Chapter 56 Wise Carl And A Smart Lucas🤕

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Sun wakes up, lillie still in his arms. He yawns and rolls over. His phone then buzzes. *What the hell?* sun thinks, thank Arceus it was on slient. Sun picks up his phone, the caller ID read carl. "Hey Carl, what's up? Are we doing another mission?" Sun asks. "No sun, not at the moment." Carl answers "let me tell you, you did your very best yesterday. I'm surprised by your performance." Carl adds on the phone. "Thanks Carl, um what did you want to talk about? If this is about last night I'm sorry." Sun replays. Carl laughs. "Don't worry, my dear boy. Just wanted to give a bit of advice." Carl says. "Sure." Sun says. "The ring that you have has power, that's why you pokemon listens to you. Look on page 238 you'll see the stones they kings used." Carl says, then signs off. *kings? My ring?* sun thinks in his head. He then goes to the page Carl suggested and sees the stones the soldiers took pictures of.

*these gems are the same gems from the secret lake. Did Lucas knew about this?* sun think, he shuts the book. "We should go ask him." Lycanroc suggests. "Good idea." Sun says, but before he could leave, lillie was sitting on the bed. "Morning babe, I know you'll be busy, I'll see you in a while." Lillie says with a smile.

The pokemon League

"Eh yo, lucas, can I ask you something?" Sun asks, lucas gets up from the couch. Dawn blows him a kiss. "Sure sun, what do you got?" Lucas asks. When they finally were alone, sun asks. "How did you know about the lake of gems?" Sun asks. "Is that what those shiny rocks are? I was just walking, till I stumbled upon it. I thought you'd like to see it, since you dropped your promise ring in the lake, due to the fans." Lucas explains. *that makes sense.* sun thinks. "Then, how did Rick and Dennis know? Were they looking for the lake?" Sun asks. "I think they've seen the book before, but weren't able to find the right lake." Lucas assumes. "Did you know any ponytas? The special ponyta?" Sun asks. Lucas thinks back.

Flash back 2 years ago

Lucas hikes in the woods of poni island. "What the? Hey!" Lucas calls out, but the ponyta runs away.

Lucas chases after the ponyta, but lost it. That's how he found the lake. "Whoa?! This lake looks amazing, i have to tell someone about this." Lucas says to himself. He thinks about it, and decides that sun was the right person to tell. *maybe one of these gems can make sun a new promise ring?* lucas thinks.

End of flashback

"Oh yeah, that shiny ponyta. That was the reason I found the lake. I just wanted to check om this strange pokemon." Lucas explains. "You've seen the ponyta before?" Sun asks "yeah, I got lucky too. For some reason, I got some insane luck?" Lucas explains. "Thanks for telling me dude. You know where acerola is?" Sun asks. "I think she was with calem doing some research on the poison." Lucas assumes, which wasn't a good idea to disturb them. "Ok, thanks lucas, I'll see you later." Sun says. He sits on one of the couches, Serena places her stocking feet on his lap. "Hey sun, we've been in alola for a month. How does it feel being the champ?" Serena asks, sun kneads her stocking feet a bit. "Well, it's not all fun in games, it's hard to keep the title when a lot of other trainers want what you want." Sun says, then looks over. Serena snores due to suns amazing foot massage. *wow calems girl is relax.* sun thinks and kneads for a little while longer.


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Sun meets up with gladion again. "You talked with that gypsy woman right?" Gladion asks. "Yeah, why?" Sun asks. "Because some girl named candy thought I was you. I don't know if we even look remotely alike." Gladion explains. "Oh yeah, i don't know what candy is thinking sometimes. But I'm sure it was important." Sun assumes. "Where's moon?" Sun asks. "I don't know, she's working with your mom at the office. Says it's for extra credit points or some bullsh*t." Gladion answers. "I remember doing that the 1st time I came over here." Sun says, which was very stressful for him. "Can't blame you. Is my sister doing ok?" Gladion asks "she was asking about dusk yesterday." Gladion adds. "Really? I'm not sure it phased her." Sun assumes. "Of course it did." Gladion snaps, which kinda scared sun. "She told me that, she never seen you so sad in all her life. I know dusks disappearance was really traumatizing, but we can't afford ti fall apart." Gladion explains to sun. "What have you been up to lately?" Gladion asks. "I've been working on stuff." Sun just shot out. "Lillie told me you stopped that ash guy from trying to do unspeakable things to her. You did well sun, how did you?" Gladion asks. Sun remembers the pokemon battle with the abused charmeleion. "I just told him firmly to stop and I think he got the message." Sun stretches the truth. "That's great sun, I'll be sure to do the same if any guy tries to kiss my moon." Gladion says.

Sun head to a poke center

As he sat to get his drink, sun hears chairle talking to him again. *sun, the way ash is talking to lillie is starting to anger me* charile growls, and that got sum worried. *What should we do?* sun asks, as he drank his moo moo milk fast. Charile roar as fire burns up his head.

"Ash is up to no good, we got to stop him before he does something to lillie!" Lycanroc growls

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"Ash is up to no good, we got to stop him before he does something to lillie!" Lycanroc growls. "You're right, we have to go now!" Sun says, both him anf lycanroc rush out of the pokemon center.

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