Chapter 80 Stat raising

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At candies house

Sun and candy sit on the pillows while watching t.v. "im glad you're here sun. I'm glad your lycanroc loved the drink." Candy says. "How did you do it?" Sun asks. "I used my grandma's recipe." Candy says and shows sun how to make a can. "That's cool candy, you seem to be like doing this." Sun says and drinks the tea. "Hi candy, im home!" Candies grandma calls out. "Oh, i can see you brought a guest." She says and waves at sun. "Hi grandma, I brought sun over to stay the night. He has a big pokemon match and his crown in on the line." Candy says. "I think I know a way to max out his lycanrocs power." Candies grandma says. She then brings out a big college in it starts filling with herbs saying weird things. "This sound work, I'm going to show you how to make this yourself." Candies grandma says. The liquid soon turns purple and candies grandma scoops the liquid into a glass bottle. She then gives it to sun.

Sun opens the bottle and gives it to lycanroc

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Sun opens the bottle and gives it to lycanroc. "Here lycanroc, take this." Sun instructs. Lycanroc takes the bottle and drinks all the liquid down to the last drop. "How do you feel?" Sun asks. "I don't feel anything. Do I look any different?" Lycanroc asks. "So, did it work?" Candy asks. "He says, he doesn't feel it." Sun says. "That's strange, I'm sure that it would work." Candies grandma starts, but then lycanroc howls. He felt power course through his veins as blue electricity starts showing up around him. Then glowing light shows up as lycanrocs howls loudly. After that, lycanroc seemed more stronger, and got a bolt tattoo on his wrist. "I knew it would work." Candies grandma says, being a gypsy and all. "How do you feel?" Sun asks again. "I feel power!" Lycanroc howls as he shakes with blue electricity. "Lycanroc is fully powerful now, but every pokemon isn't perfect. You'll feel damage still, but at least you can feel some invincibility." Candies grandma says. "Thanks grandma." Candy says. "Oh, would you look at the time. It's time for bed." Candies grandma says. "Come on sun, let's go to bed." Candy adds. "Now I look awesome! This bolt tattoo goes great with my scar." Lycanroc says. "You look cool either way boy." Sun says, as he lays in the bed.

Candy soon joins sun in bed

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Candy soon joins sun in bed. "Thanks for all your help candy. I'm gonna make sure I return the debt in full." Sun says. "You already had." Candy says as she kisses sun on the cheek. The 2 slowly drift off to sleep.

In suns dream.

"What the hell am I doing back here again?" Sun ask, looking around empty room in his head. "Child, don't do anything stupid just to get some respect, you're better than that" suns dad says. "I you know what I'm doing Dad, I'm pretty sure we kept the edge on him. Thanks to the new Power we got and my ultra ring." Sun says. "Your father is right. This isn't going to be an easy battle." Charlie says and slowly files down. "I know that, but i can't just let this 11 year old kid run his mouth. He already tried to make my girlfriend cheat on me." Sun says. "Just be careful out there. Remember, when I battled rayquaza?" Dewott asks. " sun, let me help you. I got your back incase anything goes wrong. You got the ring and new powerful lycanroc. I'm sure if we combined our power, we can be unstoppable." Charlie suggests.

"Charlie, im sure we can do it

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"Charlie, im sure we can do it. Ashes Pikachu can be beaten by a level 5 starter and his Pikachu is level 100." Sun explains. "That didn't really matter, since we fought Emilio and i still died." Dewott says. "That was my fault dewott. I didn't train you hard enough. And now i had to pay the price." Sun says and kneels to pet his lost pokemons head. "You did what you could sun, and you managed to stop Emilio 2 years ago. I'd say you earned that win." Dewott says and comes closer to suns touch.

Flash back (in a dream? Weird I know)

"Back when I was little, I thought I was going to be alone for the rest of my life. All I wanted to do was grow, and get strong, and go on adventures. Sadly no one wanted me, cuz I didn't look strong enough." Dewott says with a sad look. "I was never picked, but the other 2 were picked and I was left in a lab all alone. I would usually cry and cry in the night." Dewott adds. "I thought no one was gonna pick me, until the day I met you." Dewott says.

"What are you doing all alone little guy?" Little sun asks

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"What are you doing all alone little guy?" Little sun asks. "Oshawott." The little sea otter pokemon says. "Oh cool, you're the same color as my shirt." Sun says and shows the sea otter his shirt. "Finally, after all this time. Somebody wanted me. You toke me into your arms and we grew as one." Dewott says. The Oshawott jumps into little suns arms and nuzzles with him. "Aw, that's so cute. Hey little boy, you want to hold on to Oshawott till your turn 10?" The professor asks. "Yes, i like this little guy." Little sun says. "Well, if you like him that much, hes yours." The professor says, and pets the young boy on the hat. "Thank you!" Little sun says.

At the end of the dream flashback

"You were kind to a lonely little pokemon like me. And I died to defend your honor, so now im willing to share my power with you." Dewott says and hugs sun. "Go on child, you still got a lot of work to do before that big battle." Sun dad says, and hugs him too.

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