!" A team skull member grunt demands. "N-no, Help!" Lillie calls out. Sun steps in front of lillie, to protect her, from the tram skull grunt member. "What are you gonna do about it boy?!" The grant member asks, being all cocky.

"To kick your ass!" Sun answers

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"To kick your ass!" Sun answers. Rockruff growls at him. "Oh sure, you think your boyfriend is some hot stuff, don't you think girly." The team skull grant cackles. Lillie blushes a bright red, as sun sends his rockruff to attack the grunts drowzee. *from that forward, I knew lillie would love me. I was surprised.* sun thinks in his dream.

Sun wakes up

Suns phone rings and picks up his phone. "Hello?" Sun asks. "Hello sun, this is officer jenny. I have recovered something from the hole by this temple. You might want to see it." Jenny says through phone. Sum slowly gets up from lillies chest pillow and puts om his water shoes. "Sun? Where are you going?" Lillie asks, rubbing her eyes, with a cute yawn. "You know who else like surprises?" Lycanroc asks with a nasty smile.

"If you say my mom, I'm not gonna get you any chips for a months

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"If you say my mom, I'm not gonna get you any chips for a months." Sun warns. Lycanroc doesn't and growls at him. "You're a buzz kill." Lycanroc says and rushes to the boat. "Wait for me lillie, I'll be back in a bit." Sun says and rushes off. "I'll see you later for dinner!" Lillie calls out, before sun shuts the door behind him. *I really hope they found dusk.* lillie hopes in her thought, then puts her shoes on. "Lillie! Can you help me with dinner!" Lusamine calls out. "Coming mother!" Lillie calls back.

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