Chapter 90 Old Stories Old Scars

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During the nap

"Why am I back here? Haven't I been here for 3 months?" Sun asks. "Sun, you need to save that Charmeleon. He's being abused as we speak." Charlie says. "Why dude? Hes owned by another trainer." Sun says. "Sun, this poor once a charamader doesn't deserve a life like this. I know you are able to save this poor charmeleon. Please sun, you just save him." Charlie pleads. "I don't know if joof is even around, but I'll see what I can do." Sun says. *hopefully I can be able to find him before he leaves with the poor thing.* sun thinks. "Tell me about this poor pokemon?" Sun asks. "A long time ago, Joof was a spoiled brat that failed poke school. He was given many things and a charmander was his biggest gift." Charlie explains.

"From the day this poor pokemon was born, he immediately started abusing it

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"From the day this poor pokemon was born, he immediately started abusing it. Forcing it to attack and attack. Never giving it an ounce of Mercy." Charlie explains. "He trained that poor charmander into evolving into a Charmeleon. Then trained it till he faints everytime." Charlie explains even more. "Poor charmeleon, I think you're right." Sun says, but then had to wake up.


Sun wakes up to the shining sun on his face. "What the hell?! How the hell did it become morning?!" Sun calls out as Rowlet flies out of the room like a real life scared bird would do. "Sorry sunny bunny, you were just a way passed blacked out." Lillie apologizes. Lillie then holds both of her hands and blushes. "Sorry baby, i shouldn't get mad like that." Sun says and gets up from the bed. "What do you plan to do today?" Lillie asks. "I don't know, I just want to rest, but there's something on my mind." Sun says. "It's okay, you cam tell me." Lillie says and sits on the bed with sun. "I feel bad for that charmeleon, he doesn't deserve this." Sun says, lillie doesn't know what to say, but she kisses him on the lips. "You'll do the right thing sun, you always do." Lillie says and sun kisses her back. "You're right lillie, I should do what's right." Sun says, he then grabs about cup of milk. "Hey sun, where do you think you're going?" Mom asks, she knew sun was up to something due to the look on his face.

"I'm going out for a bit, I'll he back before dinner again

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"I'm going out for a bit, I'll he back before dinner again." Sun says and rushes out of the house. "What am I gonna do with that boy?" Mom asks. "I don't know, he's my boyfriend." Lillie answers and drank some more milk.

On akala island

Sun meets up with the looker again. "Sun? What are you doing here?" Looker asks. "I know we're done doing work together, but all I need to know is where joof is hiding at?" Sun asks, the looker wasn't sure, but agreed since sun helped them out before. "Okay sun, you helped us alot. There's no way we're gonna let you go off on your own." Carl adds quickly. "No carl, I just need to know where he is. I can't ask you to risk your life." Sun says and lycanroc agrees. "Suns right, we need to stop whatever joof is planning next." Lycanroc says, but to them it was just a bunch of barking. "What's he saying?" Susan asks, since they don't understand pokemon language. "He says it's our job to take on joof on our own. To show the world we can stop any threat." Sun explains, which wasn't exactly what lycanroc says, but lycanroc didn't protest.

"Here sun, take this weapon, you're gonna need it

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"Here sun, take this weapon, you're gonna need it." Anabel says. "Anabel? Since when were you the weapon type?" Sun chuckles and takes the weapon. He then places it in his backpack. "You should go now, you'll have a better chance to find him that way." Susan says. "I'll see you around." Sun says sadly, knowing that they have to leave. Sun then gets a phone call from lucas. "Hey sun, I hear you're going after joof." Lucas assumes. "How did you know?" Su asks. "Call it a hunch, are you sure you want to do this?" Lucas asks. "Yeah, joof needs to buy for what he did to his poor starter pokemon." Sun says over the phone. "Meet me at the ranch, I got something to give you." Lucas says.

At the ranch

"Hey Lucas, what did you need me here for?" Sun asks. "Lucas hands sun a TM move return. "Why did you give me this?" Sun asks. "Your lycanroc needs to start loving you more. The more he loves you, the more he'll listen to you." Lucas says. "But he listens to me already." Sun says, lycanroc begs his differ.

"Well anyways, thanks lucas

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"Well anyways, thanks lucas. Im sure I'll use this." Sun says and stuffs it in his backpack. "I know where joof is." Lucas says. "Really?" Sun asks. "Yeah, he's by the fancy hotel. Not the one where lillie stayed at, the one where that weird Pikachu wedding lillie told me about." Lucas says. "That place? I'm surprised he has the money to afford such a place." Sun says. "Well sun, I'll see you around." Lucas says and runs off. *Okay joof, this ends here. I'll end you. And crush your spirit. The way you crushed that poor charmeleons spirit." Sun says in his head.

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