Chapter 6 He Will Never Be My Friend!😾

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"What the hell are you doing here?!" Sun demands, lillie quickly turns her head "sun!" She snaps. Sun jolts in surprise, since lillie never yelled at him like that. "Hey lillie, you ready to go?" Ash asks placing his hands in his pockets. "Yeah ash, ash this is my boyfriend, sun." Lillie introduces and sun gives ash a glare. Ash stares at sun in the eyes. Lycanroc lets out a low growl at the pikachu. "Sun, lycanroc, be nice, ash is our guest." Lillie says and sun accuses himself. "Excuse us minute." Sun says then slams the door. "Lillie, why is ash here?" Sun demanding to know. "Sun, I thought it would be nice if you and ash bonder." Lillie assumes trying to calm sun down. "Lillie, this was suppose to be our date night. We have no room for a 3rd wheel." Sun says and lillie rolls her eyes. "Sun, I know we're dating, but you don't control who I can hang with." Lillie says with her arms folded. Sun lets out a sigh "I just wanted to enjoy some time with you. I didn't think someone else would come." Sun sun says a feeling a little down. Lillie places her hand on suns cheek "come on sun, let's just give this a chance." Lillie says and grabs sun by his hand. Sun, lillie, and ash go to the restaurant that sun and lillie went. "I love seafood." Ash lets out, which sun didn't care for. Lillie ordered the speciality of the house.

Sun turns to you "yes, I know this got dark very fast

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Sun turns to you "yes, I know this got dark very fast. I need to lay down after this. I always wonder if we eat pokemon?" Sun gets a bit off topic with you. "Sun, darling, eat up please." Lillie reminds him and sun smiles at lillie. "This is delicious." Ash claims *No one asked you Ashley.* sun says in his mind. "So uh lillie, I actually missed the times we spend." Ash says placing his hand on lillies hand. Lillie gives off a slight blush "ash, that is inappropriate." Lillie quietly says and pulls her hand away. "Come on lillie, it's been so long. Just want to respark that feeling." Ash says and tries to grab lillies hand. "I'm sitting right here Ashley. I'm here boyfriend." Sun says with his arms folded. "So, I have as much right to love lillie as much as you." Ash claims. "But I'm her boyfriend, meaning you should respect her and stop touching her." Sun says and demands ash stop touching lillie.

Suns eyes were as wide as the full moon

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Suns eyes were as wide as the full moon. "Let go of lillie!" Sun orders and ash gets up from the table. "Maybe I should leave." Ash assumes and walks out. "Ash!" Lillie calls out, but sun places a hand on her shoulder. "Let him go." Sun says and lillie rushes after him. *did I do something wrong?" Sun thinks to himself. "The bill sir." The waiter points out. "Yes yes of course." Sun says and hands some pokedollars for the meal. "I'll liked a carry out box please." Sun asks and the waiter nods in agreement. "Of course sir." The waiter says and waits to get a takeout box. When sun got home, he saw moon working on some homework. "Hey moon, I got you some food." Sun says "thanks sun, I was hungry." Moon says and takes the box from sun. *damn she sure was hungry.* sun thought and goes to his room. "So, how was your date? Where's lillie?" Mom asks "she went with ash. I know she won't abandon me. It was my fault." Sun says while changing into his pajamas. "I'm just tired right now." Sun says and lays in bed. Mom lays next to sun in bed. "Lillie won't be home till later, so I'll take this time to enjoy time with you." Mom say with a sigh as she lays on the bed with sun. "I remembered I use to do this with moon 2 years ago." Mom says and kisses sun on the cheek. "That seems so long ago." Sun says with a frown. "Don't worry sun, moon will grown out of it soon." Mom assumes which got sun a little hope. "Yeah I guess you're right." Sun says and kisses mom goodnight on the cheek.

The morning sun slowly rises

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The morning sun slowly rises. Sun tries to place his hand on lillies face. Lillie slaps suns hand away, which means go away. Sun was ok with that, t wasn't the 1st time she'd get mad before. No relationship is perfect. Sun goes to the living room to see moon and gladion making out on the couch. "Moon? Gladion? Isn't it a bit early to be making out in the living room?" Sun asks "go away sun." Moon demands. "Noe babe, be nice, suns right. We should be at least resting in bed rather then the couch. Moon rolls her eyes a bit and takes gladion by the hand. "Come on, that's go somewhere away from this peeping tom." Moon says and gladion chuckles. *that's my sister.* sun says with a bit a sorrow. In suns bag the 3 stones start to glow as the sun rises. Sun heads out of the house and looks towards the ocean. "It's weekend, thank god ita weekend." Sun says to himself. "You're telling me. I'm tired of going to work for a while." Lycanroc says while letting out a yawn. "So, what are gonna do today?" Lycanroc asks. "I don't know, maybe go to the league." Sun says. He turns his head to the right to see and tall man in a black trench coat. "Hey, you got a problem with mr buddy?!" Sun calls him out. "Hello sun, it's been a long time." The man says "who are you? How do you know my name?" Sun asks looking forward. "You probably don't remember me, but we beat Necrozma together." The man says and takes off his hat. "Carl...?" Sun asks not believing what he's seeing.

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