Chapter 63 Orgin Of The Rings

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"What do you mean?" Sun asks. "These rings that we got, turns out there was a major back story to them." Red explains more. "What about dusks ring, there's only 6 of us, when I know we had 7." Sun says, knowing thw hat is all they got from the drench. Brenden shows sun, dusks ring. "But how? They only found has hat." Sun asks. "We recovered the ring, at the bottom at the waterfall. And we found it all by its lonesome." Calem explains. "So, now what?" Sun asks "well, these rings were owned by 7 kings before you found them." Red answers.

Story flash back

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Story flash back

Long time ago, these 7 kings owned 7 kingdoms. But these kings hated eachother more then anything. The reason is, they all wanted the same thing, which was to rule all the kingdoms. Then the god of pokemon Arceus gave these 7 kings a ring of their choosing. So all 7 kings picked one ring and the had the power. But what the kings didn't know, was that this was a test to see if they would treat their pokemon with respect. But the god of pokemon was wrong, one of the kings thought he was more powerful then Arceus. Arceus was not to pleased to hear that from the king, so he decided to make all 7 kings go to war. This war lasted over 30 years, being the longest war in history. The soldier that sun is reading about, he made a story off this war for 10 years. This was the kalos war. Those 7 kings wanted to rule kalos, but all 7 kings died trying. After a long war, the rings were what everyone wanted, but they were lost after the war. I still don't know how you were able to find them. After the fall out of the kalos take over when team flare, the main bad guys left. Then team flare tried again till calem stopped them. Now a days, the rings are only to those who have good intentions on everything.

After the flashback story

"So now, we own these rings, and our leader had 2 rings on his fingers to show his leadership and power." Red explains, ending the story. "Sun, tell us, how did yoh find the rings?" Lucas asks.

Another flashback

When I was a little boy, I was just playing with Oshawott, till I found the ring by the river. I followed them through kanto, till they stopped at a near by town. I scooped them up and toke them home, but for some reason I felt a strange power come from these rings.

So i let oshawott hold one and he evolved

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So i let oshawott hold one and he evolved. I was only 7 years old, a year before I was gonna lose him. And till that day forward me and dewott became the bestest of friends. And it was all thanks to the rings.

End of the flashback

"Oh wow, that's awesome, they were just floating there?" Lucas asks. "Yeah I can't believe it either." Sun says, but feels sad about what happened to his poor dewott. "So sun, what should we do with dusks ring? I'm sure he won't need it where he's going." Red asks. "Don't say it like that red, you sounded a bit evil." Sun points out. Red snaps out of it. "F*ck You're right! What the hell was i thinking?! This is dusks ring. We should save it, in this lovely glass case." Red says and places the ring in and places the case on dusks desk. "Stay safe dusk, you'll always in our thoughts." Red says, that made everyone feel war hearted.

"Hey guys, are you hungry? I got dinner cooking and some hungry mouths to feed

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"Hey guys, are you hungry? I got dinner cooking and some hungry mouths to feed." Dawn says cheerfully. "Sun, i made your favorite." Dawn says cheerfully. *that's nice of her. Im sure I'll enjoy it.* sun thinks.

At the dinner table

Sun looks at the plate of fish and chips. "I love fish and chips, thank you." Sun says gracefully. Dawn gives sun a kiss on his cheek. "You're welcome sweetie." Dawn says, giving him the smile with closed eyes. Everyone eats, but sun eats slower, but he thinks about that charmeleon. *that charmeleon looks so thin. Has joof ever fed him? What the hell is his problem.* sun thinks, and swallows his food hard. Sun looks over at lycanroc, eating his poke food with the other pokemon. *compared to lycanroc, my pokemon looks healthy. I don't know how that poor pokemon has survived for so long?* sun think some more. Dinner went normally, and quiet. After eating, sun went with lucas outside to view the setting sun. "Hey sun, do you think the world will ever go back to normal?" Lucas asks. "Why do you asks that?" Sun asks. "With all these ultra beasts and monorail work and your evil demon. How can we cope with any of it?" Lucas replys. "You're right lucas, we need to focus on the problem at the matter. Dusk is just gone, and I don't know if we'll ever get him back." Sun answers. "What do you wanna do?" Lucas asks. "We have to make sure ash doesn't win my title, he's as toxic as a poison type pokemon." Sun answers, feeling some anger go towards him. "Damn right sun, we train your lycanroc and don't stop till ash is over. And if joof is being a real b*tch about it, then that just the way it is." Lucas says.

Sun and lucas look at the dusk sky

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Sun and lucas look at the dusk sky. "Funny, it's almost like dusk is looking down at us right now." Lucas chuckles. "I wish there was more I could do." Sun says with regret. "Look sun, you did all you could, nothing in this world comes with a price." Lucas reassures him. "Thanks lucas, I think it's best if we go to bed now." Sun suggests. "I guess so, we need some rest for tommorow." Lucas says.

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