Chapter 22 Player 🙊

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Sun wakes up in a cold bed on a cold somewhat dark morning. *it's not the same if lillie isn't in bed with me.* sun thought. He then gets a call from kukui. "Hey sun, uh you might not like this, but lillie was with ash last night." Kukui says to sun. "What?! Why?!" Sun asks with a bit of rage. "I don't know, ash was a little to close last night." Kukui answers and signs off. Lillie then rushes insides suns house and balls on the floor. "Lillie?! What's wrong?!" Mom asks and she helps lillie get comfy.


Lillie curls up in a blanket as mom hands her some tea. "What happened?" Mom asks and lillie cries a bit. "What's wrong with lillie?" Sun asks and lillie rushes to sun. Sun wasn't mad, just confused why lillie was with ash last night. "Lillie what happened to you?" Sun asks as he set her on his bed. Mom places the tea on the night stand. "I'll leave you two alone." Mom says and goes to the kitchen to fix the 2 something to eat. Sun places his hand on lillies shin and rubs his thumb on her ankle, which calmed her down a bit. "I don't know, ash must've put some kind of spell or something." Lillie answers and sips her tea.

Flash back

"He started with brushing my hair after dinner, but ash was a little too touchy."

"Then, he toke me to the bed and I had no choice but to stay with him

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"Then, he toke me to the bed and I had no choice but to stay with him. He grabbed my rear end. I never felt so violated in my life." Lillie says through tears.

End of flash back

"That son of a b*tch!" Sun says sounding pissed. "Sun, calm down, I know ash." Lillie reassures. "Lillie, your trust him still?! He touched you in a f*cking wrong area!" Sun shouts. "I know, but maybe he was just too into the spooning." Lillie reassures. Sun couldn't believe what he was hearing. Sun leaves the house and rushes to kukuis house. Kukui opens the door, and sun let's himself in. "Where is he?! Where is that cocky self centered son of a b*tch!?" Sun shouts and ash hides in a closet. "Calm down sun, don't do anything stupid." Kukui says, but sun wasn't having it. Sun opens the closet, since he saw ash go in it and starts beating the sh*t out of hom till his nose bled. "Pikachu! Use thunderbolt!" Ash commands through his pain. Pikachu charges up, but lycanroc comes in and howls to make rocks fall from the ceiling. A small explosion rings out at kukuis house. Everything was crispy. "I'm going to take a shower." Kukui says and grabs a towel.  Ash spits out some blood and sun threatens to punch him again. "If you ever touch lillie again, I'll kill you!" Charlie growls through suns voice and sun stutters. Lycanroc growls at pickachu, to make sure he doesn't try anything stupid. Sun drops ash as pickachu comforts his trainer. Sun leaves the house as he did when that crazy fan tried to break into lillies room. Sun then gets a call from burnet once he made his way into route 6. "Sun hi, I wanted to thank you for yesterday. Kukui says you've been going off the deep end, what's wrong sweetie?" Burnet comforts through the phone. "Nothing, I just head a bit of an argument this morning." Sun answers, trying to hide his pain. "You sure?" Burnet asks and sun responds with a ah huh. They sign off amd sun sits on a log. "What just happened just back there?" Lycanroc asks and pats sun on the back.

"I don't know lycanroc, I don't want to lose her

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"I don't know lycanroc, I don't want to lose her. But this bastard just doesn't get it." Sun growls. *you did the right thing, we showed that kid whose boss* Charlie says in suns head. *not now man, I haven't given any thought at what we were doing." Sun says to his demon dragon. "Are you ok sun?" Lycanroc says to sun. "I'm fine, i just haven't gotten my head straight." Sun answers and hides his face. "We'll get through this." Sun says and hugs his pokemon.


Sun sits in his room when his sister got home. "Hey sun, how are you?" She asks as she lays in bed next to him. "You worry me." She adds as she plays with this hair. "Im fine, why do you care?" Sun asks "cause you're my brother and I love you." Moon answers and kisses his cheek. Moon hardly ever kisses sun anymore. "Why aren't you with gladion." Moon opens suns bedroom door to see gladion and lillie talking while drinking tea. "When did gladion show up?" Sun asks "he's been here time to time." Moon answers and lays back in bed. Vulpix comes in and nuzzles with sun as a hello. "Hi there." Sun greets "snowy!" Lillie calls out and walks in on moon and sun. "I'm so sorry, snowy just wanted to say hi." Lillie apologies.

Snowy barks "Hi sun, I missed you and lycanroc

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Snowy barks "Hi sun, I missed you and lycanroc. It feels like forever." Vulpix says and licks suns face. After Vulpix and sun catching up for a bit, everyone goes to the living room as mom made lunch. "Hey gladion, have you been treating my sister right?" Sun asks "yes I have." Gladion answers with a chuckle. Moon kisses gladion on the cheek. "Do me a favor you two, why don't you two hang out together. Surely you got some catching up to do." Mom suggests. "That's not a bad idea, what do ya say sun?" Gladion asks. "What's the catch?" Sun asks. "For moon and lillie to catch up too. Surely they should talk about girl stuff without boys being around." Mom giggles. "Sure, come on gladion, why don't me and you go to the poke park. Haven't seen that place in over 2 years." Sun says and gladion smiles at suns idea.

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